CSCI 361: Computer Architecture

Fall 2011

Instructor: Mike P. Wittie

Course Description

The computer lies at the heart of computing. Without it most of the computing disciplines today would be a branch of theoretical mathematics. To be a professional in any field of computing today, one should not regard the computer as just a black box that executes programs by magic. All students of computing should acquire some understandings and appreciation of a computer system's functional components, their characteristics, their performance, and their interactions. There are practical implications as well. Students need to understand computer architecture in order to structure a program so that it runs more efficiently on a real machine. In selecting a system to use, they should be able to understand the tradeoff among various components, such as CPU clock speed vs. memory size. - JTFCC

This course will teach students about the organization of modern computing machines with emphasis on design for performance and program optimization.

Course Prerequisites

CSCI 132: Basic Data Structures and Algorithms (CS 221)



Lecture: MTW 8-8:50AM in ROBH 218

Course schedule, lecture slides, and assignments will be posted on the course D2L page (soon).

Office Hours

Mike Wittie: MW 9-10:30AM in EPS 361

Unspecified TA: TBA

Course Textbook:

William Stallings - Computer Organization and Architecture

Class Attendance

Class attendance is mandatory. You are responsible for the material covered in class. Prepare in advance for class by reading and studying the assigned text, and by making sure you understand the previous lecture.

Assignments and Grading

Grades will be based on the class project (more details soon), homework, midterm exam(s), and the final exam.

There will be NO makeup exams!

Unless otherwise instructed, all programming assignments must be submitted by 11:59PM on the due date. Late assignments will loose 10% of credit for every hour they are late. Homework assignments must be completed individually. The project will be completed in pairs.

Policy on Academic Integrity - NO Joke

The integrity of the academic process requires that credit be given where credit is due. Accordingly, it is a breach of academic integrity to present the ideas or works of another as one's own work, or to permit another to present one's work without customary and proper acknowledgment of authorship. Students may collaborate with other students only as expressly permitted by the instructor. Students are responsible for the honest completion and representation of their work, the appropriate citation of sources and the respect and recognition of others' academic endeavors. According to Montana State University Conduct Guidelines and Grievance Procedures for Students, academic misconduct includes cheating, plagiarism, forgery, falsification, facilitation or aiding academic dishonesty; multiple submission, theft of instructional materials or tests; unauthorized access to, manipulation of or tampering with laboratory equipment, experiments, computer programs, or animals without proper authorization; alteration of grades or files; misuse of research data in reporting results; use of personal relationships to gain grades or favors, or otherwise attempting to obtain grades or credit through fraudulent means.

Students with Disabilities

A student who desires accommodation for a disability must submit appropriate documentation of the disability and request for accommodations to The Office of Disability, Re-Entry, and Veteran’s Services Room #155 Strand Union Building, (406-994-2824).