CSCI 215: Social and Ethical Issues of Computing

I found a few links online about public speaking.........I don't agree with many statements, so I'll cover both good and bad hints in class.

Amazon has over 100 pages of books on public speaking. Must be an easy topic to write about......or/and....

RULE # 1 and most important rule......"Do NOT PICTURE EVERYONE IN THE AUDIENCE NAKED!" for obvious reasons, but the most important reason: I might be in the audience.


You can be the best speaker in the world but if your content stinks nobody will listen. EPC story.
Use your own words. Don't be fake. Some great speakers never get this down.
Do not take a whole written out speech with you on stage.
Use keywords, small points, reminders, even stage reminders like "Pause" "breathe", "slow". Napkin story, Commencment story.

Speaking from memory

This is actually an excellent way to speak if:
  1. you have a real talent for it,
  2. other people agree you have a talent for it, "My family says...
  3. you relate well to live audiences and like to think on your feet,
  4. you have given the same speech many times before, or
  5. the occasion is so informal that you know lapses will be forgiven.
Don't do a brain dump. Think about what you're saying; don't go into automatic gear so that you become unstoppable. Be flexible. Many Comedians story
Don't ramble. When your audience is aware you have no notes, they may worry where you're going with the subject matter and how long it will take you to get there. Also be on the lookout for vagueness and inaccuracy or the appearance thereof.
Nasa Story
Have notes available, just in case. It never hurts to have notes on hand that you don't need to use. Me, Always
Believe your content and share it with the audience, don't upchuck it, share it.


You can have the best content in the world but if your presentation stinks nobody will listen.

Eye Contact

Mitch Hedberg - one of the most original unique comics of all time.....he was terrified, he did half his shows with his eyes closed.
Mitch Hedberg Just for Laughs (no poise, no eyes, it's all timing)
Much more animated approach to delivery
A much more reserved presentation...genius of facial expressions, voice control and timing (I used to use a video of Bill Cosby, who was a genius at timing and self control......but possibly not a good person so I am moved it to another great story teller)
A man that can say a thousand things without saying a thing
You shouldn't stare at your feet, or close your eyes, but there are tricks. Me story.

Don't rush, take your time, ease into your points. Jerod story.
Do not read your speech, especially your slides. Reference only.
Slides - Do not put your whole speech on slides, I use pictures with maybe a keyword or two. NASA ding story.
Don't lock yourself behind the podium, screen, ect. ect. (interact)
Study good speakers. Preachers and pastors are usually some of the best. Politicians, comics, motivational. Some great speakers are terrible 'speakers', some terrible speakers are great 'speakers'.
Video links


Don't memorize, but actually live the presentation.

Helpful hints

The audience is your friend. Nobody wants to hear a bad speech. Nobody is rooting for you to fail.
Do not cuss
Do not apologize for being nervous or feeling uncomfortable, it doesn't make you feel better and it does make the audience uncomfortable.
Experience gains confidence......keep doing it. So many, many stories that are relative for this point.
This one is definitely interpreted different ways ====== "Know your audience" it's easier to talk to friends than stranger =====I do not believe this. I'd much rather speak to strangers. But I do know the make up of my audience, overall generalities of my audience. One tips page stated show up early and greet your audience as they come in........I hate that from both sides on so many levels.