CSCI 112
Lab 8 - Grade Multiple Choice Exam



Deliverables (DUE BY MIDNIGHT ON  03/28/2013):

TO DO (for this lab)

$ Lab8 < examdat.txt > report.txt

5 dbbac
111 dabac
102 dcbdc
251 dbbac

The first line of input file includes: (1) the number of questions that were given during a test, (2) single space, and (3) the correct answers listed one after another (no space there!). Assume, there cannot be more than 50 questions, and that the number of students is unknown (i.e. you cannot declare a constant here!). Assume every student ID is a unique, 3-digit integer. The rest you can learn from the textbook... :)

Exam Report
Question   1  2  3  4  5
Answer     d  b  b  a  c
 ID   Score(%)
111     80
102     60
251    100
Question   1  2  3  4  5
Missed by  0  2  0  1  0

Helpful Hints

The following links show the format of the input and output files expected. You can use them for testing if necessary. Good luck! :)