marble hard vitreous unyielding lifeless march tramp pace file advance parade margin border rim verge lip edge marina boat basin dock mark goal imprint stain label badge marker indicator sign counter chip marriage matrimony wedlock betrothal yelp bark squeal howl cry yen desire craving longing yearning yeomen commoner farmer attendant yes yea aye indeed true agreed yesterday day before the past yet nevertheless still however yield crop harvest surrender succumb bear yielding pliant supple flexible fertile rich yoke union bond chain link tie yonder thither there beyond far away yore antiquity old times olden days young ageless adolescent fresh immature youngster child juvenile boy girl pupil youth childhood minority prime of life zany clown buffoon fool jester zeal devotion dedication passion soul zealot fanatic visionary dreamer zenith summit top apex apogee pinnacle zephyr breeze breath gentle wind zero nothing naught none blank nobody zest relish gusto appetite enthusiasm zip zero vigor zest energy zippy agile active brisk nimple spry zombie dunce chump clod monster nut zone region area belt band sector zoo park garden menagerie vivarium marsh bog swamp quagmire martial military warlike soldierly martyr victim sacrifice scapegoat example marvel miracle phenomenon wonder mask false face masquerade pretense mass bulk size lump wad accumulation massacre carnage slaughter mass murder mast pole timber upright column master superior director expert adept mastery rule victory ascendency supremacy mat pad rug covering match fuse equal peer contest bout mate companion chum comrade counterpart material bodily corporeal cloth fabric maternal motherly motherlike absolute thorough complete perfect fixed absolve exempt excuse relieve pardon spare absorb assimilate take in incorporate abstain deny constrain refrain avoid desist abstract theoretical abtruse supposition absurd nonsense paradox inconsistency abundance plenty sufficient fullness abundant copious plenty profuse abounding abuse misuse injure harm damage maltreat abyss abysm deep chasm pit chaos academic scholastic collegiate scholarly academy college school prepartory school accede assent agree consent comply accent accentuate emphasize stress tone acceptable decent adequate satisfactory access approach admittance passage accessory auxiliary addition accomplice accident mishap injury casualty chance acclaim commend applaud glorify honor accommodate help aid comfort arrange supply accompany convoy escort company attend follow accomplish do complete execute fulfill perform accord harmonize conform agree accost address waylay greet hail account consider regard assess accountable answerable responsible liable accounting bookkeeping audit ledger budget accumulate amass gather aggregate collect accumulation mass together addition accretion accuracy precision correctness exactness accurate correct exact precise valid genuine accusation complaint guilt impute indictment accuse allege blame charge araign ace expert adept skill master ache hurt pain throb long for crave achieve accomplish attain reach acknowledge admit confess condede declare acknowledgment note thanks recognition affirm acquaint introduce present inform advise acquiesce assent agree consent concur acquire obtain procure get gain acquire get annex obtain achieve acrid pungent tang raciness strong taste across crosswise athwart over act behave action deed doing action performance operation execution active agile zippy energetic vigorous activity wakefulness liveliness haste actual real veritable true genuine actuality fact reality substantiality actuate move induce compel persuade acute severe sharp astute adage proverb saying aphorism adapt suit conform regulate fit adjust add annex append increase augment addict devotee fan enthusiast slave to addition increase expansion annexation affix chase pursue follow hunt dispel chasm canyon crevasse rift fissure chaste virtuous pure undefiled clean chastise chasten castigate discipline chatter prattle talk gabble cheap inexpensive cut rate bargain cheat deceive defraud check control test verify tally count cheer animate hearten morale applause cheerful gay glee hip spirits lively joyous cheerless dismal dreary gloomy bleak sad cherish nurture nourish foster protect cherub angel child urchin chest case box casket cabinet breast chide scold lecture reprove chief foremost head paramount premier child youth kid youngster childhood infancy minority youth childish infantile juvenile brattish silly children family offspring sons and daughters chill shivering shakes ague discourage chimney smokestack spout flue vent chip piece splinter fragment flake chisel trim pare sculpt carve chivalrous knightly gallant noble courteous choice option selection pick preference choke strangle suffocate garrote stifle choose call decide elect prefer select chop cut mince cleave lop hack strike choppy rough jerky agitated chore job task assignment christen baptize sponsor name initiate christian believer gentile church-man chronicle history annals record describe chronological dated sequential chubby plump stout obese overweight chum pal buddy friend chunk lump hunk part churn agitate whip seethe boil cigar cheroot stogie panatela cigarette smoke regular coffin nail cinch girth certitude sure thing cinder slag ashes brand ember coal lava cipher digit estimate add blank naught circle encircle ring girdle circum-navigate circuit circle compass itinerary cycle circular coronary round orbicular circulate stir proclaim report distribute circumvent foil outwit dodge elude encircle cistern tank reservoir rain barrel cite commend mention quote summon citizen resident inhabitant native city town municipality capital metropolis civil courteous mannerly polite civic civilize educate cultivate refine reclaim claim demand requisition allege assert clammy moist damp sweaty clamor outcry hallubaloo uproar racket clamp grip vise fastener clasp clan family tribe association caste clap applaud acclaim strike slap bang clarify filter refine purify render explain clarity clearness transparency meaning clash collide conflict disagree dispute clasp clamp cuddle embrace grasp clutch class division category head section classic standard chaste simple elegant classification grouping category allocation order clause article paragraph section provision claw talon nail hook pincer nipper clay earth potter's clay mud loam clean pure spotless immaculate unspoiled cleanse purge refine scour swab clean clear clear-cut plain understandable cleave stick hold fast adhere cling cleft split rift fissure crack crevice clerk employee cashier teller clever adroit skillful talented adept client customer buyer patron cliff precipice palisade crag bluff steep climate weather temperature climax acme zenith summit pinnacle climb mount scale ascend rise succeed clinch confirm fasten secure rivet clamp cling stick hold cleave adhere grasp clinic hospital workshop sick bay clip cut snip scissor trim shorten clique oligarchy party clan club faction cloak cape wrap mantle shield disguise clobber pummel punish defeat clod lout dolt fool sod soil dirt clone copy duplicate exact close compact dense firm approximate closure lid lock conclusion finish end clot lump clump blob coagulate thicken cloth material stuff fabric fiber clothe dress endue invest vest attire clothing clothes dress apparel wear attire cloud haze overcast obscure clown buffoon comic comedian jester club cudgel stick bat association clue suggestion intimation hint key clump cluster bunch patch thicket grove clumsy awkward lumbering bungling cluster bunch clump group clutch hold fast grip cling to clench coach teach help tutor train coal ember cinder charcoal briquette coalesce unite consolidate combine coalition union alliance league merger bloc coarse rough uncouth rude crude vulgar coat cover crust plaster paint protect coax cajole inveigle wheedle persuade coddle humor pamper lenient code cipher secret writing principle coercion force pressure persuasion coffin casket pine box sarcophagus cognizant sensible aware conscious coherence adherence adhesion cohesion cohort band company coil spiral curl roll winding coincide agree concur match harmonious cold frigid chilly brisk crisp collapse break down fall cave in colleague associate partner co-worker collect gather collate assemble amass collection hoard omnibus assembling assortment college school academy university seminary collide bump clash smash hit strike collision impact crash clash conflict collusion conspiracy scheme intrigue conniving colony settlement community territory color hue tint tinge shade dye cast colorless livid pale sear neutral dull column pillar shaft article byline comb scrape card dress tease search combat battle conflict oppose resist combatant cadet fighter warrior soldier combination mixture synthesis union blend combine associate blend coalesce unify come arrive reach approach move toward comeback recur triumph winning retort comedy satire parody burlesque humor wit comely fair handsome lovely pretty comfort luxury ease coziness solace comfortable cozy easy snug contented relaxed comic comical funny hilarious laughable command order bidding dictum beck charge commend praise applaud cite acclaim approve commendation benediction blessing praise comment observation remark note criticism commercial mercantile trade salable commission consignment charge delegation commit perpetrate perform do entrust common ordinary standard usual general commotion stir fuss ferment disorder communication message speech tongue talk communion talk conversation concord unity commute interchange travel compact contract mini reduce companion comrade mate pal friend weird uncanny eerie unearthly welcome greeting salutation embrace receive weld fuse unite join fasten blend welfare prosperity happiness success well robust strong hearty amply fully welt wale rim binding cord welter confusion turmoil jumble mishmash wet damp moist clammy rainy whale cetacean finback whopper wharf dock pier landing waterfront what kind of whatever how which wheedle coax cajole persuade flatter court when at what time whereupon whenever where in what place whither place whereas inasmuch as since while in view of whet sharpen hone excite stimulate whether if in case if it is so while during whilst although whereas whim caprice fancy notion desire whimper cry whine lament whine cry whimper complain moan gripe whip lash scourge beat flog thrash whirl gyration turn flutter confusion whisk whip froth beat sweep swish whisker beard hair stubble mustache whiskey liquor spirits firewater redeye whisper murmur whispering sigh hint reveal whistle pipe flute high pitched sound white cleansed purified wax light fair whittle shape carve pare shave slice who which one whole total all everything unity integer why how come for what cause wherefore wicked evil bad criminal cruel sinful wicker twig shoot rod willow wicket gate door window hoop arch wide spacious generous ample vast widen enlarge extend broaden increase widespread blanket broad boundless extensive width breadth span extent expanse wife mate spouse helpmate married woman wig toupee transformation switch wiggle squirm shake wriggle wobble wag wild savage untamed fierce uncontrolled wilderness wilds wasteland badlands will freedom discretion choice option willing minded disposed desirous docile wilt droop sag weaken languish wither wily tricky crafty foxy deceitful wimp weakling fragile delicate win beat conquer master gain obtain wince cringe flinch cower shrink back wind draught draft whiff blow drift winding spiral turning twisting window casement dormer pane wine drink liquor stimulant alcohol wing pinion arm flank annex extension wink blink twinkle overlook ignore winner success victor conqueror champ winsome gay merry lively charming winter wintertime cold hibernation wipe clean rub brush dust mop dry wire filament line wiry filamentous strong muscular sinewy wish desire will craving yearning wisp bundle tuft lock wistful musing pensive desirous eager wit sense of humor fancy whim comedy with by by means of alongside beside withdraw remove separate retire retreat withdrawal exit retreat recession revulsion wither waste decline droop wilt withhold keep back restrain detain check within indoors internal inside without outside beyond absent withstand face confront oppose defy witless senseless silly foolish idiotic witness proof evidence testifier attestor wobble roll rock stagger reel lurch woe trouble grief misery sorrow woman female lady gentlewoman wife company fellowship association corporation compare contrast place side by side relate comparison parable simile analyzing relating compass surround define encircle effect compassion sympathy tenderness kindness mercy compatible harmonious well-matched suitable compel actuate enforce impress oblige compensation stipend wages payment salary competent able capable qualified fit compile collect arrange edit write make complain gripe growl grunt nag whine yammer complaint accusation charge disease complete accomplish entire finish full total completion conclude finish close end wrap up complex intricate manifold complicated complexion hue color tinge tint skin texture compliance consent obedience observance complicate involve embarrass confuse perplex complicated complex intricate difficult compliment praise flatter comend congratulate comply consent conform yield submit obey component ingredient segment element part comport behave conduct oneself suit fit compose constitute print comprise write composure placidity serenity calmness comprehend grasp realize see understand comprehensive blanket universal inclusive absolute compress reduce digest abridge consolidate comprise consist of involve embrace embody compromise strike a balance go halfway compulsion force pressure drive need compute figure calculate reckon number comrade friend companion fellow associate conceal camouflage covert secrete stow away concealed disappearance incognito lurk secret concealment hide blind screen hush up concede consent yield give in allow conceit vanity pride egotism fancy conceive devise frame imagine visualize concept conception conceit thought concern regard pertain to relate refer to concert recital program serenade musicale concise succinct short brief terse compact conclude end close finish wind up deduce conclusion diagnosis end result completion concoct prepare invent devise contrive concord accord harmony agreement concrete actual real tangible solid cement concur agree assent harmonize coincide condemn blame convict sentence doom condense abridge digest shorten cut compress condiment seasoning sauce spice relish condition fitness state birth rank place conditional contingent tentative provisional conduce lead tend contribute conduct dealing behavior act ones age confection dessert sweet jam dainty pastry confer converse discuss consult debate confess acknowledge avow own admit confide trust believe in rely on confidence assurance certainty boldness confidential secret private intimate confine imprison incarcerate immure jail confirm establish strengthen ratify validate conflict battle combat strife fight conform accord adapt comply submit confound confuse bewilder perplex dumfound confront face oppose resist brave confuse bewilder confound distract perplex confusion chaos disarray jumble mixup congest overfill clog block plug congregate convene gather meet converge congress assembly legislature parliament connection bond tie link isthmus nape bridge conquer overcome subdue subjugate usurp win conquest success victory triumph prevail conscientious faithful honorable upright trusty conscious sensible cognizant percipient consecrate bless sanctify hallow devote consensus concord assent agreement consent assent approval compliance yielding consequence effect end result sequel outcome consequential moment significance eventful conservation maintenance protection preservation consider deliberate ponder brood contemplate considerable large sizable substantial important considerate thoughtful kind humane sympathetic consideration care respect courtesy toleration consign deliver commit assign delegate consist lie reside comprise include consistent accordant uniform harmonious consolation condolence solace symphathy console relief support bracket cabinet consolidate coalesce compress incorporate unify consort spouse husband wife conspiracy collusion intrigue connivance trick constant steady true uniform unchanging constellation cluster asterism assemblage constitute form be make frame compose total constitution nature disposition code charter constrain abstain oblige compel force urge constraint pressure force stress constrict hamper limit contract bind cramp construct build fabricate frame synthesis construction building fabrication formation consult confer refer to ask advice consume destroy demolish annihilate devour contact touch connection encounter contain include comprise incorporate container bag can utensil holder chest contaminate corrupt infect taint pollute contempt disdain scorn despise disrespect contemptuous derisive sarcastic disdainful contend struggle dispute debate discord content peace of mind ingredients contention contest feud strife struggle contents packing volume gist essence meaning contest dispute debate question battle game contest contention altercation battle duel context setting background position contingent possible provisional conditional continue persist resume maintain continuous marathon serial unbroken unceasing contour outline profile shape form contract compact agreement promise contradict gainsay deny belie refute contradiction discrepancy opposite dispute contraption gadget contrivance contrary opposed opposite counter contrast difference opposition dissimilarity contribute give subscribe donate aid assist contribution donation grant present gift contrive concoct do hatch invent devise control command dominate govern rule contusion bruise black-and-blue convene assemble gather collect congregate convenience accessibility availability comfort convenient available handy useful favorable convent cloister nunnery temple convention assembly gathering meeting conversant acquainted skilled versed proficient conversation discussion talk dialogue colloquy converse transposed reversed turned about convert change make over retool adapt convey bring move carry transmit send convict condemn find guilty doom conviction opinion belief faith persuasion convince persuade satisfy convoy accompany escort guard support convulsion fit spasm attack epilepsy cook prepare concoct fix make roast cookout barbecue picnic cool chill refrigerate freeze placid cooperation coadjutant in cahoots with partaking cope contend strive deal with face copious abundant plentiful ample overflowing copse grove wood hedge plant tree copy facsimile counterpart form semblance cord string rope band bond twine cordial sincere heartfelt hearty friendly core center interim heart nucleus cork bung plug stopper corner angle nook niche predicament coronary crownlike round circular coronation crowning investment corporation association syndicate company corpse cadaver carcass remains relics corpulence fatness fleshiness obesity plumpness correct improve rectify set right amend corridor hall gallery passage route corroborate confirm evidence corrode consume gnaw rust decay wear corrupt contaminate rotten seduce taint corsage bouquet boutonniere ornament cosmic universal galactic heavenly vast cosmos universe world harmony order cost price charge expense expenditure costly expensive precious valuable costume clothing outfit rig fancy dress cot bed bunk couch couch bed cot pallet lounge cough hack racking cough council committee panel chamber board count enumerate tell score figure counter apposing apposite contrary against counteract check thwart nullify negate counterfeit false sham fake forged bogus counterpart copy likeness mate picture country land region tract district plain coup stroke master stroke cunning couple join tie link yoke unite pair coupon certificate ticket slip premium courage bravery valor boldness strength courageous brave undaunted valiant courier messenger runner course bearing itinerary path procedure court address bench forum yard courteous civil gentle gracious polite suave courtesy respect good manners politeness covenant contract agree undertake cover wrap envelop lid guard shelter covering blanket hood rug sleeve floor covert secret hidden sheltered conceal covet desire long for crave want envy covey flock brood bevy assemblage cower crawl cringe crouch quail coy bashful reserved shy demure cozy snug comfortable homey warm plush crack pop rend explode bang crackle craft skill expertise art vessel ship crafty sly subtle wily foxy tricky crag rock boulder cram glut squeeze stow stuff compact cramp restrict hamper confine cripple crank handle winder key quirk fanatic crash collision shock smash collapse crass coarse crude gross unrefined crater volcano hole depression pit crave desire long for beg seek solicit craving appetite hunger thirst wish crawl creep lag drag cringe fawn cower craze derange unbalance madden unsettle cream ointment pick finest best crease fold pleat bend mark wrinkle create cause make form bring into being creation birth creature genesis world creator god jehovah supreme being maker creature animal beast creation being thing credentials papers documents voucher passport credible believable truthful trustworthy credit trust score tally account creed belief tenet doctrine persuasion creep crawl inch slither writhe crest crown tuft topknot comb summit crevice cleft split fissure break crew force gang band squad company crime offense wrong misdemeanor felony criminal offender malefactor felon sinner cringe cower stoop flinch wince shrink crinkle wrinkle roughen crease crumple cripple cramp disable mutilate wound crisis turning point juncture emergency crisp brittle curly blunt friable critic judge connoisseur expert reviewer critical exacting captious judicious urgent criticism blame comment critique analysis criticize castigate quibble study probe critique review criticism crook swindler thief rogue fork notch crooked bent curved angular twisted crop shave vintage yield harvest cross crucifix mixture foil oppose crouch bend squat stoop cower cringe crowd gathering concourse horde mass gang crown coronate wreathe enthrone adorn crucial decisive determining final urgent crude rough raw unfinished imperfect cruel brutal inhuman ruthless wicked cruise voyage journey roam meander rove crumble perish pulverize fall apart decay crunch gnaw munch test trouble emergency crush press mash squash squeeze crust coat rind pastry scar crutch staff walking stick support crux gist key crisis emergency cry shout call outcry clamor crypt vault tomb interment cryptic hidden secret occult crystal lucid pellucid clear cube solid square die dice cuddle snuggle nestle huddle clasp fondle cue hint clue intimation signal cuff slap smite punch hit culprit offender malefactor wrongdoer cult cultus sect religion denomination cultivate farm till work grow develop culture development education learning cunning artful astute shrewd sly subtle cup mug tankard chalice goblet cur dog hound mongrel curb restrain subdue control check cure heal restore relieve preserve curfew bedtime vespers siren whistle curl roll wave ripple spiral twist coil current common prevalent in vogue curse bane malediction oath swearing cursory passing superficial quick slight curt short concise brief succinct curtail shorten clip cut abbreviate curtain screen veil valance curvature bending crook hook deflection curve arc arch vault crescent bow cushion pad pillow mat seat custody care safe keeping charge custom practice usage precedent habit cut incise carve slice trim split cut off amputate sever remove tear out cute attractive pretty coy cycle period age epoch circle round cyclone tornado twister gale hurricane cynic misanthrope pessimist dab spot pinch bit littleness daily everyday diurnal once a day dainty delicate exquisite fastidious dally linger wait toy tease wait dam dike seawall levee embankment damage abuse disable hurt harm injure damp dank humid moist smother subdue dance ball hop prom trip the light danger peril jeopardy risk hazard threat dangle hang suspend swing dank damp humid moist dare face defy challenge brave daring bold valiant valor courageous dark black gloom murk dusk shadow umbra darkness night shade murk gloom mystery darling sweetheart dearest treasure hero dart hurl cast throw dartle dash shatter smash frustrate data facts evidence information date day time moment age era epoch day daytime light dawn daybreak daybreak day morning dawn sunrise daze confuse dazzle bewilder awe stun dead deceased perished defunct deaden blunt muffle stun stupefy deadly fatal lethal mortal deathly deaf innattentive oblivious deal apportion allocate allot distribute dealer barter merchant vendor dear expensive precious beloved cherished death expiration decease demise the grave debar exclude shut out prohibit debase degrade demean lower sink debate argument dispute controversy forum debauch carouse orgy rape debase defile debit debt owed deficit debris rubbish rubble detritus wreckage debt obligation liability debit account decadent ruined fallen depraved debauched decay decomposition deterioration deceased dead late former defunct deceit deception hoax fraud trickery deceive beguile cheat kid lie mislead decent decorous chaste pure in heart deception untruth fraud deceit bluff decide determine elect choose settle decipher make out decode translate interpret decision award verdict end result judgment decisive crucial final absolute definitive deck floor platform adorn decorate declaim recite harangue rant speech declare assert proclaim say signify decline droop slant slope decadence aging decode decipher translate decorate blazon deck illustrate adorn gild decoration frill vignette adornment enrichment decoy entice lure entrap attraction decrease abate wane lessen diminish abate decree canon edict enact oridinance dedication devotion zeal sanctification deduce infer conclude derive reason deduct remove subtract discount reduce deduction subtraction removal excision rebate deed act feat achievement exploit deep depth depression unfathomed deface disfigure injure mar scar scratch defame malign smear tarnish slander defeat thwart frustrate foil outwit rout defect blemish fault flaw imperfection defective faulty poor imperfect incomplete defend fend protect ward shield shelter defense protection guard shield resistance defer delay suspend postpone deference homage obeisance veneration aclaim deficiency lack shortage want scarcity paucity deficit shortfall debt shortcoming define explain interpret prescribe describe definite exact explicit plain limited deflect bend curve twist deviate avert deformed misshapen disfigured crippled askew defraud swindle cheat dupe fleece defy challenge dare withstand resist degrade humiliate shame debase demean degree graduate peg rate step interval dejected downcast pout sad depressed dejection depression sinking heart dismay delay put off retard defer postpone delegate deputy envoy emissary agent delete erase cancel expunge take out delicacy sensitiveness tact nicety exactness delicate dainty fragile frail thin weak delight joy rapture please thrill deliver discharge give forth emit free deliverance escape salvation ransom release deluge flood inundation downpour delusion deception illusion fantasy delve dig spade search probe examine demand require charge levy exact claim demean debase lower humble demolish raze level ruin wreck destroy demonstration proof verification evidence demote downgrade reduce degrade denial negation repudiation refusal denomination cult party sect catagory group denote designate signify indicate express deride revile ridicule scoff sneer derisive mocking sarcastic contemptuous derive get obtain deduce originate arise descent descending decursive deciduous describe chronicle portray depict picture description account summary sketch desert waste wilderness solitude deserve merit be worthy of entitled to design plan intention scheme project designate name specify indicate point out desire wish fancy fantasy want longing desirous eager willing wistful anxious desolate bleak barren inhospitable lonely despair hopelessness sadness discouragement desperate hopeless incurable reckless rash despise scorn disdain hold in contempt despite in spite of regardless of contrary to dessert sweet savory confection treat destiny future fate impend loom approach destitute wanting lacking stripped bereft destroy waste ruin desolate destruction waste ruin crash smash havoc detach separate disconnect remove unfasten detached separate independent aloof detail part unit item particular detain delay check hold back keep detect discover find out perceive detective investigator agent undercover man deter restrain hinder discourage pause deterioration wane ebb decline recession determination purpose resolution resolve determine decide resolve end settle answer detest hate abhor despise abominate detonate set touch let off discharge explode detour deviation digression excursion byway devastate lay waste ravage desolate pilage develop evolve unfold mature grow cultivate development culture growth improvement progress deviate stray swerve veer wander digress deviation swerving deflection diversion device scheme trick stratagem ruse devise bequeath will produce invent devote give to employ at destine devoted faithful loyal constant devotee follower disciple zealot believer devotion dedication piety affection love devour eat wolf down consume destroy devout pious reverent religious godly diagnosis analysis explanation conclusion diagonal aslant oblique catty-corner diagram plan sketch chart blueprint dialect language tongue idiom jargon diary journal log chronicle memoirs dictate enjoin draw up domineer dictionary word list lexicon encyclopedia die perish death mold difference contrast eclectic variance change different other unlike various unique difficult hard onerous uphill uneasy struggle difficulty hardness tough job uphill climb dig shovel spade excavate delve unearth digest absorb assimilate ponder weigh digit member finger numeral cipher dignity poise prestige pride repute digression detour deviation discursion dilate expatiate stretch enlarge dilemma plight predicament quandary diligence application industry activity diluted thin weak watery dim obscure opaque partial shadow dusk diminish lessen reduce shrink abridge wane din noise clamor discord cacophony dinner supper buffet banquet dip plunge dive depression swim diploma certification commission franchise diplomat envoy ambassador statesman direct tend incline take aim set ones sight direction hither side trend route way director manager governor rector controller dirigible airship blimp dirt earth soil dust mud dirty foul nasty obscene soiled filthy disable incapacitate cripple damage unfit disagreement discord dissent mixup conflict disappearance eclipse concealed vanish fade lost disarm demilitarize pull one's teeth disarray confusion disorder disaster casualty catastrophe tragedy disband break up dismiss dissolve disbelief doubt disbelieve discard cast off reject abandon throw aside discern discover perceive distinguish detect discernment flair insight perception judgment discharge dismiss deselect retire expel disciple follower devotee adherent pupil discipline training drill practice obedience disclaim disown repudiate deny refuse disclose expose reveal uncover unmask unveil discomfort distress embarrass pain trouble disconnect detach separate uncouple unfasten discontent dissatisfaction resentment vexation discord dissidence disagreement friction discount rebate allow reduce lessen diminish discourage depress dishearten dismay deter discouragement despair dismay melancholy discourse converse talk discuss declaim discover uncover reveal disclose manifest discreet prudent judicious careful tactful discrete separate distinct discontinuous discretion caution option prudence tact will discuss confer discourse argue debate disdain scorn contempt arrogance disease illness ailment sickness infirmity diseased indisposed morbid sick unsound disentangle extricate unscramble untwist free disfavor displeasure disesteem disrespect disfigure deface mar mutilate blemish disgorge unload vomit eject spew disgrace degrade abase dishonor humiliate disguise camouflage make-up concealment mask disgust nauseate sicken revolt repel offend dish bowl plate platter china dishonest false untrustworthy cheating dishonor treachery infamy perfidy infidelity disinfect sterilize sanitize purify fumigate disjunction amputate fission section disk floppy disk hard disk circle frisbee dislike distaste disinclination reluctance dislocate displace disarrange disjoin disloyal unfaithful false untrue inconstant dismal cheerless depressing gloomy somber dismay consternation terror discouragement dismiss send away discharge liberate dismount take apart dismantle get off disorder derangement anarchy disunion discord disown disinherit disclaim repudiate deny dispatch send expedite kill accomplish dispel chase dissipate disperse deploy dispense distribute apportion excuse exempt disperse distribute scatter strew disband displace misplace remove succeed unseat display show exhibition manifest flaunt displeasure anger disfavor resentment disposed prone willing inclined prone apt disposition character constitution mood temper dispute contradict controvert doubt contest disregard disrespect forget ignore disrespect disesteem disregard contempt disrupt disorganize disturb upset mess up dissect cut up anatomize examine analyze dissent discord disagreement apostasy dissipate scatter dispel diffuse waste dissipated dissolute licentious dispersed dissolve disband melt thaw vanish distance remoteness farness span range distant aloof aside far remote distaste aversion dislike distill extract express concentrate drip distinct separate unattached discrete distinction eminence honor noble clarification distinguish discern identify specify classify distort pervert warp twist bend distortion twist crookedness ugliness deformity distract divert turn aside confuse bewilder distress discomfort pain trouble affliction distribute allot parcel apportion disperse district country quarter region territory distrust doubt suspicion disbelief disturb annoy disrupt molest unsettle disuse abstinence obsoleteness cessation ditch channel trench gully canal ditto as before again likewise dive plunge dip swoop descent diverse manifold unlike distinct various diversion deviation recreation detour change divert amuse beguile entertain divest deprive molt strip disrobe seize divide separate allot assign split up divine godlike superhuman celestial division class section separation divulge expose reveal disclose impart dizzy giddy groggy confused lightheaded do perform achieve contrive manage docile gentle tractable teachable dock landing wharf deduct withhold doctor physician surgeon learned man sage doctrine creed principle concept document instrument writing record evidence dodge avoid elude evade dog canine cur whelp puppy slut dogmatic dictorial imperious arrogant doll dolly kewpie doll puppet muppet dollar single one buck greenback domain realm dominion territory region dome vault cupola covering dominion domain jurisdiction possession donate contribute volunteer bestow donation contribution gift present doom convict fate lot destination dot spot speck point jot whit iota double twofold duplicate duplex dual doubt unbelief discredit agnostic doubtful undecided unlikely vague indestinct down downward under beneath below downcast dejected modest bashful downfall drop comedown disgrace demotion downpour deluge rain flood monsoom storm dowry dower dot inheritance possession doze snooze nap drowse repose drab grayish brownish monotonous dull draft sketch outline breeze air current drag draw pull tow tug haul protract drain draw off empty exhaust outlet drama the stage the theater show business dramatic scenic tragic tense climatic drastic radical extreme stringent severe draw haul drag pull tub extract attract dread awe fear horror phobia terror dreadful awful hideous horrible terrible dream vision reverie fantasy delusion dreary dread cheerless gloomy somber drench douse soak wet saturate dress clothe attire array scold reprove dressy stylish fashionable smart showy drift pile heap deposit movement drill pierce bore train exercise practice drink sip lap guzzle swill swig drip drop dribble trickle leak percolate drive propel impel urge forward pursue drizzle sprinkle mist rain spray drone buzz hum vibrate droop decline sag slouch wilt wither drop let fall give up abandon collapse drove flock herd pack drown suffocate submerge inundate muffle drug medicine physic elixir drum boom hammer pulsate dry bake sear wipe shrivel wilt wither dryness aridity aridness desiccation dual duplex twofold double twin binary due merit unpaid collectable owing dull blunt flat stolid stupefy stupid dump drop discharge unload jettison dunce oaf dolt lout moron fool dungeon pit cell jail donjon prison dupe gull victim cully fool duplex double dual duplicate facsimile duplication double replica durability continuity stability longevity age durable outlast sturdy permanent enduring duration term time period continuance dusk twilight gloom half-light shadow dust powder earth soil dirt ash duty liability responsibility allegiance dwarf midget runt stunt low little dwell live reside abide hang out dye color stain tint tinge dynamic forceful vigorous potent impelling each apiece severally respectively every eager desirous keen fervent earnest ear head spike auricle concha heed earliest first original premier early before timely punctual prompt ready earn work for gain win deserve merit earnest eager fervent intent serious earth planet globe world ground land earthly terrestrial material worldly sensual earthquake tremor seism quake shock ease comfort luxury rest repose content easily handily readily effortlessly easy comfortable unconcerned free smooth eat consume devour feed fare erode ebb recede fall back withdraw eccentric elliptical parabolic hyperbolic echo reverberate resound reply repeat eclectic selective choice difference eclipse disappearance excel surpass ecology conservation ecosystem autecology econony thriftiness frugality thrift care ecstasy rapture joy bliss exaltation frenzy eddy swirl vortex whirlpool maelstorm edge verge brink brow brim curb margin edict decree bull law proclamation edifice pile structure monument building edit redact revise arrange correct educate teach train instruct enlighten education culture tuition schooling study efface erase expunge obliterate rub out effect consequence result upshot outcome effective efficacious effectual adequate effigy likeness statue image representation effort exertion endeavor stress attempt egg ovum embryo beginning incite goad ego self personality identity egotism conceit selfishness vanity pride egress exit issue emergence eruption eject reject expel discard cast out elapse slip away pass expire intervene elate exhilarate inspire cheer stimulate elated jolly jubilant exalted aroused elder older earlier superior senior elect choose select decide on call ordain electric voltaic magnetic thrilling exciting elegance ease grace polish finish simplicity elegant beauty classic rich tasteful element essence ingredient member metal elementary rudimentary primary fundamental elevate lift raise hoist promote advance elevated epic high aerial towering raised elevation raising uplift height eminence elf sprite fairy imp pixy gnome elicit draw forth extract evoke educe eliminate expel excrete get rid of eradicate elite select choice prime chosen people elixir broth drug potion compound elliptical eccentric oblong oval ovoid elongate lengthen extend string out elude escape evade avoid dodge foil elusive elusory evasive slippery shifty emanate effuse exhale radiate flow proceed emanation aura odor effusion flowing issuing embark ship board set sail sail begin embarrass discomfort demoralize abash hamper ember cinder coal ash slag emblem symbol token sign flag badge embody incorporate join unite organize emboss knob stud engrave chase ornament embrace hold clutch clasp hug embryo egg germ fetus nucleus emerge issue appear arise come forth emergency crisis crux pinch predicament eminence height altitude distinction rank emit discharge emanate radiate breathe emotion feeling sentiment passion sensation emotional hysterical sensuous moving fervent emphasize accent make clear highlight empire realm domain imperium sway employ use occupy hire engage employee servant helper hired hand clerk employer user boss director empty void deplete exhaust evacuate emulate rival vie compete strive contend enable empower invest endow authorize enact decree make pass order ordain enamor captivate charm smite please entice enchant captivate please charm delight encircle environ surround embrace encompass enclose envelop surround penned in enclosure envelope case cartridge wrapper encompass encircle surround include encounter meet come across engage encourage animate strengthen hearten fortify end close termination conclusion endanger imperil danger endearment caress fondling embrace feeling endeavor attempt strive labor aim endless incessant uninterrupted perpetual endorse approve support recommend endorsement boost signature support sanction endow dower settle upon bestow enrich endue endow clothe furnish endurance intolerable resistance persistance endure bear persist suffer sustain undergo enemy foe opponent opposition energy power vigor vim strength enforce compel force oblige urge lash goad engage bind obligate promise occupy engagement betrothal obligation promise pledge engrave impression etch cut print engross monopolize control absorb engage engulf swamp flood immerse engorge enhance intensify exaggerate advance enjoy like relish love gloat over enlarge increase extend widen broaden enlist volunteer sign up enroll recruit enliven exhilarate animate inspirit quicken enmity hostility antagonism opposition hate enough adequate sufficient satisfactory enrage anger exasperate provoke incense enrich endow ornament adorn cultivate enroll list record enter register ensign flag badge emblem insignia ensnare catch net bag entangle ensnarl ensue follow succeed supervene pursue entail involve imply call for require entangle ensnare implicate involve enter penetrate pierce go in invade enterprise project scheme venture push ahead entertain receive welcome amuse divert enthusiast addict fan fanatic optimist entice allure decoy lure seduce tempt entire complete absolute total all whole entity thing being whole unity existence entrance mouth entry ingress threshold entreaty appeal petition supplication plea entrust commission charge delegate confide entry entrance memorandum record posting enumerate count rehearse list mention envelop cover wrap surround enclose envelope enclosure sleeve cover sheath environment atmosphere aura surroundings habitat envoy diplomat agent messenger envy jealous covetousness spite ephemeral short-lived fugitive transient epic heroic majestic elevated epidemic disease pestilence plague epilogue afterword summation last word episode digression incident action happening epoch cycle date era period equal abreast equivalent even match equality symmetry balance level parity equanimity evenness poise serenity self-control equip furnish outfit rig provide equipment furnishings gear supplies apparatus equitable fair just ethical honest unbiased equivalent equal tantamount corresponding eradicate abolish blot out erase exterminate erase efface rub out expunge erect build plumb upright construct erotic sexual sensual carnal obscene err mistake offend slip fail misjudge errant wandering roving deviation erroneous faulty inaccurate incorrect error fallacy falsetruth misconception erudition learning lore education culture eruption rash outbreak discharge expulsion escalate intensify worsen increase escapade jount adventure prank frolic caper escape evasion retreat deliverance freedom escort accompany conduct convoy guard espionage intelligence investigation spying essay attempt test dissertation exposition essence being substance element entity essential necessary requirement vital establish charter confirm found start begin estate state status land holdings esteem respect regard admiration honor estimate gauge judge value appraise etch engrave carve scratch incise eternity infinity perpetual forever ethereal airy delicate light tenuous fragile ethical equitable moral humane decent ethics morals morality rules of conduct euphoria elation pleasure high spirits evacuate empty clear eject expel purge examine investigate inspect survey prove example sample specimen piece instance exasperate anger enrage infuriate irritate vex excavate dig exhume mine spade undermine excavation burrow cavity unearhing mining exceed transcend surpass excel outdo excel exceed surpass eclipse outstrip excellence perfection quality superiority excellent capital good goodly superb exception exclusion omission rejection excess immoderation dissipation exorbitance exchange substitute trade barter interchange excite arouse provoke stimulate tantalize excited hectic tense aroused restless excitement stimulation provocation agitation exclaim cry out shout vociferate exclaim exclude blackball blacklist debar reject exclusion omission exception rejection exile exclusive independent sole restricted excrete eliminate expel perspire remove excursion expedition outing trip voyage excuse pardon remit overlook forgive execute perform do accomplish enforce kill execution action rendition fulfilling exempt absolve dispense remit spare exemption freedom immunity privilege liberty exercise drill perform train exert ply rack strain use put forth exhale breathe expel emanate emit expire exhaust drain empty let out deflate weaken exhibit show present display produce exhibition display exposition showing spectacle exhilarate elate exalt inspirit enliven exhort incite urge prompt admonish exhume dig up excavate discover locate exile expel remove banish expatriate exist live subsist breathe survive existence being entity life reality presence existing living present for the time being exit departure withdrawal egress exorbitant expensive undue excessive extreme exotic foreign alien strange rare expand augment inflate stretch swell expanse stretch spread reach extent expansion increase extension spread growth expect anticipate await wair for hope for expedite dispatch rush hurry assist expedition trip tour excursion journey quest expel eject extrude excrete discharge expend spend lay out disburse consume expenditure cost overhead outgo payment expense expense cost price outlay expenditure expensive costly dear high exorbitant experience have know meet encounter undergo experiment attempt venture adventure expert skillful master professional expire exhale emit die perish explain expound solve resolve fathom explanation reason elucidation clarification explicit express plain clear definite explode destroy burst detonate fire exploit utilize profit by milk misapply explore seek search fathom prospect explosion blast outburst pop detonation expose disclose reveal divulge unearth exposition explanation exhibition show expound state express explain interpret express utter enunciate represent symbolize expression grimace phrase speech word expunge erase efface deduct take away exquisite accurate exact discriminating extend continue lengthen widen enlarge extension expansion prong sequence wing extensive broad omnibus wide huge large extent limit measure range span exterior extraneous outside outward surface exterminate abolish eradicate destroy annihilate external extraneous outer outside visible extinguish quench stifle smother choke extort elicit extract draw exact wring extra additional spare redundant extract distill draw elicit milk suck extraneous foreign alien exterior external extravagance luxury splurge lavishness waste extreme remote utmost farthest last extricate free disentangle loose liberate exude emit discharge ooze leak drain exultation rejoicing triumph elation eye watch ogle stare view observe fable parable allegory moral tale fabric cloth material tissue textile fabricate build construct manufacture invent fabrication construction production facade front appearance aspect pretense face visage features facade facet facet face surface plane bezel aspect facility ease free clear smooth lighten facsimile duplicate reproduction replica fact reality actuality certainty faction party sect cabal gang crew factory mill works plant branch faculty ability aptitude power talent knack fad craze rage vogue fancy hobby fade pale dim bleach whiten vanish fail blunder misfire miss topple failure inefficacy nonsuccess collapse faint swoon lose heart or courage weaken fair beautiful handsome pretty comely fairy fay sprite pixy elf gnome faith trust reliance confidence belief faithful loyal devoted trustworthy exact fake counterfeit impostor make-believe fall plunge drop sink tumble topple fallacious illogical inaccurate incorrect fallible unreliable untrustworthy false untrue lie fib belie falsify falsify false lie counterfeit falter hesitate waver vacillate stumble fame repute renown prestige honor familiarize acquaint accustom habit family household forefathers children famous noted famed renowned fan enthusiast supporter rooter follower fanatic zealot enthusiast dog-matic fancy imagination idea caprice whims fantasy delusion desire dream myth romance far remote distant far off afar fare get on thrive prosper get along farm agriculture cultivate farmer peasant yeomen farther more distant further additional farthest extreme ultimate last furthest fascinate captivate charm interest tempt fascination charm attraction captivation fashion style society ostentation make fashionable dressy style vogue etiquette fast starve abstain swift speedy rapid fasten secure make fast attack bind fastener button clamp pin buckle hook fastidious dainty proper meticulous careful fasting fast starvation hunger famishment fat plump stout chubby greasy rich fatal deadly lethal mortal fateful fate destiny lot fortune doom chance father sire forefather founder god fathom measure take a sounding probe study fatigue weary tire exhaust overstrain fatten feed flesh out increase enrich fault failing shortcoming flaw blemish faulty defective erroneous wrong favor good will esteem approval backing favorable advantageous opportune commendatory favorite darling pet idol hero choice faze deter daunt ruffle disconcert fear phobia timidity fright dread fearful grim paranoid timid shy feast banquet spread repast holiday feat deed accomplishment exploit feather plume quill plumage shaft feature aspect characteristic film story federate incorporate join combine unify federation alliance league organization fee payment dues tax gratuity tip feeble flimsy languid weak fragile puny feed eat dine consume devour graze feeler antenna tentacle palpus probe trial feeling sensation emotion sensitivity feign simulate pretend counterfeit sham feisty quarrelsome frisky activity feline catlike cattish stealthy cunning fellow comrade associate colleague female woman weaker sex feminity fence barrier barricade wall hedge rail fend defend protect ward avert ferment yeast leaven uproar turmoil ferry scow lighter raft shuttle fertile prolific productive rich creative fervent earnest fervid ardent eager fervor heat passion unction verve festivity picnic rejoice revelry pleasure fetch retrieve bring carry heave deal fetter shackle manacle handcuff restrain feud contention quarrel conflict rivalry fever pyrexia frenzy delirium disease few not many little scanty meager fib false yarn prevarication lie fiber cloth strand thread cord fickle inconstant unfaithful capricious fiction myth prose lie novel tale story fiddle violin trifle unimportance trivial fidget toss squirm twitch twiddle field clearing grassland expanse range fierce furious grim wild enraged fiery impetuous passionate fervid blazing fight battle brawl quarrel fighter combatant boxer prize struggle figurative colloquialism metaphor apply allude figure form shape configuration filament hair thread twine wire filch pilfer poach snitch steal swipe file arrangement classification list fill complete load pervade film coating membrane movie flick filter strain sieve refine purify screen final last ultimate decisive end finance back fund subsidize underwrite find discover detect obtain learn fine penalty forfeit penalize finish end terminate complete conclude finite limited limit certain boundary fire flame blaze ignite detonate inspire firm immovable secure steadfast solid first earliest original prime leading fission cleavage scission disjunction fissure cleft opening crack rift fit caprice notion convulsion seizure fix establish repair adjust fixed absolute quiescent rebuilt repaired fizzle fizz effervesce bubble foam flag banner pennant flair judgment discernment talent gift flake fleck floccule scale shaving flame blaze fire excitement passion flange lip wall rib spine shield flank side wing loin thigh flap tab fly lap tag fold flare blaze up burst into flame shine flash flare blaze burst streak gleam flask bottle vial flacon ampoule flat level smooth even exact dull flatter cajole compliment wheedle flaunt parade display brandish flavor taste seasoning savor flaw imperfection defect fault error flee run away fly abscond fleece bleed defraud shear wool flesh meat pulp animal tissue flexible pliant limber lithe supple flier aviator aeronaut airman astronaut flight decampment escape course flimsy sleazy fragile tenuous feeble weak flinch wince shrink recoil fling throw cast hurl sling float glide drift be wafted hover flock drove herd covey flight flog lash thrash whip strike flood deluge inundation torrent freshet floor deck pavement story level covering flourish wave wield flaunt brandish flow run glide trickle stream flower bloom blossom best pick flowing fluent liquid loose issuing fluctuate alternate wave vacillate fluent flowing graceful voluble fluid liquid sap serum soluble fluke freak miracle flush blush redden elate thrill rinse flute groove furrow pipe piccolo fife flutter quiver wave whirl flap ripple wave flux flow current course motion change fly soar wing aviate float speed bolt foam froth suds lather spume focus point focal point concentration foe enemy adversary antagonist opponent fog haze mist steam murk exhalation foil frustrate battle balk circumvent fold crease bend lapping plait wrinkle follow go or come after succeed pursue follower disciple shadow lackey pupil following after behind sequence next fond affectionate tender foolish fondle pet caress cosset endearment font fountain spring source type face food nourishment nutriment sustenance fool folly dupe mislead idle away tamper foolish silly sophomoric unwise irrational foolishness idiocy nonsense folly indiscretion foot base bottom footing hoof paw forage fodder feed food pasturage herbage forbid prohibit inhibit interdict ban force compulsion coercion power import ford traverse wade portage passage forecast predict divine prognosticate foreign alien strange exotic extraneous foreigner barbarian outsider stranger foremost leading first precedent chief forerunner herald pioneer scout messenger forest woods tall timber timber land grove forestall anticipate prevent thwart foretell presage portend forecast predict foreword preface prelude prologue preamble forfeit penalty fine deposit lose forge make fabricate counterfeit invent forget disregard overlook dismiss omit forgive excuse pardon remit exonerate forgiveness pardon grace amnesty oblivion forgo relinquish abandon deny oneself fork diverge separate branch off form figure shape framework build set up format arrangement plan layout design formation construction genesis production former late other past previous forsake desert abandon renounce quit forth forward onward out of progression fortify strengthen buttress barricade uphold fortress castle tower stronghold fort fortuitous opportune random casual chance fortune fate lot destiny chance luck forum market place court tribunal forward front anterior foremost future fossil relic petrification oldness foster cherish nourish nurture raise foul dirty soiled disgusting unpleasant found establish institute originate cast foundation base basis institution founder producer establisher originator fountain spring jet spray fount source fowl bird hen stewing chicken fraction part portion piece bit fragment fragile delicate frail tenuous gossamer fragment bit part scrap fragrance bouquet perfume aroma smell frail fragile brittle delicate weak frame construct fashion fabricate framework anatomy form skeleton core frank ingenuous straightforward sincere fraud deception swindle imposture artifice freak abnormality fluke monstrosity free liberated independent released freedom exemption latitude liberty will freeze congeal harden immobilize ice frost freight cargo load burden frenzy fever fury rage tantrum frequent hourly resort many repeated fresh novel recent new unfaded vigorous freshman plebe greenhorn tenderfoot novice fret agitate irritate vex worry fume friar brother monk abbot father friend acquaintance neighbor partner friendly amiable cordial genial social fright dread terror panic alarm fear frighten startle terrify scare cow frill trimming decoration ornament extra frisky playful pert peppy frolic play gambol caper romp disport front fore foremost face frontage frontier border outpost edge verge limit frost rime hoarfrost icing froth foam lather whisk yeast frown scowl glower look askance fruit produce harvest offspring results frustrate baffle defeat foil outwit thwart fry panfry griddle saute fuel inflammable burnable ignite peat fugitive runaway fleeing transient transitory fulfill accomplish perform complete finish full filled satiated complete entire fumble grope paw bungle unskillfulness fume fret gas odor smoke stew fun play sport game jest joke fund resources store cache reserve fundamental elementary radical basic underlying funeral burial entombment funny amusing comic absurd laughable fur hide pelt coat skin hair furious raging violent fierce storming furnish afford endue equip rig supply furnishings equipment provision furniture furrow flute groove trench ditch gutter further farther more additional fury rage frenzy violence turbulence fuse merge unite amalgamate weld melt futile ineffectual vain idle useless future time to come eventuality tomorrow gabble cackle chatter prattle gag muffle silence choke strangle retch gain increase profit amplification gait step pace stride trot gallop walk galaxy assemblage multitude milky way gall bitterness bile rancor impudence gallant chivalrous valiant intrepid bold gallery balcony corridor veranda gallop run canter gambit attack stratagem ruse artifice ploy gamble bet chance hazard risk wager gambol leap cavort frolic romp play game amusement sport play match contest gamut scale scope extent compass gang crew horde band troops gap interval vacancy break space gape stare yawn goggle gaze peer garage carport service station store garbage waste refuse trash junk scraps garden herbery nursery flowerbeds garment clothing robe dress vestment garrison fort outpost stronghold camp gas vapor fume reek fuel gasoline gash incision notch scratch slash slit gasoline petrol fuel oil gasp pant labor choke puff exclaim gate gateway opening portal sluice gather congregate group amass collect gathering convention crowd meeting reunion gaudy garish showy cheap blatant gauge caliber estimate measure meter gauze net tulle bandage gay lively vivacious blithe gear clothing dress cogwheel equipment gelatin gel jelly aspic pectin gem jewel stone prize work of art general broad universal global average generate make produce proliferate breed generosity benevolence bounty charity profusion generous unselfish wide altruistic lavish genesis creation origin formation beginning genetic inherited hereditary innate genial affable cordial jovial friendly genius spirit pixy brilliance intelligence genre kind category species type class gentile heathen pagan christian non-jewish gentle mild calm soothing courteous genuine actual authentic real undisguised germ microorganism seed embryo microbe gesture motion signal gesticulation get secure obtain procure acquire getup rig outfit garb costume ghastly pale haggard deathly ashen ghost apparition phantom spector giant jumbo monster titan colossus giddy frivolous irresponsible dizzy gift donation flair grant premium gifted talented skillful artful gird bind strap secure encircle girdle belt circle truss corset girl lass maid damsel female gist meaning essence significance point give contribute render bestow bequeath give up drop waive stop fighting halt cease giveaway disclosure revelation bonus handout glacier ice iceberg floe berg glad happy content cheerful joyful glamour charm romance enchantment allure glance glimpse beam look skim peek graze glare scowl frown glower stare glass crystal mirror lens slide glaze luster shine glassiness gleam light beam flash glimmer glean gather harvest deduce cull winnow glee cheerfulness delight joy merriment glide float flow skim slip slide glimmer blink gleam flicker flash glimpse glance see briefly glisten gleam glint sparkle global spherical worldwide globe ball sphere earth orb globule glob droplet bead blob gloom dejection sadness dim shadow gloomy dismal dreary morbid overcast glorify acclaim magnify laud commend glory aureole halo nimbus radiance gloss luster sheen shine finish glossy sleek slick smooth shining lustrous glow light radiance warmth shine blaze glower frown glare scowl sulk glue mucilage paste cement adhesive glut stuff cram choke pack jam gluttony hoggishness greed voracity gnash grind champ crunch gnaw bite gnaw chew masticate crunch irritate gnome elf fairy dwarf troll go leave depart withdraw retire vanish goad prick stab prod poke incite impel goal object end aim ambition god creator father jehovah almighty godly divine pious reverent devout gold money wealth bullion golden gilded aureate precious priceless gone absent missing removed departed good excellent value worth goodness goodly considerable sizable excellent goodness good virtue decency honesty goods produce stock wares merchandise gorge canyon gulch satiate glut surfeit gospel bible truth scripture faith gossip busybody talebearer chatter rumors govern rule reign administrate gown negligee nightgown robe dress grab capture nab snatch wrest grace delicacy tact culture courtesy graceful beauty fluent supple limber agile gracious gentle courteous tactful kind grade level quality class rank gradual slow progressive graduate measure beaker calibrate degree grain grit cereal seed grist kernel grammar syntax analysis praxis grand large impressive magnificent stately grandeur greatness show ostentation splendor grant gift allotment contribution yield granular granulated grainy mealy gritty grapevine rumor rumor mill pipeline graph chart tabulate diagram plan graphic pictorial descriptive vivid grapple seize grasp clutch struggle contend grasp hold clasp seize comprehend grass lawn greenery turf sod grate scrape grind rasp abrade grateful appreciative thankful welcome gratify indulge please satisfy humor grating lattice openwork grid gratitude gratefulness recognition praise grave sepulcher tomb death serious gravel stones pebbles calculi rubble gravity weight heft burden ballast gravy sauce dressing gray dun mousy slaty clouded overcast infallible reliable dependable trustworthy infamous shameful abominable contemptible infamy dishonor scandal infancy babyhood childhood beginning genesis infer gather reason deduce conclude opine inferior least less minor poor shoddy under infidelity betrayal treachery adultery unbelief infiltrate penetrate pervade enter permeate infinite immense vast unbounded untold infinity incalculable eternity endless infirm unhealthy weak decrepit sick infirmity fault feebleness weakness illness inflame anger excite arouse incite heat up inflate aerate expand swell exaggerate inflect bend vary conjugate decline inflict burden trouble punish impose influence weight pressure power control inform acquaint notify snitch tell graze touch brush scratch abrade grease oil fat graphite suet lard tallow greasy fat slick creamy oily great magnificent grand large considerable greed desire cupidity avidity avarice greedy insatiable ravenous avid selfish green lawn emerald immature untrained greenhorn freshman rookie apprentice novice greet address hail salute welcome receive greeting hail hello nod welcome salutation grief distress bereavement sorrow pain grieve distress pain hurt sadden injure grill pan rack broiler roast saute grim fearful stern fierce ruthless grimace face scowl leer expression grin smile smirk bare the teeth grind pulverize crush sharpen polish grip handle hold control gripe complain grumble mutter grit grain sand graval powder groan lamentation moan grumble lament groggy dizzy stupefied sleep out of it groove habit routine rut furrow gross bulky large fat obese vulgar grotesque strange unnatural abnormal odd grouchy cross sharp sulky testy ground earth terra firma soil foundation group assemblage company association grove thicket coppice copse grow mature become develop increase growl mutter grumble snarl complain howl growth development maturity harvest gruff bluff surly rough harsh coarse grumble gripe groan growl snarl grunt snort rasp oink complain guarantee vouch undertake warrant pledge guard shield cover protection pad guess surmise supposition assumption guest visitor company caller guffaw laugh snort roar guide tracker leader instructor map guild union association club guilt sinfulness culpability accusation gulch gully ravine canyon gorge gull dupe victim sucker dope fool gully ditch gulch chasm gulp swallow gulp choke gun firearm weapon gunfire gunplay shooting burst volley salvo gunner carabineer hunter marksman gush pour flow jet spurt effuse gusto relish verve zest zeal fervor gut burn out lay waste demolish gutter curb ditch spillway trough gymnasium gum gameroom arena gypsy nomad vagrant idler flirt coquette habit custom made rule routine rut habitat environment quarters abode hack chop hew slash cut haggard drawn gaunt cadaverous ugliness hail greeting welcome salute summon hair filament whiskers locks tresses hairy hirsute furry half hemisphere bisection two equal parts hall corridor lobby manor mansion room hallow bless sanctify consecrate enshrine halt stop check arrest pause cease hammer strike beat drum pound mallet hamper constrict cramp embarrass hand fist extremity helper employee handicap penalize encumber inconvenience handily skillfully neatly easily handle shaft hilt grip knob handsome attractive comely personable fine handy convenient near available hang dangle attach drape depend cling hangman executioner punishment hangout resort rendezvous clubhouse hangover nausea atavism remnant hanker desire covet crave long for yearn happening affair incident accident event happiness bliss joy welfare cheer delight happy fortunate lucky gay contented harass distress trouble irritate vex harbor refuge port retreat haven shelter hard tough firm strenuous difficult harden bake freeze solidify temper hardly scarcely barely improbably rarely hardy sturdy tough vigorous resolute hark hear listen harken harm deterioration dishonor injury damage harmful injurious hurtful harmless innocent innocuous inoffensive harmonious compatible consistent similar like harmonize accord concur blend arrange harmony agreement concurrence concord peace harness control utilize curb yoke harp dwell on repeat iterate nag pester harry plunder pillage attack distress harsh ungenial severe rough heartless harvest fruit glean produce reap yield hash mixture medley mix jumble botch hassle quarrel squabble haste urgency spurt rush scramble hurry hasten hurry hustle run speed trot hasty precipitate sudden quick swift hat headgear bonnet derby headdress hatch invent contrive originate devise hate abhorrence loathing disfavor enmity haughtiness arrogance insolence aloofness haul drag pull draw deliver traction haunt shade spook resort retreat den have own hold retain possess havoc devastation destruction wreckage hazard danger chance risk peril gamble haze film opacity mist fog head pate poll chief manager leader heal mend cure repair restore ease health vim vigor vitality strength hygiene heap pile load stack mound oodles hear hark listen detect perceive hearing auditory listener sense of hearing heart bosom core nucleus pith hearten cheer encourage brighten reassure hearth fireside fireplace family circle hearty cordial well warm jovial heat warmth ardor fervor temperature heathen pagan infidel unbeliever heave lift hoist raise throw pitch heaven kingdom of god abode of the blessed heavenly celestial cosmic supernal heavy weighty oppressive tedious tiresome heckle plague taunt harass challenge hectic feverish febrile excited hedge bush fence boundary thicket heed attention notice regard heedful awake observant attentive discreet heedless inconsiderate reckless careless rash heel rear tilt cant cad scoundrel hefty weighty bulky burly brawny height altitude elevation eminence heir legatee inheritor beneficiary heist burglary stealing hello greeting salutation welcome helm tiller wheel authority command help aid assistance relief relieve helper aide auxiliary employee hand prop helpful beneficial contributory favorable helpless impotent powerless vulnerable herald forerunner precursor announcer herb potherb condiment vegetable herd group flock drove gathering here hereabouts hither hitherward heresy dissent heterodoxy doubt error hermetic airtight waterproof sealed shut hermit anchorite recluse eremite ascetic hero victor inspiration ideal model heroism prowess valor bravery courage hesitate falter waiver shrink pause demur hesitation indecision pause vacillation hibernate become dormant inactivity hidden concealment disguised camouflage hide skin pelt coat leather disguise hideous frightful dreadful horrible high elevated lofty tall eminent costly higher up upper upward superior taller highest ultimate supreme hike walk tramp jaunt march hill grade slope rise ascent elevation hinder deter interfere interrupt prevent hindrance obstruction stoppage interruption hint suggestion allusion imply tip hip wise with it cool on to hire rental fee remuneration hiss fizz sizzle spit history record chronicle annals hit success smash favorite hitch hindrance knot obstruction obstacle hither here nearer direction hoard collection store reserve stock hoarse throaty raucous husky thick hoax deception trick deceit fraud hobble shackle stump clog fetter hobby avocation fad whim amusement hobo tramp drifter vagabond vagrant hoist elevator lift derrick crane lift hold grasp clutch grip tenure hold fast cleave clutch clasp lock adhere holding retention tenure impeding stopping hole opening aperture gap cavity hollow holiday vacation festival recreation hollow cavity indent pocket vacant pit holy celestial sacred devout pious homage respect tribute honor deference home domicile residence abode dwelling homely plain simple rustic down-to-earth homicide killing murder manslaughter honesty candor frankness sincerity honor distinction integrity repute honorable conscientious sound noble justly honorary nominal in name only titular hood covering cape cowl coif hoof foot ungula dewclaw support hook crook bend gaff curvature hookup connection junction circuit rigging hop leap spring dance bound jump hope desire trust confidence optimism horde mass group throng mob gang crowd horizontal level plane azimuth lying down horn antler cornu callus nail horrible alarming dreadful appalling horrid horrible foul shocking horror terror disgust dread aversion fear horse equine stallion mare colt filly hose hosing tubing stockings socks hospital sanitarium clinic infirmary host throng mass horde legion array hostage security pledge guarantee bond hostile antagonistic apposed unfriendly hot heated peppery biting hound dog beagle cur wretch hourly frequent continual on the hour house abode mansion dwelling residence hovel hut kennel cottage shed cabin howl bellow shriek yowl bay hub center midpoint axis focus hue color tint shade tone complexion hug caress embrace enfold clasp huge big immense large mammoth vast hum buzz murmur drone bumble human mortal earthly humane civilized humane considerate human benevolent humanity human race humankind mankind humble lowly unassuming modest obscure humid moist damp wet dank humiliate abash degrade disgrace mortify humiliation indignity scandal shame humility meekness modesty submission humor disposition mood temper caprice hump hunch lump bulge knob hunger desire craving famine emptiness hunk piece chunk mass hunt chase rummage search seek hurdle difficulty hindrance snag obstacle hurl throw project pitch toss fling hurricane cyclone tempest typhoon hurried impatient precipitate hurry press rush drive force hasten hurt damage pain ache injury wound hurtful harmful lethal injurious bad husband mate spouse benedict man hush silence quiet stillness calm hustle jostle jolt poke prod hasten hut shack shanty hogan hovel shelter hutch kennel cage corral trough hybrid mixture crossbreed cross hymn song of praise or devotion canticle hypnotic mesmeric fascination magnetic hypothesis postulate supposition surmise hysterical uncontrolled wild emotional frenzied ice frost rime glacier sherbet iceberg berg flow glacier sheet idea thought concept notion opinion ideal model paragon idol perfect example identical same twin alike indistinguishable identify recognize distinguish associate identity oneness self individuality idiocy imbecility vacuity foolishness idiom dialect language phrase idle useless futile fruitless pointless idol favorite ideal icon graven image idolize admire adore worship glorify if supposing in case that provided ignite fire fuel kindle light start up ignoble mean shoddy disgraceful lewd ignorant illiterate stupid simple innocent ignore overlook pass by disregard slight ill unwell sick indisposed poorly ill will animosity malice dislike hostility illegible unreadable scrawled jumbled pied illicit illegal clandestine secret illiterate ignorant unread uneducated dumb illness sickness disease illogical unreasoned fallacious absurd illuminate light illumine clarify elucidate illusion delusion hallucination vision illustrate decorate exemplify explain clarify image picture reflection likeness imaginary unreal visionary illusory dreamy imagination creativeness inspiration originality imagine conceive evoke visualize imbue saturate tinge suffuse instill imitate parrot mimic copy mock imitation mockery simulation pretense sham immaculate clean spotless chaste pure virgin immature unripe green undeveloped raw immediate prompt instant present immediately presently then at once directly immense vast great huge infinite immerse bathe dip baptize plunge submerge imminent impending close at hand near immobile immovable motionless immodest bold vain suggestive revealing immoral wrong evil corrupt lewd indecent immovable firm immobile solid stable fixed impact shock collision contact bump slam impair damage weaken spoil mar impale transfix pierce impart share lend tell disclose impartial just neutral unbiased unprejudiced impassive stolid stoical calm undemonstrative impatient eager hurried restless anxious impeach accuse charge indict arraign impede obstruct retard stop deter impel drive push urge force incite impend threaten hang over approaching impending imminent oncoming encumbering imperative essential necessary unavoidable imperceptible indistinct unseen vague obscure imperfection fault defect weak blemish flaw imperil endanger jeopardize risk impersonate pose as imitate mimic personify impertinent imprudent irrelevant inapt insolent impetuous impulsive rash headlong rushing impetus impulse force stimulus motive implant plant embed fix set in instill thorough exact painstaking complete absolute though although even if nevertheless yet thought reflection speculation idea notion thoughtful considerate polite studious sensible thousand grand 1000 fifty score thrash beat spank whip flog strike thread filament string yarn threat menace intimidate terrorize frighten threshold sill entrance outset beginning thrift economy frugality saving growth thrill excitement tremor vibration tingle thriller chiller shocker thrive prosper succeed grow flourish throb beat pulsate vibrate quiver throe pang spasm pain agitation throng army horde multitude mass crowd throttle choke strangle suffocate silence through among by way of by throw pitch toss cast fling thrust push drive propel substance gist thug assassin killer ruffian thunder shout bellow resound peal roar thwart oppose baffle foil frustrate tick click beat check dot ticket notice record license label tickle excite gladden delight please tidings news message intelligence tidy neat orderly trim considerable tie bond obligation fastening tier rank row level layer tiff temper fit tantrum squabble spat tight close compact snug scarce short of till until up to down to cultivate plow tilt tip slant incline slope timber wood lumber log beam time duration period span age timeless endless perpetual everlasting timely well-timed opportune right timid fearful cowardly afraid shy tinge color complexion imbue tint tingle sting prickle thrill tinker blunderer bungler mend repair botch tinkle jingle ring clink chink chime tint color tinge hue dye shade tone tiny minute miniature small wee tip capsize upset slant tilt topple tire weary fatigue bore exhaust tissue gauze fabric web net muscle title name caption legend status surname titular honorary nominal in name only toast brown heat warm drink to together mutually jointly unitedly toil labor drudgery task work effort token sign symbol emblem feature tolerable endurable bearable passable not bad tolerance allowance temperance moderation tolerate abide allow bear stand toll tax import charge fee price tomb grave sepulcher mausoleum vault tone sound quality accent pitch tongue communication speech language tonic bracing refreshing voiced sonant too also likewise over additionally tool instrument implement utensil device tooth fang tusk canine incisor molar top crown head acme summit pinnacle topic subject theme thesis item topple fall over tumble plunge fail upset torch light brand arsonist torment torture vex abuse mistreat hurt tornado cyclone typhoon hurricane whirlwind torture pain excruciation agony torment toss fling buffet agitate stir throw total complete entire utter absolute totter shake tremble rock reel waver touch contact feel handle palm meet tough strong firm stiff resilient tour trip journey expedition excursion tourist traveler voyager sightseer tow draw pull drag haul tower fortress castle belfry spire town city urban village bright lights toxic poisonous venomous virulent noxious toy trinket doll puppet trace draw sketch copy follow investigate track trail follow explore pursue tract expanse region publication trade business profession occupation tradition legend myth folklore fable traffic trade barter dealings transportation tragedy drama disaster calamity catastrophe tragic dramatic melodramatic disastrous trail track footprints vestige scent path train succession instruct drill educate training discipline practice tuition trait quality characteristic feature traitor betrayer renegade deserter informer tramp traveler vagabond hobo vagrant trance daze stupor abstraction ecstasy tranquil calm quiet undisturbed serene transact negotiate deal conduct execute transcend exceed overpass surpass excel outdo transcribe copy write reproduce transliterate transfer displace interchange assign change transfix pierce fasten impale opening transfuse set into insert infuse inject transgress overstep sin infringe offend transient ephemeral fugitive volatible transit passage change conveyance translate transfer decipher decode render transmit send transfer convey forward transpire pass through exhale come to light transplant replant repot graft relocate transport conveyance movement emotion carry transpose exchange interchange reverse invert trap pitfall snare net ambush catch trash rubbish garbage refuse litter junk travel journey course voyage cruise rove traveler tourist tramp voyager wanderer traverse cross ford range patrol obstruct tray plate platter dish treachery dishonor infidelity treason tread walk step trample crush stamp treason betrayal disloyalty treachery treasure hoard wealth riches value cherish treat bargain deal parley attend doctor treaty compact pact covenant agreement tree plant sapling scrub shrub trek walk hike travel journey expedition trellis lattice network grid screen grill tremble agitation quaver quiver shudder tremor trembling shivering shaking quiver trench ditch dugout furrow trend direction tendency inclination drift trespass sin offend infringe invade trial test experiment hearing ordeal tribe race people sect group society tribune dais pulpit rostrum gallery tribute homage ovation reward recognition trick artifice craft illusion wile ruse trickle drip flow percolate leak seep ooze trifle trinket trace nothing triviality trim clip cut pare shave shear tidy trinket trifle tinsel gadget novelty trip journey excursion error stumble triumph joy exultation celebration success trivial insignificant unimportant small troop group number party company trophy medal prize trot run jog lope hasten trouble affliction distress misfortune worry troublesome irksome onerous upsetting disturbing trough manger hutch bin trench ditch truce armistice peace respite delay truck vehicle van wagon dolly lorry trudge march slog tramp walk plod true faithful loyal constant sincere truly indeed really actually, absolutely trumpet cornet bugle horn bellow roar truncate abridge reduce shorten curtail trunk stem chest box circuit truss girdle belt tie lace button strap trust confide depend faith hope rely trustworthy faithful reliable responsible honest trusty conscientious reliable honest truth fact reality verity gospel plain try essay endeavor attempt undertake tub pot vat cauldron tube pipe spout tunnel underpass conduit tuck fold pleat lap tuft cluster clump wisp bunch brush tug pull strain drag haul tow tuition training education fee cost price tumble fall roll leap spring overturn tumid swollen enlarged bulging pompous tumor swelling growth cancer tumult outcry uproar uproar confusion tunnel passageway burrow tube turbine rotator propeller turbulence disorder violence unrest turf grass sod lawn sod earth turmoil ferment welter agitation confusion turn rotate revolution twirl twist turn aside avert distract swerve deflect veer turning point crisis pivot peak juncture tutor teacher instructor coach twice doubly twofold a second time twin double twofold fraternal identical twine cord string line filament twinge twitch shiver tingle pang qualm twinkle blink wink scintillate sparkle twirl twist spin rotate turn whirl twist wind wreathe coil wrench twisted crooked wry contorted wrenched twitch jerk writhe shake pull tug twofold double dual twice twin tycoon magnate millionaire type sign emblem kind class letter typhoon hurricane tornado cyclone typical symbolic characteristic model tyranny despotism autocracy severity rigor tyrant despot autocrat oppressor ugly deformed plain ordinary unlovely ulcer abscess infection sore ulterior beyond farther further remote ultimate farthest most remote extreme final ultimatum demand requirement exaction ultra radical extreme excessive ululate howl wail cry hoot bark meow umbrella shade screen parasol canopy umpire referee arbiter arbitrator unabashed shameless brazen unashamed unabated tireless relentless ceaseless unable unfit incapable impotence unacquainted ignorant unknowing uninformed unaffected natural simple plain genuine unanimity agreement consent accord unarmed weaponless unprepared defenseless unasked voluntary spontaneous free unattractive ugly homely plain unsightly unaware unwary oblivious ignorant unbearable unendurable odious insufferable unbeaten undefeated unconquered successful unbelievable incredible unthinkable farfetched unbiased impartial unprejudiced fair just unbroken intact whole continuous untamed uncanny mysterious eery ghostly unceasing continuous uninterrupted perpetual uncertainty indecision vacillation doubt uncivil rude impolite unmannerly uncommon unusual rare scarce strange unconcerned indifferent uninterested detached unconfined unrestrained free unhampered unconquerable invincible irresistible unconscious unaware insensible asleep repressed uncouple unyoke disconnect disjunct uncouth boorish rude vulgar gauche uncover open disclose bare expose unction anointing gushing fervor undaunted courageous bold cool reckless undecided undetermined unresolved doubtful undefined indefinite limitless boundless under below beneath inferior subordinate underage immature premature minor undercover masked in disguise incognito underdog loser victim undergo suffer experience endure sustain underline accent emphasize underscore urge undermine excavate mine sap subvert weaken underneath below beneath underside lower underpass underwalk tunnel tube viaduct underside underneath under downside belly understand know comprehend grasp perceive understandable basic clear sensible reasonable understanding intelligence comprehension sympathy understate belittle degrade underestimate understudy alternate substitute second double undertake venture enterprise tackle engage undesirable distasteful disliked objectionable undignified discreditable inelegant ludicrous undisciplined wild chaotic lawless primitive undisguised true genuine obvious frank open undo loose unlock unfasten untie release undue unjust immoderate exorbitant unearth exhume expose discover uproot uneasy restless perturbed disquieted unequal disparate uneven mismatched unexpected unforeseen sudden abrupt surprise unfair onesided unjust wrong base bad unfaithful disloyal faithless untrue fickle unfamiliar unknown uncommon strange novel new unfasten loosen disconnect unfix liberate unfeeling hard-hearted cruel callous merciless unfit incapable unqualified unhealthy unfold open unroll expose announce unforeseen unexpected unanticipated unfortunate unlucky hapless abortive ruinous unfurl unroll open spread out display ungodly godless pagan profane unholy unhappy unfortunate sorrowful wretched unhealthy sickly infirm ailing delicate unholy wicked impious extreme unseemly uniform stable changeless outfit suit unify consolidate combine join unimportant petty trivial worthless frivolous uninterrupted endless unceasing continuous union unity concord connection alliance unique sole single only rare unusual unison harmony concord agreement union unit detail member squad section segment unite coalesce integrate join link merge unity oneness coherence fusion junction universal comprehensive general global universe cosmos celestial sphere sky university college school seminary institute unjust unfair undue biased unkempt uncombed disordered untidy unknown incognito unfamiliar unrecognized unlatch open unfasten unleash uncage unshackle release unless if not save except without unlike dissimilar diverse different unlikely improbable doubtful dubious unlimited undefined indefinite boundless unload empty disgorge offload unpack unlock unfasten unbolt undo open release unmask disclose lay bare reveal unmoved unaffected impassive unshaken unnatural artificial factitious foreign unnecessary useless needless superfluous unofficial unauthorized off the record unpack unwrap uncover open unload unpaid owing due volunteer unsalaried unparalleled unequaled unmatched inimitable unpleasant offensive bad nasty unattractive unpopular dislike unloved out of favor unprejudiced impartial unbiased dispassionate unprepared raw unarmed unready surprised unprofitable useless futile unwise profitless unqualified unfit unsuited ineligible unravel untwine untangle explain unfold unread illiterate unlearned uneducated unreal imaginary illusionary shadowy unrefined crude raw natural native unreliable untrustworthy unstable unsure unreserved frank cordial demonstrative unrest restlessness disquiet agitation unrestrained uncurbed free loose rampant unripe premature immature crude unroll unfold unfurl display uncover unruly unmanageable insubordinate factious unsafe insecure precarious dangerous unscramble untangle disentangle unmix solve unseat displace depose unseen invisible imperceptible unselfish generous liberal benevolent unsettle upset disturb disarrange unhinge unsound unhealthy diseased sickly deranged unspoiled perfect intact whole untouched unspoken implicit tacit inferred understood unstable irregular fluctuating unsteady unsteady fluctuating waving shifting shaky unstrung unhinged unnerved distraught unsung neglected slighted ignored untamed savage unbroken untrained wild untangle unravel free extricate clear up unthinkable inconceivable unbelievable untidy careless messy disorderly unkempt untie loosen free unbind until till to up to the time of untimely inopportune unseasonable early untold unknown unrevealed countless untrained raw inexperienced green untamed untrue disloyal false unfaithful unusual uncommon rare curious odd queer unveil disclose reveal uncover unwary rash unwise imprudent unwell ailing sick indisposed ill unwilling averse indisposed reluctant unwind relax repose let down unwise foolish senseless imprudent unworthy undeserving worthless unbecoming unwritten oral verbal unrecorded spoken up aloft higher upward upbeat lively brisk update make current revise upgrade improve better raise increase uphill ascending difficult strenuous uphold maintain sustain advocate encourage upkeep care maintenance expenses pension uplift elevation improvement lift upon on on top of above against about upper higher superior upright vertical perpendicular erect noble uprising revolt revolution rebellion uproar tumult discord pandemonium uproot abolish destroy eradicate upset overthrow overturn capsize bother upshot outcome conclusion result effect upstart nobody snob squirt parvenu upward higher aloft upwards urban city town metropolitan civil urge solicit plead exhort incite push urgency haste requirement need necessity urgent important imperative pressing urn vase vessel pot amphora use exercise application function usage useful beneficial valuable helpful useless vane impotent waste futile usher escort introduce announce induct usual customary ordinary everyday usurp seize expropriate conquer annex utensil implement instrument container utility service benefit help aid convenient utilize exploit harness employ use utmost most greatest final total complete utopian ideal optimistic romantic unreal utter total complete speak voice issue utterance publicity voice word declaration vacancy gap vacuum opening vacant empty open free unoccupied vacate decamp relinquish surrender quit vacation holiday rest time off recess leave vaccinate variolate inoculate inject immunize vacillate falter fluctuate waver sway vacillation fluctuation hesitation uncertainty vacuum void vacancy space nothingness vagabond hobo tramp vagrant wanderer beggar vagary fancy notion caprice whim vagrant gypsy hobo tramp vagabond begger vague unclear blurred shapeless undefined vain proud conceited futile valiant brave courageous gallant daring valid sound logical legal validate confirm legalize valor courage fearlessness heroism daring valuable precious costly worthy useful value worth price rate evaluate assess vandalism pillage plundering defacement vanish disappear fade out dissolve vanity conceit immodesty futility egotism vanquish conquer subdue subjugate silence vantage advantage rise vantage point vapor gas mist reek steam vaunt variable changeable alterable inconstant variance change alteration difference variation alteration change modification variety variation diversity assortment various different many several numerous varnish shellac lacquer spar gloss vary change alter fluctuate differ vast huge immense infinite boundless vault bank crypt dome jump leap tomb vaunt boast brag talk big vapor veer swerve shift deviate vegetable burgeon herb plant dull passive vegetate stagnate inactivity vegetation flora greenery verdure vehicle machine transportation automobile implement tool utensil enact execute fulfill implicate involve entangle embroil implication allusion suggestion meaning implicit unspoken tacit understood implied implied implicit suggested inferential implore beg beseech entreat plead imply hint suggest infer involve entail impolite rude uncivil illmannered import meaning significance importance importance consequence prominence significance important significance urgent critical impose burden with inflict levy tax imposing impressive majestic overwhelming imposter fake masquerader pretender fraud impotence inability incapacity impotent helpless ineffective useless impractical unwise imprudent illogical unsound impress stamp mark imprint inspire compel impression engrave sensation sensibility stamp impressive imposing awesome majestic stately imprint impress seal result effect imprison lock up confine detain hold jail improper indecent bawdy lewd wrong inapt improve correct mend rectify refine upgrade improvement uplift mend advance progress improvise invent extemporize unpreparedness imprudent careless incautious rash unwise impudence audacity gall rudeness insolence impulse impulsion impetus momentum thrust impurity uncleanness indecency obscenity impute ascribe attribute accusation in inside middle of midst of cool inability impotence incapacity powerless inaccurate erroneous fallacious incorrect wrong inactive inanimate passive slow sluggish inactivity inaction inertness lull cessation inane pointless senseless silly vacuous inanimate inorganic lifeless inactive inert inaudible unhearable faint muffled inaugurate induct install introduce initiate inborn native innate inherent incapable powerless unable incompetent incense inflame heat infuriate anger ire incentive stimulus goad spur motive clause inch creep crawl edge worm incident occasion event episode happening incidental secondary minor casual chance incise cut etch dissect split incision cut gash notch incite stir urge impel actuate provoke inclination leaning predisposition liking incline slant slope tilt pitch lurch include consist contain involve embody incognito concealed not known hidden income revenue dividends interest earnings incompatible inharmonious inconsistent clashing incompetent incapable inept inefficient inconceivable unimaginable unthinkable incredible inconsiderate careless heedless thoughtless inconsistency absurd paradox discrepancy variance inconstant unstable irregular fickle changeable inconvenient awkward embarrassing inopportune incorporate embody federate merge consolidate incorrect wrong erroneous fallacious false increase augment enlarge extend dilate gain incredible unbelievable inconceivable absurd incur acquire bring about indecent immodest obscene improper bawdy indecision irresolution hesitation uncertainty indeed in fact truly indefinite unclear undefined blurred vague indent impress hollow dent notch independence autonomy liberty freedom independent free separate exclusive well off index measure scale table list pointer indicate denote designate specify indication symbol sign symptom marker indifferent neutral unconcerned detached cool indigent needy poor penniless destitute indignity slight humiliation disrespect indirect oblique roundabout crooked indisposed ill unwilling dissuasion diseased indistinct inaudible imperceptible unclear individual one peculiar personal somebody individuality identity personality distinctiveness induce cause bring about incite infer induct inaugurate install indulge pamper spoil favor humor gratify industry labor work occupation trade ineffective useless vain unavailing impotent ineffectual futile lame impotent unable to ineligible unqualified inadmissible unfit inept clumsy unskilled incompetent inert inanimate passive static inertia stillness laziness lethargy inexact unprecise incorrect wrong erroneous informal casual free easy unofficial information knowledge data enlightenment infrequent rare few uncommon unusual infuriate enrage anger madden incite provoke infuse instill transfuse inspire implant ingenious clever inventive skill ingenuous artless plain frank outspoken ingredient component part element ingress entrance entry inroad invasion inhabitant citizen occupant dweller resident inherent inborn internal native innate inherit succeed get acquire receive possess inhuman cruel barbarous bestial brutal initiate admit introduce take in start inject insert introduce force in injure wound hurt damage abuse deface injury accident harm hurt mischief wound injustice bias warp twist partiality inkling clue suggestion hint whisper inmate prisoner tenant occupant innate natural inborn congenital inner inward private concealed inside innocence guiltlessness purity virtue innocent ignorant simple upright faultless inoculate vaccinate variolate immunize infect inopportune inconvenient untimely unfavorable input information contribute knowledge inquire ask investigate question probe inquiry autopsy interview pursuit quest insane mad manic crazy deranged wild insanity lunacy derangement craziness insatiable greedy voracious quenchless inscribe write mark engrave enter enroll insect bug fly moth beetle insert inject transfuse imbed enter inside in inner interior inward within insight discernment perceptiveness intuition insist state maintain hold to persist insolence arrogance hauteur haughtiness insomnia sleeplessness wakefulness inspect examine scrutinize investigate inspiration breathing happy thought brainstorm inspire breathe in stimulate animate enliven inspirit enliven exhilarate arouse animate install put in set up induct inaugurate installment down payment layaway plan part instance case example illustration instant sudden immediate direct moment instead in place of in lieu of substitute instill inculcate implant impart infuse instinct knack aptitude impulse intuition institute found establish school university instruct charge profess educate teach train instructor guide tutor professor lecturer instrument device tool utensil means apparatus insulate cover protect shield isolate detach insult slap abuse affront offend insurance guarantee warranty coverage protect intact whole unimpaired uninjured perfect intake consume ingestion assimilation integrate unite fuse synthesize blend integrity honor honesty wholeness intellect mentality brains mind rationality intelligence espionage tidings discernment ability intense violent sharp strong passionate intensify aggravate enhance escalate raise intent earnest sincere absorbed engrossed intention purpose intent view ambition intercept stop interrupt check hinder seize interchange commute swap transfer transpose interdict ban forbid hinder prohibit interest concern touch affect fascinate interfere butt in meddle interpose hinder interior internal inner inside inmost interlace knit weave intertwine braid twist interlude intermission pause episode gap intermission interlude lull interim wait recess intern detain hold shut up confine internal inner enclosed innate inherent interpose step in interfere meddle mediate interpret define expound read solve interrogate ask quiz pump cross-examine interrupt stop check cut short hinder suspend interruption break hindrance hiatus gap delay intersect cut bisect interrupt meet cross interval separation break opening spaced intervene interrupt mediate arbitrate interview converse question meeting inquiry intimate close friendly familiar private intolerable beyond endurance unbearable intrepid fearless undaunted intricate complicated complex involved devious intrigue plot conspiracy spying espionage introduce usher bring in present acquaint introduction preface forward prelude intrude interlope intervene trespass intuition insight instinct perceptivity inundate flood deluge sufficient inundation deluge flood torrent tide invade enter encroach violate penetrate invalid void null worthless useless invaluable inestimable priceless dear invasion encroachment infringement violation invent devise conceive contrive originate inversion reversal overturn inside out invest endue clothe array surround investigate inquire examine question search investigation analysis espionage inquiry search investment grant loan backing finance interest invisibility escape notice unseen concealed veil invisible angel unseen intangible out of sight invite summon ask tempt attract lure invoice list bill summation invoke plead beg summon wish conjure involve imply include implicate entangle inward inside private interior incoming ire incense wrath fury rage anger irk annoy discontentment bothersome irksome troublesome irritating tedious jangle discord clangor ringing jingle janitor caretaker superintendent custodian jar clash conflict discord vessel jug jargon lingo shoptalk gibberish argon jaunt excursion ride escapade jazz ragtime blues swing jealous envy possesive covetous jealousy envy covetousness cupidity desire jeer sneer scoff taunt gibe jehovah god creator almighty jeopardy danger risk peril hazard threat jerk twist tweak pull snap twitch jest joke with humor gag pun wisecrack jester wit joker gagman comedian fool jet stream spurt gush spout pour jewel stone gem diamond ruby jibe quirk yaw agree correspond jiggle fidget twitch agitate jingle clink tinkle ring jangle job work occupation position duty jog jiggle push trot amble join unite affiliate federate associate joint connection link juncture jolly joyous mirthful buoyant elated jolt hustle shock jar punch jostle push bump elbow shoulder journal diary daybook record log periodical journey trip tour voyage cruise expedition jovial genial cordial gay merry jolly joy rejoicing pleasure happiness delight joyful glad jubilant cheery jubilant joyful triumphant exultant elated judge arbitrator critic estimate guess judgment flair taste sense verdict judicious critical discreet prudent sensible jug bottle urn pitcher flagon tankard jumble mixup confusion disorder jump hop leap bound spring vault junction connection coherence joining union juncture crisis joint choice coupling jungle wilderness bush tropics junior younger lesser subordinate junk rubbish waste refuse trash wreck jurisdiction administration province dominion jury trial panel board of judges just fair right impartial legitimate justice fairness impartiality equity legal justification apology vindication excuse defense justify aquit absolve excuse clear jut protrude project stand out overhang juvenile youngster minor adolescent young one kaput ruined done for destroyed failure keel turn over fall down drop like a log keen shrewd smart sharp edged acute keep retain hold have possess receive kennel doghouse stall hovel hut hutch kernel grain nucleus nut core heart kettle pot caldron boiler teakettle key answer solution decipherment tone kick punt spurn stamp kid child youth make fun of deceive kidnap carry off abduct steal kill murder assassinate slaughter killer assassin murderer butcher thug killing homicide murder mortal lethal fatal kin related folks family kind class type breed nature character kindle ignite start set ablaze stir king ruler monarch emperor royalty kingdom realm territory domain empire kiss smack osculation caress knack adeptness ability aptitude knife blade edge point steel knight warrior paladin cavalier knightly chivalrous gallant courteous knit weave interlace contract knob handle latch hump bump knock pound strike hit rap tap bump knot snarl tangle problem cluster group know experience understand recognize knowledge insight inkling aware perceptive known observed disclosed revealed noted label tag tab mark sticker slip record labor work toil effort task proletariat laborer peasant worker workman labyrinth maze tangle meander intricacy lace cord lacing braid ornament lacerate tear mangle harrow distress lack want deficiency shortage need lacking absent destitute missing lad boy youth stripling ladle scoop spoon dip skimmer lady gentlewoman madam dowager noblewoman lag linger drag fall behind hang back lagoon laguna pool pond cove estuary lair den covert burrow cave abode lake lock pond pool lame crippled halt weak ineffectual lament groan mourn sob wail weep whimper lamentation wail complaint murmur mutter groan lamp light lantern headlight lampoon satire spoof detraction lance dart spear pike javelin shaft land earth ground terra firma landing docking wharf dock pier lane path byway passageway corridor language dialect lingo tongue vocabulary languid weak feeble weary listless lantern lamp searchlight torch lap drink flap extention fold leg tuck lapse interval oversight error deteriorate large big huge colossal enormous immense lariat rope lasso line riata lark frolic romp gambol caper prank lash beat whip flog scourge berate lass lassie colleen miss maid maiden last endure persist continue abide final latch catch latchet hasp clasp lock late tardy new recent former deceased later after latter next since subsequent latest last freshest newest in fashion lather foam froth suds spume latitude range extent scope freedom latter later last mentioned past lattice grating mesh trellis screen web laud praise extol eulogize approbation laugh guffaw snicker giggle chuckle laughable comic funny ridiculous ludicrous launch float start get going cast throw lavish prodigal profuse bountiful liberal law statute ordinance regulation mandate lawful legal legitimate permissible valid lawn green greenyard greensward lax loose limp slack remiss weak laxative physic cathartic purgative enema lay put place deposit layer stratum zone stage story lazy indolent slothful slow sluggish lead conduct direct precede open start leader guide bellwether director conductor leading first foremost front head leaf frond blade sheet flake page league band coalition covenant federation leak seep ooze escape waste lean slant incline depend rely tend leaning inclination slant tilting leap jump hop spring bound vault learning assimilation absorption erudition lease leasehold contract rent let demise leash leader throng restrain least smallest minimum inferior leave abandon surrender quit forsake lecture address discourse expound reprove ledge shelf rim bench berm leer smirk wink look ogle make eyes leg limb support course tack lap side legal justice lawful legitimate valid legend tradition tale saga myth legible readable decipherable clear plain legion horde multitude army corps legislator lawmaker congressman senator legislature congress parliament council legitimate lawful legal proper valid leisure spare time idle hours holiday lend advance finance loan entrust lease length span extent stretch footage lengthen elongate extend protract stretch leniency mercy patience kindness tolerance lens refractor eyeglass less inferior not so much less under lessen reduce diminish mitigate abate lesser junior minor inferior lesson instruction task exercise example lest for fear that let allow permit propose cause assign let out exhaust vent eject liberate free lethal deadly fatal mortal toxic hurtful lethargy inertia stupor weariness apathy letter character symbol note writing level horizontal flat even aligned leverage advantage purchase hold levity lightness weightlessness airiness levy assessment tax draft conscription lewd obscene indecent unchaste liability responsibility contingency duty liar prevaricator fibber deceiver libel defamation calumniation aspersion liberal lavish unselfish tolerant receptive liberate dismiss extricate release rescue liberty freedom independence emancipation library athenaeum bookroom license charter ticket permit authorize lick tongue dart across beat thrash lid top cover cap crown closure lie prevaricate falsify deceive life vitality existence being living lift raise elevate exalt uplift light ray stream sun airy giddy nimble lighten abate bleach unburden uplift lightness levity gaiety grace nimbleness lightning thunderbolt levin firebolt like similar resembling characteristic likely apt probably prone feasible likeness portrait effigy counterpart likewise ditto too furthermore moreover liking affinity inclination love desire limb branch arm leg member part limber flexible supple nimble spry deft limbo nowhere borderland oblivion limit boundary bounds confines edge verge limited definite finite scant qualified limitless endless unbounded infinity limp lax slack pliant soft flabby line row file cord string crease lineage ancestry family pedigree linear aligned straight lineal linger delay dally loiter dawdle wait lingo language speech tongue linguist polyglot philologist etymologist link tie bond join unite couple lint fluff fuzz threads lip edge verge labium flange liquid fluid smooth flowing liquor liquid fluid broth spirits list catalog record directory listen harken attend hear heed literal verbatim word for word exact litigate contest dispute sue prosecute litter disorder scraps bedding stretcher little few small wee diminutive tiny live exist be alive abide subsist lively cheerful upbeat vivacious winsome livid pallid ashen colorless living quick existing alive live load burden cargo lading charge loan lend borrow advance credit lobby foyer hall solicit promote pressure local restricted narrow native locate put situate discover find location place site position environment lock fasten secure make fast closure locker chest cabinet safe foot locker lodge dwell settle file loft attic garret studio lofty high tall elevated raised log timber firewood journal record logical rational reasonable sane loll lounge lie down sprawl lone solitary lonely single desolate lonely lonesome solitary lone desolate long lengthy elongated tedious long for ache covet crave hanker longing avidity desire yen wanting look behold perceive discern inspect lookout patrol watchtower tower loom menace emerge tower overshadow loop ring circle noose eyelet ambit loose free detached flowing unbound loosen relax unfasten untie free loot booty spoil plunder lopsided asymmetrical askew aslant loquacity talkativeness fluency gift of gab lore learning scholarship erudition loss perdition forfeit lapse waste lot fate destiny fortune sum lottery raffle draw lotto allotment fortune loud noisy vociferous vehement lounge sofa relax loll slouch repose louse vermin bug parasite lout bumpkin clod oaf boor love fondness liking desire admiration lovely beautiful delightful comely lover suitor wooer sweetheart lower debase humble reduce depress lowly humble meek loyal faithful true devoted obedient lucid clear understandable sane rational luck chance good fortune destiny lucrative profitable gainful productive lug tote transport convey carry lull calm intermission repose lumber wood logs timber planks boards lump protuberance swelling chunk lunatic madman maniac psychopath lunch snack collation midday meal lurch sway pitch stagger stumble lure entice decoy tempt coax lurk skulk slink sneak concealed lush luscious juicy tender luxurious lust desire sensuality voracity avarice luster glaze gloss polish sheen luxurious lush sumptuous voluptuous costly luxury elegance extravagance lynching hanging murder mob rule lyric poem song melodic music machine apparatus contrivance device mad crazy insane rabid frantic madden infuriate enrage incense craze magazine storehouse arsenal periodical weekly magnet lodestone attraction power magnetic electric hypnotic potential magnificent grand splendid noble superb magnify enlarge augment laud glorify magnitude quantity size extent measure maid girl lass maiden miss virgin maiden lass maid virgin first earliest mail post letters correspondence main principle primary large most maintain continue insist preservation sustain maintenance conservation upkeep sustaining majestic noble stately imposing grand majesty stateliness grandeur sovereignty major principal chief senior main make create produce prepare obtain cause makeshift expedient substitute stopgap malady disease sickness illness infirmity male man sir master chap husband mister malediction imprecation curse execration malevolence evil bad intent misanthropy enmity malice malevolence spite ill will animosity malign libel slander defame asperse malignant malign vicious criminal harmful mall promenade avenue parkway mallet hammer club maul maltreat abuse ill-treat misuse mammoth huge giant gigantic tremendous man male humanity operate staff run manacle fetter shackle handcuff manage administer conduct control afford manager boss director head administrator mandate command edict statute ordinance mandatory required compulsory binding maneuver artifice stratagem tactic cunning mangle break crush mutilate disfigure maniac madman insane person manic maniacal insane frenzied manicure trim clip cut pare file polish manifest bring forward show display evidence manifold multiple diverse copied repeated manipulate operate control manage influence mankind humanity society human race manner kind sort habit style manor mansion hall estate territory mansion house manor hall villa abode manslaughter homicide murder killing mantle covering cloak cape robe manure fertilizer compost dung many numerous multitudinous manifold map plan chart projection diagram mar disfigure deface blemish scratch marathon nonstop continuous arduous long matter something subject substance text mattress bedding tick bolster pallet mature ripe developed fullgrown adult maunder digress wander meander maximum supreme utmost greatest highest may can might be allowed permitted maybe perhaps mayhap perchance possibly mayor administrator president magistrate maze labyrinth network perplexity meadow mead lea pasture land meager spare scanty sparse poor lean meal repast eats consume devour mean ignoble stingy average normal meander wind drift twist wander roam meaning gist implication import point sense means resources money wealth capital measure quantity extent gauge amount meat substance core essence pith medal medallion badge decoration prize meddle tamper interfere intrude media magazine newspaper journal radio mediate interpose intervene propitiate medic doctor paramedic medieval feudal knightly courtly antiquated meditate ponder reflect speculate contemplate medium mean go between agent agency meek subdued humble patient submissive meet encounter assemble junction meeting encounter gathering contend assembly mellow soft rich ripe subdued delicate melody tune theme song aria music melt dissolve soften thaw fuse vanish member unit element part fellow memorable noteworthy outstanding unforgettable memorial commemorative shrine tablet memory retention retrospect thought menace threat danger hazard peril mend repair restore correct improve menial servant slave flunky humble servile mental intellectual cognitive rational mention let fall cite speak of communicate menu bill of fare diet list merchant trader dealer merciless relentless ruthless pitiless mercy pity leniency forbearance merely barely simply only purely merge unite blend coalesce absorb merit reward due worth virtue merry jovial gay vivacious mirthful mesh network web tangle lattice mess difficulty predicament disorder message communication dispatch note news messenger courier envoy bearer herald crier metal mineral element alloy ore meteor meteorite meteoroid shooting star meter rhythm cadence lilt gauge method way manner gait form mode meticulous minute particular fastidious precise mettle spirit temperament courage vigor midday noon 12 o'clock middle midst mean medium middle center midget dwarf pygmy shrimp midst center middle might power force strength mild gentle easy bland soft harmless milk extract extort interrogate mill grinder millstone factory plant mime mimic pantomime impersonate pretend mimic mime imitate impersonate copy mock mince chop dice moderate mind consciousness understanding intellect mine lode vein deposit burrow excavate mineral metal oil stone ore mingle blend mix merge miniature diminutive minuscule minute minimize reduce lessen belittle minimum modicum least amount minister legate teacher priest pastor ministry teaching spreading the good news minor lesser inferior secondary minority few smaller group childhood youth mint coin money piece minute tiny precise exact meticulous miracle wonder marvel fluke phenomenon mirage optical illusion deception imagined mischief harm injury trouble misconduct misbehavior impropriety misdemeanor misdeed offense wrong malefaction misdemeanor crime misconduct misdeed miserable wretched forlorn doleful mean misery wretchedness poverty distress misfire fail abort sputter backfire misfortune mishap trouble difficulty misgiving qualm scruple suspicion doubt mishap accident mischance misfortune mislead deceive delude lead astray misplace derange mislocate displace mislay misprint typographical error typo miss fail omit skip overlook avoid misshapen deformed malformed distorted missile bullet pellet projectile weapon missing omitted gone absent lacking mission errand task assignment mist fog haze vapor drizzle film mistake misunderstand err misidentify mistreat maltreat mishandle neglect mistrust suspect suspicion skepticissm doubt misuse abuse perversion ill-use misapply mitigate lessen moderate allay relieve mix assort blend hash mingle tangle mixture alloyage combination union infusion mixup confusion muddle disagreement moan wail sign groan bewail mob rabble riffraff herd crowd mobile movable loose free animate mock ridicule mimic tantalize jeer at mode state manner method custom fashion model prototype pattern mockup copy moderate sparing frugal inexcessive tolerant moderation temperance continence self-restraint modern contemporary late recent up-to-date modest bashful downcast humble meek modesty humility diffidence timidity shyness modify change vary alter temper moist clammy damp humid wet moisture moistness humidity dampness dankness mold form shape figure stamp cast model molest disturb annoy vex pester harass mollify placate pacify soothe appease calm molt shed cast off divest molten melted fused liquefied moment importance consequential instant money funds finance capital monitor overseer censor master controller monk friar hermit brother cenobite monologue recitation speech reverie monopoly trust corner pool syndicate monotonous wearisome humdrum tedious unvaried monsoon trade wind rainy season monster freak giant brute monstrosity mood temper humor disposition moody capricious variable gloomy sad moon satellite month lunation mop scrub swab wipe clean polish mope brood fret sulk pout moral ethical righteous just virtuous morale spirit cheer nerve courage morality ethics virtue purity chastity morbid unhealthy diseased gloomy more additional in addition added besides morning morn forenoon daybreak sunrise moron simpleton halfwit imbecile morsel bite piece scrap chunk bit mortal human ephemeral fatal deadly mortgage pledge security loan bond borrow mortify humiliate embarrass chagrin decay most greatest majority of nearly all motel hotel inn cabin motor court mother parent mamma prioress matron motion movement kinetics locomotion go motionless immobile quiescent still inert motivate induce move draw on inspire motive reason ground cause purpose motor engine center of power mound heap hillock knoll hill mount ascend rise soar go up climb mountain hill peak elevation mount mourn lament sorrow grieve bewail bemoan mouth lips muzzle inlet outlet entrance movable portable mobile changeable move transport impel actuate incite movement motion gesture maneuver progress much abundance ample plenty muck dirt filth slime mud mud mire muck ooze muddle confusion mess disorder muffle deaden stifle mute dampen swathe mug cup stein gangster mobster thug multiple manifold numerous many multiply increase accrue propagate spread mundane worldly earthy temporal mural wall painting fresco mosaic murder homicide manslaughter killing murk gloom haze dusk dark blackness murmur hum lamentation whisper muscle tendon sinew brawn power strength museum gallery repository archives music song lyrics poetry melody tuneful must ought should had better required muster assemble collect gather mobilize mutation change variation deviation freak mute muffle silence reduce soften mutilate maim destroy cripple disfigure mutiny rebellion revolt uprising mutter gripe growl lamentation mutual reciprocal common joint muzzle mouth nose nuzzle silence mysterious occult uncanny strange unnatural mystery secret puzzle enigma rite sacrament mystic hidden secret esoteric mystify puzzle perplex bewilder obscure myth legend tradition fantasy fiction nab grab catch seize ensnare nag pester scold badger fret complain nail talon claw spike tack naked uncovered stripped bare unclad name reputation fame repute nap doze sleep repose nape scruff scuff scrag narrate recount relate tell narrow local strait taper thin nasty foul filthy horrid dirty indecent nation country state realm republic native countryman innate inherent natural natural character innate native unaffected nature character essence basic quality navigation steerage pilotage near close adjacent intimate nigh verge nearly about almost all but approximately neat tidy orderly compact trim shapely necessary needful required essential imperativ necessity essentiality indispensability neck channel isthmus strait pass head nectar sweetness honey dew need necessity requirement desire lack needy in want destitute indigent penniless nefarious evil detestable base wicked negate repeal retract cancel counteract negation denial disclaimer contradiction neglect carelessness omission oversight negotiable conveyable assignable transferable negotiate accomplish arrange bargain neighborhood proximity vicinity area section neither negation none of never nerve courage strength vigor vitality nervous jumpy jittery fidgetry nestle lodge snuggle lie cuddle net catch ensnare trap veil web nettle trouble irritate annoy provoke vex network reticulation mesh interlacing neutral indifferent unconcerned impartial neutralize cancel offset compensate never not ever ne'er nevermore fat chance new fresh youth raw untried news information intelligence tidings next beside nearest after later nibble browse gnaw peck pick at nice pleasing agreeable attractive niche corner nook recess cranny nifty smart stylish fashionable night darkness evening nightfall midnight nimble agile light spry quick nip nibble bite cut pinch shorten nitwit bonehead jughead fool dimwit no not never none not by any means noble aristocrat title distinction grand nobody nonentity upstart jerk zilch nod salute greeting recognition node difficulty nodus protuberance noise uproar hubbub din racket noisome destructive harmful baneful evil noisy blatant boisterous loud vociferous nomad wanderer gypsy rover nominal titular in name only token nominate propose name suggest appoint none no one nothing nonfiction reality history article expose nonsense absurdity foolishness silliness nook retreat corner cover niche recess noon noontime midday noonday lunchtime noose hitch catch loop halter norm normalacy model standard normal ordinary regular average usual nose snout muzzle nasal nostrils nostalgia homesickness regret wistfulness nosy inquisitive meddlesome prying notation note comment annotation entry notch nick gash score groove note letter acknowledgment reminder nothing zero cipher nought blank notice attention observation perception noticeable perceptible prominent observable notify inform warn apprise advise tell notion idea thought opinion fancy caprice nourish nurture sustain feed foster novel story book romance epic writing novelty new originality innovation change novice beginner student amateur nozzle spout outlet vent valve nucleus center heart core kernel basis nudge push poke prod nugget lump hump slug nuisance bother evil plague vexation trouble nullify abort counteract revoke cancel numb unfeeling deadened frozen dazed number compute calculate enumerate estimate numeration counting tally calculation recount numerous many myriad plentiful various nun sister ecclesiastic nurse attendant nursemaid nanny nursery the cradle infancy babyhood hatchery nurture sustain support feed foster cherish nut kernel stone nutmeat seed core nutshell husk hull covering synopsis nutty nutlike meaty rich tasty nuzzle nose muzzle burrow snuff nymph dryad doxy party girl oaf lout simpleton dullard dunce oar paddle blade sweep scull oasis waterhole wallow refuge shelter oath curse epithet expletive profanity obedience compliance submission nonresistance obeisance homage deference obedience bow obese fat overweight stout plump object thing item goal aim objective unemotional unprejudiced unbiased obligate bind engage restrict constrain obligation duty promise agreement debt bond additional extra farther further more plus address direct court woo accost greet adept ace clever master proficient adequate acceptable effective enough adhere cling to stick hold closely to adhesive glue sticky tenacious adjacent near close by next to touching adjoin touch abut border meet adjunct addition appendix appendage adjust fix adapt regulate straighten administer govern rule manage control admiration approbation esteem love wonder admire esteem idolize venerate admit let in induct concede acknowledge admonish warn caution advise against admonition reproof caution warning adolescence youth minor juvenile teens adolescent juvenile teenager young one adore love worship idolize adorn crown deck enrich embelish garnish adrift afloat drifting loose adult grown up mature ripe full grown advance progress go forward proceed gain advantage leverage superior vantage profit adventure enterprise undertaking event risk adversary opponent enemy foe rival adversity affliction trouble hardship calamity advice counsel suggestion recommendation advise acquaint notify prescribe recommend advocate favor plead support suggest affair occasion event happening occurrence affection attachment devotion affinity affectionate fond tender loving tender warm affinity liking attraction affirm allege say swear vouch vow affirmation statement allegation assertion affix fasten attach append afflict beset trouble burden affliction adversity distress plague trouble afford manage bear supply furnish affront insult offense slur slight after later subsequent following pursuit aftermath results consequences again do over ditto repeat once more against in opposition to contrary age oldness years decline grow senior aged elderly old ancient venerable agency operation working power office agenda things to be done order of the day agent attorney delegate envoy promoter aggravate worsen intensify irritate agile nimble active spry athletic agitate churn fret jiggle shake stir toss agitation stir shake tremble quiver quake agnostic skeptic doubter agony pain torture anxiety anguish agree yield consent coincide agreeable amiable nice pleasant kindly mild agreement concord harmony unanimity unison agriculture cultivate farm till garden aground stranded grounded ahead before in advance winning aid assist contribute help support aide assistant auxiliary helper partner ailing sick unhealthy unwell feeble week aim purpose goal air atmosphere sky vapor airport landing strip airfield airtight hermetic flawless ajar open agape discordant alacrity promptness speed zeal alarm warning siren danger signal alert watchful on guard wary ready alias assumed name pseudonym alibi excuse justify exemptness alien foreign strange immigrant stranger align line up straighten regulate array aligned linear arrange straighten adjust alive living quick witted alert brisk all entire every whole complete allay lessen soothe mitigate ease calm allege state assert affirm imply accuse allegiance loyalty devotion allegory fable parable figurative story allergy sensitivity reaction alley passage lane walk alliance association federation allocate deal ration apportion divide allot appoint assign distribute allotment grant lottery pension quota share allow grant permit concede tolerate allowance stipend admission sanction allude refer ascribe attribute allure attraction charm entice tempt allusion hint implication reference mention ally friend confederate supporter almighty all powerful omnipotent almost nearly not quite all but alms charity dole giving aloft on high overhead above alone apart solitary single along lengthwise onward together alongside beside by with close by aloof distant unneighborly reserved aloud audibly vociferously loudly alphabet letters abc's already by now previously alter change modify revise tamper vary alteration variation difference change altercation contest quarrel argument dispute alternate substitute proxy amount total quantity sum ample plenty sufficient large copious amplify enlarge swell magnify amputate cut off sever disjunction amuse beguile divert entertain charm amusement avocation game hobby play diversion amusing entertaining pleasant enjoyable analogous like parallel related corresponding analogy parable relation similarity analysis breakdown separation investigation anarchy lawlessness terrorism disorder anatomy structure framework zootomy analysis ancestry paternity maternity origins stem anchor grapnel kedge mainstay safeguard ancient aged venerable antique archaic angel archangel celestial being invisible anger resentment displeasure wrath angle corner aspect guise point of view animal beast brute creature living thing animate liven cheer enliven encourage animated brisk vivacious spirited lively animosity antipathy ill will enmity annals chronicle history records annex add attach affix annihilate demolish destroy eliminate announce tell proclaim publish annoy vex tease harass disturb molest annual yearly seasonal anniversary annul abolish override repeal revoke anonymous unnamed nameless incognito another one more others next answer response reply retort acknowledgment answerable accountable liable antagonist foe rival adversary opponent antecede go before precede priority antenna aerial rabbit ears mast tower anthem song hymn chorale music antic caper escapade prank gambol anticipate await expect precede forestall antidote antitoxin remedy anxiety concern care fear mental anguish any a some each either whatever apart separately alone independently away apathy coldness indifference unconcern aperture hole opening fissure gap apex peak vertex zenith top apology excuse justification vindication apostle disciple evangelist appall horrify shock disgust revolt apparel array clothing attire garb apparent plain obvious visible evident appeal entreaty plea begging petition appear emerge rise seem look appearance sight scene view outlook prospect appease mollify pacify soothe placate append add attach to affix addition appendage adjunct attachment tail accessory appetite hunger desire craving applaud acclaim clap commend ovation cheer applause clapping praise ovation approbation applicable fitting relevant pertinent application diligence use utilization apply put or lay on use ask request appoint prescribe assign ordain place appointment meeting interview engagement apportion budget dispense distribute ration appraise evaluate assess price appreciate prize esteem value understand appreciative grateful thankful indebted gratitude apprehend seize arrest grasp perceive apprehension fear anxiety arrest seizure approach nearing approximation imminence approbation approval esteem favor admiration appropriate proper fit timely suitable approval consent favor praise sanction approve accept like support recognize agree apt likely suitable appropriate aptitude ability faculty instinct knack aquatic watery oceanic marine water arbitrary despotic dictorial unreasonable arbitrator judge referee umpire mediator arc arch curve arch curve arc vault archaeology past paleontology paleography archaic ancient past old outdated architect planner designer creator archive chronicle anal record ardor fervor passion enthusiasm zeal arduous onerous wearisome area place region space zone arena field theater coliseum stadium argue debate discuss reason with dispute argument persuasion thesis debate discussion arise get up awake originate begin arm limb member branch wing weapon armistice truce respite lull peace armor steel plate mail shielding arms weapons firearms armament army troops soldiers force throng aroma bouquet perfume fragrance odor arouse rouse awaken stir excite arrange accommodate compile negotiate set arrangement array file format structure array clothing apparel host arrangement arrest seize apprehend capture halt arrogance haughtiness self-importance insolence arrogant dogmatic domineering egotistic artery vessel vein channel passage artful cunning skillful article item object thing story piece artifice trick stratagem ruse device cunning artificial handmade synthetic false sham fake artistic talented accomplished cultural artless simple ingenuous naive ascend climb mount rise soar ascent rising upswing acclivity incline ascribe impute accredit attribute aside apart aloof away distant irony ridicule satire sarcasm irregular inconstant sporadic unstable irrelevant inappropriate unfitting unrelated irrigate moisten flood flush irritable fretful peevish touchy sensitive irritate annoy provoke vex irk exasperate irritating abrasive irksome vexatious island isle cay key atoll reef isolate segregate insulate separate issue offspring arise result problem isthmus connection neck land passage itch tickling tingling desire crave item piece detail particular entry itinerary journey route circuit course jab punch blow prod poke jab punch blow prod poke jacket coat sack suit tuxedo jagged sharp rough snaggy pointed jail prison slammer joint jam crowd crush blockage preserves ask interrogate question inquire invite askew crooked awry lopsided asleep sleeping dozing napping quiescent aspect look appearance side view ass donkey jackass burrow fool assassin killer slayer murderer thug assassinate kill slay murder assault battery storm assail strike atack assemble collect convene meet muster assembly congress convention meeting assent acquiescence nod accord concord assert avow declare say claim assertion affirmation plea statenent assess value appraise price estimate assessment levy tax appraisal evaluation assets possessions property resources assign hand over allot distribute delegate assignment chore mission post task assimilate digest absorb incorporate merge assist aid help support attend assistant aide auxiliary prop second associate join fraternize ally combine unite association alliance club company group guild assort arrange classify mix assume suppose take for granted take over assumption guess supposition theory conjecture assurance confidence promise pledge warranty astonish amaze wonder suprise astound astound boggle amaze stun stupefy surprise astronaut cosmonaut spaceman astronomy cosmology cosmogony astute clever shrewd cunning at all times always ever continually athletic agile spry muscular hardy robust atmosphere air sky ether ozone exosphere atonement reparation compensation amends atrophy degeneration deterioration attach affix annex fasten fix connect attachment addition appendage affection love attack assault and battery onslaught charge attain achieve accomplish reach successful attempt try endeavor essay attack attend accompany escort be present listen attendant nurse page yeomen servant attention mindfullness intentness attentiveness attenuate weaken thin out rarefy attest testify bear witness depose attire clothing dress apparel attitude stand pose posture position attorney lawyer agent attract appeal lure seduction adduce attraction affinity allure magnet temptation attractive cute handsome nice pleasant pretty attribute allude ascribe impute quality auction bidding vender sale offering audacity boldness courage impudence augment increase enlarge extend expand augur foretell prophesy signify aura atmosphere air emanation auspicious favorable promising propitious austere harsh stern severe ascetic authentic genuine real trustworthy author creator originator writer inventor authority power jurisdiction title influence authorize enable vest empower sanction allow autograph signature manuscript holograph automobile self-propelled car auto vehicle autonomy self-government independence freedom autopsy post-mortem examination inquiry autumn fall harvest time auxiliary assistant helper partner accomplice avail serve do suffice help available handy ready convenient avarice greed desire avenge retaliation average normal norm mean standard averse loath reluctant unwilling opposed aversion distaste horror phobia repulsion avert keep off turn aside ward off aviation flight flying navigation aeronautics avidity eagerness longing desire keenness avocation hobby sideline amusement avoid evade elude dodge sidestep avow declare confess assert await expect anticipate look forward to awake alert heedful observant informed award prize medal decision vigilant aware cognizant informed away abroad absent aside distant remote awe fear dread wonder awesome impressive solemn terrible moving awful horrible dreadful awkward clumsy inconvenient inopportune awry askance crooked askew out of order axiom law proposition babble chatter prattle gossip rave baby infant babe child tot nursling back rear support aid promote fund backbone spine support fortitude resolution backfire boomerang go awry failure backlash reaction recoil backup substitute alternate aid backward retarded slow underdeveloped bad unpleasant wicked worst vile evil badge emblem sign indication badness evil mischief malevolence baffle foil frustrate balk block bag receptacle case container pouch bail security bond pledge bait lure temptation decoy tempt tease bake roast cook harden dry fire balance equilibrium steadiness stability balcony gallery loggia porch tier loge bald hairless treeless bare bale bundle sorrow woe balk rebel stop shy hinder thwart foil ball dance shot projectile globe ballad song chantey balloon airostat blimp kite dirigible ballot vote choice poll ban prohibition restriction interdict banal commonplace trite habit band belt strap stripe zone orchestra bane poison venom curse mischief bang clap crash slam pound batter banish exile dismiss expel eject bank slope hillside vault depository banner flag pennant symbol badge banter chaff ridicule spoof teasing joking baptize sprinkle immerse dip name bar barricade block obstruct impede barbarian foreigner outsider alien savage barbarous inhuman rude savage brutal fierce barbecue cookout rotisserie spit bare empty unfurnished simple barely only just narrowness bargain negotiate pact cheap purchase treat bark covering rind skin shell yelp yap barrage attack bombardment barren infertile unprofitable sterile barricade fence fortify obstacle barrier barrier obstacle impediment hindrance barter exchange interchange trade dealer base bottom foot foundation root essence basement cellar vault bashful shy diffident timid modest basic simple easy understandable basis foundation justification reason bat cudgel club stick nightstick batch baking set series run lot bathe immerse submerge dip wash scour bathroom toilet facilities head water closet batter smash beat pound destroy battery assault attack guns solar or storage battle fight engagement combat contest bawdy coarse ribald gross lewd bawl yell bellow cry sob bazaar market place fair street fair beach shore coastline sands bead drop pellet ball beak nose bill nib beam shine glow smile ray gleam bear endure tolerate suffer render yield beard stubble whisker imperial goatee bearing course trend carriage manner beast brute quadruped blackguard animal beat throb stroke accent rhythm beautiful fair lovely pretty attractive beauty lovely elegant graceful dainty because by reason of on account of become befit accord with behoove turn into bed couch cot resting place beer bock hops malt drink befit suit harmonize with fit become before afore ahead of beforehand previously beg implore beseech ask alms begin origin cause source rise bud seed beginner amateur novice rookie beguile deduce deceive amuse divert behalf interest benefit advantage behave bear conduct act behind rearward aft backward following behold see look at watch observe being life existence person creature belief creed faith opinion religion believable credible plausible trustworthy belittle run down disparage deprecate bellow roar shout bawl belly stomach tummy abdomen paunch beloved dear pet precious sweethart below subordinate lower underneath belt girdle band stripe zone encircle bench seat settee court bar board bend curve turn give yield beneath underneath under below benediction blessing commendation benefactor benevolence receive beneficial useful helpful salutary advantagious benefit behalf boon profit utility benevolence generosity almsgiving good works benign gracious favorable benevolence bent bias crooked twisted bereft bereaved deprived of loss beseech beg implore ask entreat beset beseige attack stud or ornament beside by near alongside abreast besides more otherwise furthermore besiege beset surround beleaguer invest best choice unequalled unparalleled bet wager stake gamble play lay odds betrayal infidelity treason dishonesty better mend correct relieve between intervene come between step in beware take care be on guard avoid bewilder puzzle confuse perplex daze beyond farther yonder over past bias prejudice partiality bent biased onesided unjust prejudiced bible sacred writings gospel bicker spar squabble wrangle argue bid offer try invitation request bidding auction command offering big large bulky huge mountainous bill score reckoning invoice statement billow surge swell undulation wave bin pocket trough hopper crib bind restrain secure fasten obligate binding mandatory obligated necessary bird fowl songbird warbler fledgling birth origin creation genesis inception bit scrap mite slice piece tool drill bite morsel scrap nip snap snip sting bitter stinging cutting acrid unpalatable black dark midnight blackball exclude ostracize reject boycott blacklist ostracize exclude exclusion blackmail extortion hush money protection blade cutter edge sword knife blame criticism censure charge condemn bland mild unflavored tasteless blank empty unfilled vacant vacuous blanket covering widespread comprehensive blast explosion discharge gust destroy blatant noisy obtrusive blaze fire flame mark spot blazon proclaim advertise decorate bleach whiten blanch lighten bleak raw desolate unsheltered cold bleed flow hemorrhage fleece suffer blemish flaw defect imperfection blend combine mix crossbreed merge bless hallow consecrate praise thank blessing benediction commendation godsend blind ambush screen shade deception blink wink flash twinkle glimmer bliss happiness ecstasy rapture pleasure blizzard snow storm tempest blast gale blob drop bubble lump block hindrance blockage obstruction blockade barrier obstruction embargo blond light-colored flaxen platinum blood serum essence sap gore bloom blossom flower glow mature blossom bloom flower bud blot stain blemish spot sully smear blotch spot stain blot blemmish blow jab pant puff stroke wind bluff brink cliff deception trick blunder slip botch mess solecism fail err blunt dull deaden numb direct brusque board council cabinet panel boat ship vessel craft sail body anatomy torso substance assemblage bog swamp morass quagmire marsh boggle amaze astound surprise boil churn seethe simmer cook boisterous noisy clamorous vociferous stormy bold daring audacious forward boldness audacity confidence courage bolster support sustain prop reinforce bolt staple pin lag screw bond union connection tie accord bondage slavery subjection peonage bonus premium extra dividend book novel opus volume folio textbook boom push boost plug drum boon benefit favor acquisition request boost aid help endorsement assist help border edge limit margin rim frontier bore drill penetrate perforate tire borrow take appropriate make use of adopt bosom breast bust heart intimate close boss knob stud manager supervisor botch bungle blunder butcher mar spoil bother nuisance annoyance trouble worry bottle flask jug pitcher canteen bottom base foot sole foundation bounce rebound recoil spring carom bound limit confine delimit leap boundary limit border confines edge boundless unlimited vast immense great bounty grant subsidy premium generosity bouquet fragrance perfume aroma corsage bout contest match turn round bow obeisance curtsy yield concede bowl basin vessel dish cup breaker box chest trunk crate package boy lad youth child boycott shun blackball resist brace stimulate support strengthen prop brain cerebrum intellect mind brake retard check curb slow down stop branch member arm bough offshoot brand kind sort mark identification brave courageous valiant bravery courage valiantly prowess boldly breach break opening gap rupture break interruption disconnection breach breast bosom bust chest breath respiration inhalation breeze life breathe emit exhale respire inhale breed create multiply generate produce breeze breath draft zephyr flurry blast brood hatch progeny posterity broom brush besom whisk broth stock boullon potion elixir brother friar cadet kinsman sibling fellow brow forehead summit crest brown toast braise singe tan bronze browse graze feed nible pasture brush broom graze scrape sweep wipe brutal cruel inhuman coarse brute beast animal ruffian bubble blob fizzle simmer foam bucket pail tub scoop receptacle bud begin burgeon sprout shoot buddy comrade pal chum friend budge move stir shift alter change budget apportionment allowance buffer fender bumper polish safety buffoon fool clown jester comedian bug insect arthropod mite vermin flaw build construct make fashion erect building construction pile structure bulge swell protrude bag bulk size quantity measure amount volume bulky big hefty massive huge bullet missile shot ball lead slug bulletin notice report statement news bully hector brawler tyrant bump collide knock strike hit bun roll chignon food knot bunch crowd group cluster bundle bundle package parcel bunch bale bung stopper cork plug bungle botch butcher fumble blunder bunk bed berth cot absurd buoyant light floating resilient burden hindrance load weight encumbrance burdensome onerous weighty oppressive heavy burgeon bud sprout expansion vegetable burglar housebreaker stealing burn char singe scorch blaze incinerate burrow hole tunnel excavation dig mine burst rupture break rend explode shatter bury inter inhume immure cover sink bus trolley vehicle coach onmibus bush shrub clump thicket hedge scrub bust failure arrest breast bustle stir rustle fluster flurry ado busy occupied engaged engrossed employed butcher slaughter kill bungle button fastener disk boss badge emblem buzz drone hum whir whisper by beside alongside past beyond by way of through via cab taxi hackney hansom cockpit cabin shack shed shanty lodge hut cabinet room boudoir chamber closet cable rope line cord cablegram cache hiding place stash cadet recruit combatant cafeteria restaurant automat cage enclosure bars aviary pen restrain cajole flatter wheedle coax calamity casualty catastrophe tragedy calculate compute reckon count appraise caliber gauge quality ability capability calibrate graduate rectify measure call cry shout yell summon bid choose call for entail summon inquire request callous hardened tough unfeeling insensitive calm placid serene unruffled cool camouflage disguise conceal mask camp encampment bivouac cantonment campaign operation plan fight war can tin container cancel delete offset neutralize cancer carcinoma sarcoma malignancy candid frank straightfoward blunt candidate nominee office-seeker aspirant cane switch stick rod walking stick cannon gun field artillery canon decree code law principle criterion canopy awning tester vault sky canyon ravine gorge gulch chasm capability ability caliber skill aptitude capable able competent sufficient capacity space volume limit extent quantity cape mantle cloak tippet bertha shawl caper leap cavort gambol frolic prance capital excellent first-rate primary caprice fancy fit humor vagary whim notion capsize overturn upset tip over captain commander skipper leader chief caption title subtitle headline heading captivate charm fascinate enchant enamor capture seize apprehend arrest grab caravan procession motorcade van care concern consideration anxiety heed careen sway lean career speed careful discreet prudent deliberate fussy careless carefree nonchalant casual negligent caress fondle pet stroke endear cargo freight load ship baggage carnage massacre slaughter shambles killing carouse feast revel debauch drink carriage bearing chariot buggy surrey coach carry uphold support transport convey carry off abduct kidnap swoop seize shanghai carve cut slice shape fashion case instance situation plight sheath casket chest canister container coffin cast throw toss heave hurl sling fling cast off discard molt shed reject abandon caste class rank castigate criticize correct punish castle fortress stronghold abode casual accidental chance careless casualty accident disaster calamity cat feline pussy tabby kitten mouser catalog list index register catastrophe calamity disaster upheaval cataclysm catch take seize overtake land net hook category class status place cater indulge humor pleasure cattle livestock cows bulls steers cause origin source wellspring principle caution discretion prudence heed forethought cautious shy wary careful watchful cavalier horseman knight escort cavalry horse soldiers dragoons hussars cavil carp find fault take exception cavity hole excavation hollow pit opening cavort caper gambol prance romp play cease stop desist discontinue end cede yield relinquish grant assign celestial heavenly divine holy unearthly cell protoplasm cage jail compartment cellar basement subcellar vault cement mortar concrete grout paste cemetery graveyard necropolis burial ground censor reviewer critic faultfinder censure blame reproach criticism judge census enumeration count center middle core hub midst ceremony ritual formality protocol form certain some specified certainty certitude confidence sureness certificate warrant diploma policy testimonial cessation disuse inactivity pause stop rest chaff husks banter jesting chagrin mortification vexation dejection chain range series yoke connect attach challenge query question dare defy chamber cabinet council room apartment chance accident fate gamble long shot change alter transition vary modify changeable movable variable inconstant fickle channel artery ditch neck canal tube chaos disorder confusion jumble abyss char burn singe scorch sear carbonize character kind class natural disposition characteristic feature like trait typical charge command exhort instruct assess charge attack prosecute require sell for chariot carriage phaeton charisma specialty personality trait mark charm fascinate captivate enamor enchant charming sweet winsome cute ravishing chart map plan graph charter grant sanction license establish oblige compel force constrain bind obliterate efface erase expunge cancel delete oblivion forgetfulness failure amnesia limbo oblivious deaf unaware preoccupied heedless oblong elongate rectangular elliptical obnoxious repulsive loathsome hateful obscene foul lewd dirty indecent coarse obscure indistinct indefinite hazy dim observance performance compliance adhesion observant attention heedful regardful observation comment notice view regard note observe see comply with respect acknowledge obsess haunt beset besiege obsession preoccupation mania phobia obsolete past extinct outworn disused obstacle hindrance difficulty barrier snag obstruct block stop impede choke retard obstruction block blockade hindrance hitch obtain acquire set prevail obtuse stupid dull blunt obvious manifest patent clear evident occasion opportunity opening room event occult mystic mysterious secret hidden occupant tenant lodger occupier inhabitant occupation industry job trade vocation work occupy hold inhabit keep fill tenant occurrence event incident affair episode ocular optic visual retinal perceptible odd strange unusual unnatural oddity curiosity freak singularity ode poem lyric canticle hymn odor smell scent emanation fume odyssey wandering travel journey quest offend break the law err displease provoke offender lawbreaker culprit offense insult affront aggression attack offensive unpleasant vulgar obnoxious horrid offer tender bid advance ultimatum offering auction sacrifice contribution gift office headquarters department room officiate preside serve supervise direct offset neutralize balance cancel out offspring children descendants family line often frequently repeatedly recurrently oil fat lipid grease wax mineral ointment unguent balm pomade salve cream oligarchy clique junta aristocracy omen warning foreboding portent omission exclusion exception elimination omit neglect skip spare overlook delete omnibus collection compilation extensive omnipotent all-powerful almighty on forward onward ahead progress once formerly previously latterly past oncoming impending menacing one individual sole only single onerous difficult troublesome burdensome onesided unfair biased partial only solely singly exclusively merely onset attack onslaught opening onslaught attack onset assault invasion onward forward ahead progress ooze seep leak filter drip percolate open ajar uncover undisguised unlock opening hole aperture breach operate conduct manage direct go run work operation action campaign process method operative effective acting working functioning opinion idea belief conviction theory opponent opposition enemy attacker opportune fortuitous timely seasonable oppose contrast confront combat resist opposed averse contrary antagonistic opposition contrast enmity opponent resistance oppress persecute burden crush afflict oppression terrorism wrong tyranny cruelty oppressive heavy sultry difficult confining oppressor persecutor bully boss slave driver opt decide approve of vote for elect optimal optimum prime best option choice preference discretion right oracle prophet seer predictor oral verbal vocal spoken unwritten oration speech declamation discourse address orb globe sphere ball circle orbit path track circuit revolution orchard fruit garden grove plantation orchestra symphony band ensemble ordain install appoint invest frock decree ordeal trial strain cross test order uniformity harmony system routine orderly neat tidy formal exact aide valet ordinance law mandate rule statute ordinary usual medium average regular orgy debauch carouse dissipation oridinance law regulation order decree rule origin beginning cause commencement source original novel unique primary earliest originality novelty speciality ingenuity originate start invent begin initiate cause originator author founder pioneer ornament corsage emboss frill lace vignette orphan waif stray gamin urchin oscillate rock swing vibrate waver change ostentation display show parade pomp ostracize blackball blacklist exile expel other different separate distinct former otherwise else if not besides contrarily oust depose evict remove dismiss out without outside outdoors outburst eruption explosion breakthrough outcast derelict exile castaway leper outcome issue termination end result upshot outcry clamor tumult exclamation shout outdo excel exceed surpass outer outside outward external outfit costume equip getup suit uniform outing excursion junket field day picnic outlast outlive survive outwear durable outlet drain mouth nozzle break crack outline profile tracing bounds edge outlive outlast survive endure outlook appearance prospect forecast outpost sentry scout border frontier output produce yield harvest outrun overtake outdistance outstrip outset departure threshold origin source outside exterior outer external outsider alien stranger foreigner layman outspoken frank candid unreserved blunt outstanding prominent exceptional remarkable outward exterior outer out visible outweigh overweigh outbalance exceed outwit frustrate circumvent outsmart oval elliptical ovoid ovate ovation applause kudos tribute cheers oven stove range broiler furnace over past across by again beyond overall blanket all-inclusive overcast cloudy murky shadowy gloomy overcome conquer subdue defeat overflow inundate flood run over deluge overhaul examine check inspect repair overhead costs expenditure capital overlap imbricate shingle overhang overlook command oversee direct ignore skip overpass bridge walkway override annul overrule prevail overrule override reverse set aside rescind oversee manage superintend direct command oversight omission error blunder slip overstep transgress trespass cross overtake catch outrun reach catch up with overthrow overcome defeat upset abolish overtone suggestion hint implication overture advance approach proposal bid overturn invert upset reverse overthrow owe indebted be in debt own admit confess concede acknowledge pace rate speed velocity step stride pacification mollification conciliation compromise pacify appease mollify placate quite pack stow bale load burden bundle packing contents filler wadding buffer pact compact covenant treaty bargain pad cushion mat buffer paddle oar row spank swim pole page leaf folio servant attendant pain suffering hurt discomfort agony painstaking particular thorough scrupulous painting drawing design perspective pair couple duo mates pal companion crony comrade friend bud palatable tasty savory appetizing pale wan colorless light sickly pall jade weary sicken satiate palm conceal hide over cover deceive palpable evident plain clear manifest palpitate beat pulse throb vibrate quake pamper humor indulge spoil pet coddle pan pot kettle skillet grill panel jury board of judges pang pain twinge shoot ache panic terror fright fear stampede panorama scene view spectacle scenery pant gasp puff blow yearn pantomime mime mimicry silent film gestures pantry store cupboard kitchen galley pants trousers breeches slacks jeans parable allegory analogy fable comparison parade show display march ostentation paradise promised land eden garden or park paradox inconsistency absurdity paragon ideal model perfect example pattern paragraph clause phrase section passage paralleled compared likened matched paramount chief first supreme paranoid fearful suspicious distrustful paraphrase rendering restatement reword alter parcel bundle distribute packet carton parch dry up shrivel scorch pardon forgive excuse release overlook pare peel trim cut shave slice reduce parent begetter procreator source park deposit leave place zoo garden parody take-off imitation travesty parole pledge promise custody release part sector segment fraction region partial dim onesided part incomplete partiality bias injustice prejudice particle speck iota bit atom molecule particular demanding painstaking meticulous parting departure farewell severance partition screen wall severence apportion partner sharer associate co-owner party faction denomination clique club pass elapse enact crossing way track passage permeation road highway street passing cursory fleeting passion love fervor ardor infatuation passionate amorous fiery intense vehement passive nonresistant inactive inert quiet password countersign shibboleth watchword past yesterday archaic bygone former paste cement glue pulp fix repair pastel pale light soft delicate tinted pasteurize sterilize disinfect pastry cake crust shell pit tart strudel pasture field meadow grassland range pat caress stroke rap tap strike patch piece segment spot repair patent obvious plain clear evident path trail lane road route way course pathetic piteous pitiable saddening patience leniency tolerance perseverance patient invalid case victim patrol guard warden ranger lookout patron client sponsor helper supporter patronize support endorse aid pattern form original mold example paunch stomach abdomen belly fat pause cessation rest hesitation pave coat cover floor surface pawn pledge hock security pay render salary stipend wages payment defrayment reimbursement compensation peace amity friendship harmony quiescence peaceful quiet still armistice concord evade avoid elude dodge shun baffle evaluate value appraise estimate price evasion elusion avoidance escape evasive elusive shifty false misleading even level equal smooth flat unvaried evening dusk nightfall close of day sunset event occasion occurrence affair episode ever always at all times eternally everlasting perpetual timeless permanent every each all complete entire everyday daily usual commonplace normal evict eject oust remove expel put out evidence facts data grounds support proof evidencee manifest visibility testimony data evident apparent plain obvious distinct evil ill harm hurt nuisance mishap evince exhibit display show manifest evoke summon invoke imagine suggest exact require claim demand extort exaction requisition ultimatum demand exaggerate enhance inflate overestimate falsify exalt exhilarate lift erect promote examination autopsy study test search survey peak summit top apex pinnacle crest peasant countryman peon laborer farmer peck nip bite pick snip tap rap peculiar individual strange odd unusual peddle sell canvass hawk retail peek peep glance look watch pry peel pare rind husk bark shell peg pin degree pellet pill tablet capsule missile pebble pelt fur hide skin covering pen stockade enclosure fold stall penalize fine handicap scold chasten penalty retribution punishment penance penance retribution atonement fine pendulum oscillator swing bob pendant penetrate bore burrow pierce enter cut peninsula projection neck tongue of land pennant banner flag streamer pennon pension allowance annuity allotment people humanity populace pepper cayenne vim vigor perceive apprehend discern observe notice percentage compensation commission fee perceptible appreciable discernible visible perception notice sensation understanding perceptive knowledgeable observant aware percolate drip trickle permeate ooze perfect absolute intact ripe unspoiled perfection excellence ideal model perfect perforate bore drill pierce puncture riddle perform enact play execute fulfill achieve performance action observance rendition showing perfume fragrance aroma cologne scent perhaps maybe possibly perchance conceivably peril danger hazard risk chance exposure period cycle duration season vintage time periodic recurrent cyclic epochal perish expire die crumble nonexistence perk cheer up brighten animate liven permeate pervade saturate overspread permission leave allowance toleration grace permit allow let license grant empower perpetrate commit inflict perform do practice perpetual everlasting unceasing eternity perplex puzzle bewilder confuse mystify persecute molest oppress maltreat beset abuse perseverance stability tenacity persistence persevere persist plod remain pusue persist persevere continue remain endure person individual body somebody human personal private individual intimate own personality character individuality self ego perspective view angle aspect position perspire exude sweat exhale excrete persuade coax convince prevail wheedle persuasion argument plea conviction influence persuasive inducive cogent convincing logical pertain apply refer bear upon belong relate pertinent relevant apposite applicable peruse read study examine con pervade fill permeate penetrate imbue perverse contrary stubborn obstinate pervert distort twist debase corrupt pessimism dejection cynicism morbidity pest plague epidemic infestation pester molest nag bother annoy harrass pestilence disease plague epidemic pet favorite beloved love cuddle petite small mignon trim tiny petition plea request entreaty asking petty trivial unimportant small phantom specter illusion ghost spirit phase appearance state condition aspect phenomenon marvel wonder occurrence phobia fear dread aversion repulsion phonetic phonic phonal sonant vocal photograph picture photo film snapshot phrase expression sentence paragraph physical bodily anatomical material pick best cream elite choice prime pickle preserve salt brine marinate picnic excursion outing festivity cookout picture image likeness counterpart piece scrap morsel bit section fragment pier landing wharf quay pierce impale penetrate prick stab stave pig hog sow boar swine slob pike tip point spike spear lance pile structure building edifice heap pilfer filch rob steal plunder pillage plunder ransack rob sack vandalism pillar column pedestal support post pillow cushion bolster headrest pilot helmsman steersman guide counselor pin peg spoke dowel fastener pinch stress strain pressure emergency pine languish long crave droop pinnacle climax peak spire top zenith pioneer forerunner settler originator pious devout godly holy divine pipe passage tube main briar pirate marauder corsair sea robber pit hole hollow indentation crater pitch incline heave hurl throw tone pitcher carafe jug jar bottle vessel pitfall ambush snare trap meshes pith pulp core heart essence pitiful compassionate pity wretched pity compassion sympathy lamentation pivot axis turning point hinge joint placate soothe quiet pacify conciliate place spot point nook area zone placid serene unruffled calm cool plagiarize pirate copy imitate stimulate plague affliction woe nuisance pest plain simple homely savanna tundra meadow plan scheme design project aim plane level stratum surface plant vegetable herb organism flower plastic moldable malleable pliant plate dish utensil tray slab plateau plain mesa highland tableland platform deck podium stage dias rostrum platter tray dish plate trencher plausible credible reasonable believable play sport frolic fun amusement game player performer actor musician participant plea request petition assertion plead allege assert state beg petition pleasant agreeable gracious attractive genial please kindly do request gratify satisfy pleasure enjoyment gratification sensuality pleat plait corrugation wrinkle fold pledge promise security pawn collateral plentiful copious numerous fruitful bountious plenty sufficient abundant ample pliant pliable supple yielding flexible plight quandary predicament dilemma plod persevere persist trudge plot diagram plan outline scheme ploy maneuver stratagem pluck courage bravery valor determination plug stopper cork dowel secure obstruct plumb perpendicular vertical erect plume quill feather plumage crest tuft plump corpulent fat chubby stout plunder pillage loot spoil gain advantage plunge dip submerge dive sink fall plus and additional extra added to plush pile nap hair velvet fluff ply exert urge attack apply work use poach steal thieve filch pilfer pocket pouch bin purse hollow podium stand dais rostrum platform poem lyric ode poetry song sonnet poetry balladry poem ode lyric verse point object meaning significance intent pointed direct concise terse brief pointless idle inane meaningless poise balance dignity composure bearing poison venom toxicity virus poke prod nudge stick jab push polar extreme ultimate furthest outermost policy conduct management tactice strategy polish sheen luster shine glaze gloss polite mannerly courteous amiable gentle poll ballot head vote question enroll pollute contaminate foul desecrate taint pomp grandeur show ostentation display pompous haughty vain arrogant self-important pond lagoon lake pool ponder think reflect meditate consider pool lagoon lake monopoly syndicate poor indigent inferior faulty defective pop bang shot burst explosion popular common public liked chosen famous porch balcony terrace entrance stoop porous open absorbent permeable loose portend signify omen forebode foreshadow portent omen sign wonder marvel portion fraction segment share allotment portray picture describe act out enact pose attitude posture sit position location perspective post status possess have keep own hold occupy possession ownership lordship dominion estate possibly maybe perhaps by chance post station assignment position place posterior later succeeding rear hindmost postpone procrastinate delay defer shelve postulate axiom hypothesis premise fact posture pose attitude bearing mood pot crock jug tankard kettle pan potent powerful strong mighty intense potential dynamic magnetic charged potion elixir brew pouch bag pocket sack receptacle pounce spring leap jump snatch seize pound bang batter hammer knock ram slam pour flow emerge decant fill issue pout sulk grimace dejected sullen poverty lack privation poor need powder dust pulverize particles power potence might force energy vigor powerful potent strong mighty almighty powerless helpless inability incapable practice training drill exercise custom praise commendation acclaim approval prance caper cavort spring dance strut prank antic escapade lark capper game prattle babble chatter gabble drivel pray implore ask beg request petition preach exhort evangelize lecture moralize preamble preface prologue prelude precaution care caution warning safeguard precede antecede anticipate lead go before precedent custom foremost exemplar pattern precious priceless costly precise beloved precipice cliff drop bluff precipitate rash hasty hurried impetuous precise exact accurate definite rigid predicament condition dilemma crisis emergency predict forecast foretell prophecy prediction warning prophecy prognosis forecast preface foreword prologue preamble prefer select fancy choose promote advance preference choice option favorite election pregnant significant weighty fertile prejudice partiality bias opinion prelude preface foreword prologue introduce premature untimely immature precocious premeditate calculate plan prearrange premier chief foremost earliest premium reward prize payment gift bounty prepare concoct cook make ripen season prerequisite requirement essential necessity prescribe urge suggest advise order presence attendance assemblage residence present current existing immediate modern presently soon shortly immediately eventually preservation conservation support maintain retain preserve cure pickle save protect shield preside supervise control direct manage press crush throng crowd pressure urgency pressure strain compulsion stress coercion prestige repute dignity fame importance presume impose venture deduce assume pretend sham feign counterfeit lie pretense show pretension imitation excuse pretty attractive comely good-looking prevail rule succeed induce persuade prevalent current rife widespread prominent prevent preclude hinder stop forestall previous preceding former prior antecedent prey victim game loot prize spoil price amount cost expense charge prick puncture pierce prod urge pride dignity self-respect arrogance primary capital elementary main original primate ape monkey chief leader master prime original first initial primitive primitive primeval aboriginal crude unrefined prince monarch ruler sovereign nobleman principal chief leader head principle doctrine theory code law print impress compose impose revise prison dungeon jail penitentiary private confidential intimate personal prize appreciate award reward trophy probably likely plausible reasonable credible probe fathom feeler quest snoop problem issue knot question dilemma procedure process method tactics way course proceed continue progress advance process conduct method procedure practice proclaim announce declare broadcast circulate procure acquire purchase get obtain buy prod shove goad prick spur jab produce goods yield harvest fruit product produce outcome effect result production formation construction fabrication productive fertile lucrative rich fruitful profess pretend feign teach instruct profession trade vocation calling business professional expert technical adept learned proficient adept skillful expert masterly profile contour outline side silhouette profit advantage benefit interest gain profitable lucrative paying advantageous profound learned heavy weighty prognosis prediction prophecy forcaset program playbill agenda forecast outline progress advance improvement movement proceed prohibit debar forbid interdict ban obstruct project plan purpose enterprise endeavor projection map peninsula propulsion stud prologue preface introduction preamble prolong protract sustain extend draw out prominent noticeable outstanding notable promise pledge vow oath assurance guarantee promote advance further aid improve support prompt incite induce motivate actuate promptly readily soon on time punctually prone inclined disposed likely prong point spike extension tine proof evidence substantiation verification prop support brace assistant helper propaganda publicity persuasion proselytization propel push force impel thrust shove proper correct fastidious chaste right property assets quality belonging capital prophecy prediction prognosis forecast proportion ratio dimension extent share part proposal offer statement recommendation propose propound advance present suggest proposition axiom thesis ask approach accost propound propose state suggest propulsion projection push driver power prose writing style fiction non fiction prosecute urge pursue follow continue charge prospect view outlook scene sight promise prosper fare thrive fortunate flourish prosperity welfare success blessings protect defend guard shelter shield screen protection safeguard defense shelter screen protest objection complaint contradiction prototype model sample standard pattern protract extend lengthen prolong continue protrude jut bulge extend project prove confirm verify show demonstrate provide equip supply furnish replenish provision replenishment subsidy furnishings provisional contingent tentative conditional provisions store wares preparation outline provoke annoy irritate exasperate excite prowess courage bravery heroism prowl ramble wander roam lurk sneak rove proximity nearness vicinity neighborhood prudence discretion carefulness caution tact prudent discreet wary circumspect careful prune shear snip trim abbreviate pry peek snoop examine search seek pseudo spurious counterfeit simulated false pseudonym alias nickname byname public popular common general known publicity notoriety limelight utterance publish announce vend reprint issue pucker wrinkle crease ruffle contract pudgy stocky plump chubby puff swelling blow breath cloud wind pull power sway jerk wrench pulp paste dough curd mush pulsate beat throb drum palpitate pulse throb beat quiver tremble pulverize crush powder crumble pummel pommel beat belabor pump draw inflate question interrogate punch jab wallop strike hit poke punctual prompt regular precise timely puncture perforate prick stab stave stick punish castigate clobber inflict spank punishment hangman penalty correction reproof puny small underdeveloped undersized pupil disciple student attendant puppet doll toy manikin figurine purchase buying power bargain pure chaste clean immaculate simple purge cleanse clarify flush wash purify clarify filter refine sanctify purity clearness refinement filtering purpose intention determination resolution pursue chase ensue follow seek pursuit adventure quest inquiry pursuance push nudge thrust shove press put place locate set deposit plant put away stash stow hide save deposit put out evict quench discard throw away putrid decomposed decayed rank foul puzzle bewilder mystery mystify perplex pyramid polyhedron progression accumulation pyromaniac arsonist firebug incendiary quack charlatan falsehood doctor quail shrink cower recoil flinch quaint old-fashioned picturesque quake agitation earthquake shudder qualification limitation restriction condition qualified competent fit limited quality attribute property excellence trait qualm misgiving remorse twinge pang throe quantity magnitude amplitude numbers amount quantum quantity amount substance mass quarantine detention detainment restraint quarrel altercation squabble dispute feud quarry prey game catch target take quarter one-forth district region quaver quiver shake tremble warble trill queasy nauseous squeamish uneasy timid queen ruler mistress belle queer odd singular strange giddy quench put out extinguish satisfy query challenge question inquiry quest search pursuit probe inquiry question problem query interrogation doubt quibble evasion cavil argue criticize quick rapid swift brief fast prompt quiescent still motionless fixed stationary quiet peaceful tranquil serene quill feather plume pen spine quirk flourish quip taunt jibe quit satisfy resign abandon leave quite entirely wholly actually really quiver tremble shudder shiver flutter quiz interrogate question examine tease quota allotment share proportion quote repeat cite instance abstract rabid mad furious fanatical overzealous race onrush advance dash sprint rack strain exert torture distress racket carouse hubbub frolic clatter radiance glory glow brightness brilliance radiant shining sparkling glowing radiate emanate emit shed difuse radical fundamental extreme drastic radius spoke half-diameter range scope rag shred tatter scrap remnant rage fury frenzy wrath violence raid attack invasion onset incursion rain shower precipitation downpour raise lift elevate arouse incite muster rake gather collect rummage search ram butt batter bump pound drive ramble prowl rave roam stroll walk wander ramp incline slant slope rampant rife widespread epidemic rancor spite malice bitterness vengefulness random haphazard casual chance fortuitous range row series chain extent scope ransack rummage scour search loot pillage ransom redeem redemption release price rap knock pat peck tap strick whack rape seize plunder seduce debauch rapid swift speedy fleet prompt quick rapt ecstatic absorbed engrossed rapture bliss delight ecstasy pleasure rare scarce sparse unusual choice rash eruption impetuous imprudent unwary rasp scrape file grate chafe rate ratio percent degree proportion rather preferably more correctly passably ratio proportion rate percentage value ration apportion allocate allot limit rational logical reasonable collected sensible ravage lay waste plunder devastate rave bluster storm rant tear ramble ravel untangle fray separate ravenous hungry greedy voracious ravine canyon gulch gulley raw crude unprepared uncooked ray beam light shaft spoke flash blaze reach touch attain gain get to strive reaction response revulsion reflex read peruse interpret decipher readily willingly easily promptly ready prepared available handy prompt real actual veritable true genuine sure realistic lifelike faithful graphic similar reality truth actuality verity fact realize comprehend appreciate understand really surely indeed truly certainly realm kingdom empire domain sphere reap gather harvest acquire cut mow rear nurture bring up raise establish reason intellect explanation cause ground reasonable logical plausible probably rational reassure comfort placate content encourage rebel revolt resist mutiny rise up rebellion revolt uprising insurrection rebound bounce ricochet react rebuild reconstruct remodel build up rebuke reproof reprimand admonition reprove recall recollect remember revoke retain recant withdraw take back renounce retract recede retrograde retrogress shrink receive get acquire catch derive absorb recent fresh late modern recess alcove niche nook pause break recipe formula directions method recital concert tale presentation musical recite rehearse relate repeat declaim reckless careless foolhardy heedless reckon calculate count compute estimate reclaim redeem restore reform recover recline lie rest couch repose recognition gratitude nod perceiving identify recognize acknowledge concede remember realize recoil reaction revulsion rebound bounce recollect recall remember bring to mind recommend commend advise suggest entrust recommendation advice proposal guidance council recompense repay reward return reconcile placate appease settle accord recondition repair renew overhaul restore reconsider reexamine review think over or again reconstruct rebuild redo restore renovate record note chronicle put in writing attest recount tell recite repeat relate narrate recoup regain retrieve reimburse recover regain get back redeem reclaim recreation diversion sport pastime recruit enlist raise furnish supply rectify correct improve repair purify recur return comeback reoccur repeat red crimson scarlet redeem ransom recover rescue restore redemption ransom salvation reparation reduce diminish lessen curtail lower reef island shelf ridge bar beach reek vapor fumes odor stench stink reel spool stagger totter wobble refer submit commit send direct referee arbitrator umpire conciliator reference citation credentials testimonial refine purify cleanse educate improve reflect throw back imitate echo meditate reflection image thought observation study reflex reaction instinct repercussion reform restore improve convert redeem refrain abstain spare cease avoid refuge asylum sanctuary hideout home refund return give back repay reimburse refusal denial resistance snub rebuff refuse deny decline reject resist regain recover retrieve get back to regal royal splendid stately majestic regard consider deem observe respect region area district vicinity domain register record roll list enroll mark regret remorse lamentation mourning sorrow regular normal ordinary punctual staple regulate order manage rule adjust rectify regulation law oridinance direction control rehash review repeat restate summarize rehearse repeat recite enumerate drill reign rule govern command influence reimburse repay compensate refund indemnify rein curb check control restraint reinforce strengthen support replenish reinstate restore put back rehabilitate reject refuse disavow veto discard abandon rejection exception exclusion repulsion rejoice triumph joy festivity jubilee rejoicing exultation triumph jubilation joy relapse recurrence deterioration regression relate tell recount report narrate connect related analogous kin recounted stated said relation connection reference analogy similar relax rest relent slacken loosen abate release free liberate give out relinquish relent soften yield submit relentless pitiless merciless implacable relevant applicable pertinent pertaining to reliable trustworthy dependable trusty relic fossil ruin vestige antique relief easement alleviation mitigation relieve absolve better cure help mitigate religion faith belief truth theology relinquish abandon cede release vacate waive relish zest gusto flavor taste spice rely trust depend count on remain stay endure last continue remainder residue remains remnant vestige remains corpse remainder ruin rest remark note observe comment mention remedy help antidote sedative drug remember recollect observe acknowledge remit forgive pardon excuse exempt remnant remainder residue fragment vestige remodel rearrange rebuild modernize renovate remorse qualm regret contrition remote distant secluded alien slight remove depart go away move displace render give pay deliver supply yield rendition rendering execution performance renew revive restore resume continue renounce forsake recant repudiate waive renovate renew restore repair freshen rent split payment return rental rental hire rent lease lend sublet repair mend renovate restore amend remedy repay reimburse refund recompense repeal revoke recall annul vacate abrogate repeat reiterate quote recite duplicate repel resist reject scatter revolt replace supplant succeed restore substitute replenish refill restock renew stock up replica image double twin facsimile copy reply answer response retort report state review announce proclaim repose rest inactivity relaxation sleep repository storehouse treasury locker representation imitation depiction portraiture reprieve delay stay respite pardon reprisal retaliation revenge requital reproach blame rebuke censure reproof reproof admonition rebuke reproach reprove chide dress lecture criticize repudiate renounce disclaim deny disown repulsion rejection spurning aversion repulsive obnoxious vile offensive resistant repute dignity fame standing honor glory request petition plea proposal offer appeal require demand entail exact stipulate required mandatory must necessary requisite requirement want necessity essential urgency requisite necessary required essential requisition demand order claim exaction rescind overrule revoke remove annul cancel rescue liberate set free deliver save resentment anger discontent spleen reserve restriction restraint caution reserved aloof coy shy claimed saved taken reservoir cistern watershed reserve store reside live dwell abide sojourn residence abode home presence habitation resident citizen tenant occupant inmate residue remainder rest remnant leavings resign abandon abdicate quit retire resilient buoyant tough rebounding elastic resist boycott confront oppose rebel resistance opposition stand refusal endurance resolution determination will resolve firmness resolve determination resolution decide resort gather flock frequent refuge resound echo ring reverberate resources assets wealth prosperity means respect regards consideration courtesy respectable worthy reputable decent estimable respite armistice reprieve spell truce response answer reply reaction responsibility duty liability reliability loyalty responsible trustworthy dependable accountable rest remainder remains balance residue restless impatient uneasy jumpy nervous restoration renovation revival resuscitation restore cure heal mend renew repair restrain curb deter leash stint suppress restraint inhibition control rein restriction restrict cramp stint limit restrain check restriction ban qualification reserve restraint result consequence conclusion outcome resume recommence continue reassume retail vend peddle dispense sell retain have keep recall grasp remember retake resume recover recapture retrieve retaliation avenge reprisal revenge vengeance retard delay hinder impede postpone retention holding custody retaining keeping retire retreat leave resign depart retort reply witticism sally comeback retract recall recant revoke withdraw retreat seclusion shelter withdrawal retribution penalty penance requital reprisal retrieve recover regain reclaim repair retrograde retreating reversed decadent return restore echo render reply answer reunion gathering assembling reveal disclose show divulge announce revenge retaliation retort vengeance spite reverse converse apposite setback defeat reversed converse retrograde turned around review reexamine reconsider revise recall revile abuse malign deride contempt revise alter correct reconsider edit amend revival resuscitation reanimation restoration revoke recall repeal annul rescind revolt uprising rebellion mutiny sedition revolution orbit turn revolt rebellion revulsion reaction dislike recoil withdrawal reward recompense prize tribute bonus tip rhythm beat meter tempo accent rich wealthy affluent opulent fertile riches treasure wealth fortune money ride drive tour travel journey ridge saddle range moraine seam spine ridicule deride jeer snicker scoff banter ridiculous absurd preposterous laughable rife prevalent current widespread rift crack cleft crevice fissure rig equip furnish improvise appoint right virtue lawful correct accurate good righteous godly upright just devout rigid stiff unyielding firm strict rigor harshness austerity severity rim edge border margin curb brink rime frost ice snow sleet icicle rind skin peel epicarp integument ring encircle clang tinkle circle girdle rink course drome skating palace rinse rewash dip splash ripe mature perfect complete ready ripen mature prepare perfect mellow rise ascend soar upward appear risk chance venture hazard gamble rival competitor contender antagonist road way path track passage trail roam wander range ramble rove stray roar shout bellow howl bawl resound roast bake cook toast broil barbecue rob plunder pillage steal burglarize robe cloak mantle gown vestment robust vigorous healthy lusty strong rock swing sway oscillate teeter rod cane wand wicker staff bar rogue vagabond scoundrel cheat roll coil curl scroll tumble wallow romance novel love story fantasy romp frolic caper cavort rookie beginner novice greenhorn room chamber hall apartment roost perch limb branch nest refuge rope cable cord lariat strand strap roster list register roll call count tally rotate turn gyration circulation pivot rotten decomposed putrid corrupt rough abrasive coarse crude harsh sharp round circular annular spherical globular rouse waken arouse stir excite incite rout stampede panic defeat repulse route corridor itinerary path way course routine groove habit order rut system rove cruise roam stray travel wander row paddle scull oar royal regal imperial princely magnificent rub buff abrade scour polish stroke rubbish debris junk trash litter waste rubble trash litter refuse waste rude barbarous crude primitive rough ruffle tousle tangle irritate fret anger rug mat carpet covering ruin destruction wreck remains relic ruined decadent extinct kaput demolished rule law ordinance code command order ruler sovereign straightedge slide rule rummage hunt ransack junk rumor report hearsay gossip run scurry hasten travel flow runner courier racer entrant sprinter runt dwarf pigmy stunted underdeveloped rural rustic countrified bucolic ruse artifice device gambit trick rush hurry scurry dash surge expedite rust corrode oxidize deteriorate rustic homely rural pastoral pleasant rut groove beaten path routine ruthless relentless merciless cruel saber sabre sword scimitar cutlass sabotage destruction vandalism subversion sack bag destruction pillage ravage sacred hallowed sanctified holy sacrifice oblation offering self-denial sad sorrowful downcast dejected unhappy saddle seat pad panel ridge hump crest sadness despair gloom sorrow dejection safari journey expedition trek caravan safe locker sure secure guarded defended safeguard anchor precaution protection shield safety security surety assurance escape sag droop slump warp curve slouch sail cruise voyage navigate traverse sailor seaman mariner a some one any each aback rearwards behind unawares sudden abandon relinquish resign quit surrender abase humble demean degrade shame abash humiliate humble shame embarrass abate reduce decrease lighten diminish abbreviate shorten cut abridge condense abdicate relinquish withdraw resign discard abdomen stomach belly paunch venter abduct kidnap carry off steal seize aberration deviation variation irregularity abet inspire encourage assist incite abhor hate despise loathe detest abide dwell reside live stay tolerate ability aptitude skill capability talent able capable competent skillful talented abnormal unusual aberrant eccentric abode dwelling residence house lodging abolish annul cancel suppress exterminate abort stop quit cancel nullify abortion miscarriage failure premature abound teem swarm be plentiful overflow about around roughly nearly almost above overhead up superior surpassing abrade grate graze rub scour scuff abrasive rough grinding annoying irritating abreast up-to-date equal level side by side abridge digest condense compress reduce abroad overseas away outside roaming abrupt sudden short curt steep sheer absence nonresidence truant not present absent gone lacking missing elsewhere away saint hallow pietist apostle sake purpose motive reason regard salary stipend pay wages hire compensation sale selling auction barter closeout salon drawing room parlor ballroom saloon bar tavern cabin bistro salt saline season pickle brine salutation hello welcome address regards salute welcome greet hail uncover salvage rescue recovery retrieve reclaim salvation redemption deliverance salvage same identical alike equivalent sample specimen example pattern prototype sanctify consecrate bless hallow purify sanction permission confirmation approval sanctuary refuge shelter haven resort sand grit granules particle grain speck sane logical lucid rational reasonable sanity soundness reason rationality sarcastic scornful contemptuous withering satiate satisfy quench gorge fill satire comedy irony lampoon skit mockery satisfactory acceptable enough adequate satisfy content gratify appease convince saturate soak fill drench imbue sauce dressing dip gravy compote flavor savage wild untamed barbarous ferocious save rescue deliver preserve salvage savor flavor smack tang enjoy relish say speak tell declare state affirm saying adage word mentioning revealing scale balance ratio proportion weigh scan examine study scrutinize look over scandal disgrace infamy shame humiliation scant scanty limited meager sparse scanty few meager scant sparse stingy scar blemish flaw pock crust deface scarce rare uncommon deficient scathe injure harm hurt castigate scatter stretch disperse dissipate scenario plot script text book scene view vista panorama site location scenic theatrical dramatic stagy scent smell detect perfume odor scepter staff wand baton stick schedule list catalog inventory scheme collusion design device plan plot scholarly academic studious erudite cultured school academy university institute science knowledge skill efficiency scoff jeer deride laugh at scold chide dress nag snap vixen scoop ladle dipper spoon scope extent range sweep compass field scorch char singe blacken parch wither alternative choice option plan although though while even if in spite of altitude height elevation always at all times invariably continually amass collect accumulate pile up amateur nonprofessional beginner amaze astonish astound ambition purpose wish hope desire ambush hiding place camouflage pitfall amend change correct rectify amiable friendly agreeable amid among midst amidst amiss wrong ill badly improperly amnesia loss of memory among in the middle of included with amorous loving passionate score account tally record music scratch scorn contempt disdain ridicule despise scoundrel heel rogue scamp villain rascal scour scrub abrade polish cleanse scourge lash whip flog hit thrash scout spy observer spotter forerunner scowl frown glare grimace glower scrap bit crumb morsel splinter scrape graze brush scratch grind scratch score gash rasp lacerate deface scream shout shriek yell screech screen partition curtain shield mask scribe secretary clerk author scrimp curtail limit pinch tighten reduce scroll list roll memorial scrub rub scour swab mop scruple doubt perplexity misgiving qualm scrutinize inspect scan watch view study scuff scratch abrade scrape disfigure sculpture carving statue sculpting cast sea ocean main lake wave swell seal die stamp signet guarantee seam ridge junction scar wrinkle sear dry arid waterless colorless char search hunt seek look for explore season period time interval prepare age seasoning condiment flavoring sauce relish seat chair bench location site secede withdraw separate bolt relinquish seclusion privacy retirement recess isolation second moment instant backer assistant secondary incidental minor dependent secrecy stealth privacy isolation secret mystery confidence concealed hidden secrete hide conceal mask prepare sect denomination faction fellowship section separation disjunction division sector part side zone division area secure guarantee pledge ensure warrant security bail mortgage pawn pledge safety sedate calm serious dignified serene sedative tranquilizer sleeping pill bromide sedentary stationary seated inactive seduce lead astray lure entice corrupt see view behold observe comprehend seed germ grain nut bulbs seek search for hunt pursue request seem appear look appearance seep leak ooze drain drip exude seethe boil stew simmer soak segment slice portion component member part segregate isolate sift sever divide part seize grasp clutch capture arrest seizure apprehension fit spasm stroke select choose pick prefer elect opt self ego being essence personality selfishness egotism vanity self-interest sell sale vend offer bargain seminar study group tutorial school send dispatch forward transmit impel senior aged elder major superior sensation feeling perception impression sense meaning import feeling judgment senseless inane silly unwise witless sensibility feeling perceptivity impression sensible cognizant conscious reasonable sane sensitive irritable sensuous sentient sore sensitivity allergy feeling irritability sensuality lust pleasure desire exciting sensuous sensitive esthetic emotional sentient perceptive sensitive feeling alive separate divide disunite disconnect part separation section severance cut division sequel upshot outcome epilogue sequence coming after following extension sequential chronological serial succeeding serene calm placid tranquil clear serenity composure equanimity patience peace serial sequential continuous ordered ranked series sequence set succession chain serious grave momentous solemn earnest serum blood fluid antitoxin plasma servant servitor menial help subject serve avail officiate succor warp service aid help duty servitude session sitting meeting period term set place put station arrange fix setting location sit locale scene settle agree upon resolve conclude sever cut off cleave separate sunder several individual distinct particular severe acute austere drastic harsh severity rigor tyranny asperity hardness sew mend stitch seam sewer drain culvert conduit shabby dilapidated sorry pitiful rundown shack hut shanty shed abode shackle fetter hobble manacle bond shade shadow umbrage gloom darkness shadow umbra silhouette shade follower shaft arrow spear beam ray bar shake vibrate agitate shiver rattle sham counterfeit imitation fake pretense shame humiliation disgrace dishonor abash shank leg shin shaft stem shanty cabin hut shack hovel cottage shape form figure contour pattern shard potsherd fragment piece splinter share portion part allotment sharp acute point spiked spiny rough sharpen grind whet hone focus intensify shatter splinter shiver smash destroy shave pare plane crop skim graze trim shawl cape wrap stole tuckler sheaf cluster bale bundle bind shear clip cut snip trim prune fleece shed drop cast off shelter shack sheen light gleam luster shine glow sheer utter absolute mere simple vertical sheet iceberg leaf covering bed linen shelf ledge mantle reef shell bomb pepper attack shrapnel shelter refuge retreat sanctuary cover shield screen protection arms armor shift change substitute veer vary shifty slippery evasive unreliable tricky shine glow gleam polish wax burnish shining bright radiant gleaming luminous ship vessel craft cargo send transport shirk evade slack neglect shun shiver quiver shake vibrate chill shock shake jar jolt startle surprise shoddy inferior shabby common ignoble shoot rush dart sprout fire discharge shop works workshop store shore coast beach coastline seaside short abrupt brief concise curt small shortage deficiency shortcoming shortcoming deficit fault shortage lapse shorten abbreviate clip condense truncate shot propelled struck pellet bullet shout scream call bellow yell shove push urge thrust force crowd shovel dig spade take up move show exhibit display explain teach shower rain sprinkle drizzle fall showing performance display exhibition showy dressy gaudy flashy glaring ornate shred strip tatter remnant bit speck shrewd clever keen cunning wily sharp shriek scream screech shrill squeal shrink contract shrivel diminish flinch shrivel shrink compress wither condense shrub bush tree scrub hedge plant shudder tremble quake quiver vibrate shun avoid elude evade ignore shut close cease terminate stop shy bashful reserved timid cautious sick ill ailing diseased nauseated sickly pale unhealthy unsound ailing sickness disease illness malady ailment side direction sector quarter flank siege investment besiegement blockade sift separate bolt sort segregate sigh moan long yearn grieve sight appearance spectacle view vision sign omen portent indication token signal sign warning vestige beckon signature autograph hand mark endorsement significance important consequential expressive signify show declare pretend mean indicate silence quiet peace hush mute muzzle silent still tacit hushed calm quiet silky satiny sleek smooth silly witless foolish stupid senseless similar like realistic such comparable similarity likeness resemblance affinity simile comparison figurative simmer boil cook bubble simple clear easy innocent pure artless simulate imitate resemble mimic feign sin offense fault error transgress since ago later subsequently afterwards sincere cordial frank intent true real sinewy strong wiry powerful forceful sinful vicious wicked erring immoral sing troll praise vocalize hum whistle singe scorch sear burn single one solitary sole alone sink settle go downhill lower debase sip drink taste siphon suck siren warning signal alarm sissy weakling chicken scaredy-cat sit perch pose be situated site location scene seat situation situate place locate set station put size magnitude bulk mass volume sketch draw outline draft chart map skid curb brake sideslip slide spin skill dexterity proficiency competence skilled conversant technical proficient able skillful able expert gifted proficient skim glide graze skip scan skin bark fur hide pelt rind skinny thin lean slim slender skip leap hop frolic omit pass over skirt kilt coattail farthingale skit parody sketch play satire sky heavens air firmament slab slice wedge section piece cut slack careless lax loose limp dull slow slacken relax taper loosen retard reduce slake quench satisfy appease allay abate slam shut close swat pound batter slander malign smear villify defame defile slant slope inclination tilt leaning slap hit smack swat cuff insult slash hack cut gash cleave sever sunder slate list ballot ticket slab roof slaughter butchering massacre carnage murder slave victim bondsman bond servant toil slavery bondage forced labor toil submission slay kill slaughter murder assassinate sleazy flimsy tacky shoddy cheap poor sleek slick oily smooth glossy skillful sleep slumber somnolence nap doze rest sleeve covering envelope coupling union slender slim thin skinny meager weak slice cut slash carve shave skive slick glossy shiny slippery greasy slide glide skid slip slight slender slim frail trivial scant slim slender thin slight frail weak sling propel fling catapult shoot slink lurk sneak prowl cower slip glide slide misstep err blunder slippery elusive shifty slick smooth slit cut gash slash slice sliver splinter slice chip fragment slop spillage muck slush refuse slope slant tilt grade ramp ascent sloth laziness idleness slowness slouch droop slump sag loll bend slow inactive leisureliness crawl lag slug hit swat belt smash sluggish inactive stagnant slow lazy slum skid row ghetto tenements slump fall settle sink slouch slur skim skip gloss over ignore slight sly cunning furtive wily crafty smack clap whack kiss savor small little tiny short wee dwarfish smart inteligent sharp keen clever smash shatter crush hit strike smear smudge slander defame smell scent stink inhale detect nose out smile grin simper smirk beam smirk grin leer grimace smug look smite cuff enamor afflict hit smoke reek fume smolder steam puff smooth glossy slick slippery glaze smother damp stifle suffocate choke brevity concision briefness shortness brew stew cook steep simmer ferment brick block adobe clay loaf bar bridge span trestle viaduct causeway bridle curb check harness bristle brief short succinct terse quick fleeting bright brilliant shining glistening brighten hearten perk improve clear up brilliant resplendant radiant luminous clever brim edge rim brink brine pickle salt water saline solution bring fetch carry convey conduct bring about incur induce accomplish achieve brink edge brim rim bluff verge brisk alert quick lively animated cool bristle hair stubble stand stick up brittle crisp frail fragil weak broach launch introduce beginning broad wide widespread extensive brochure pamphlet booklet leaflet tract smudge smear smut spot blemish smug sleek trim neat self-satisfied smut soot smudge blemish dirt snack repast refreshment collation snag catch detent difficulty hindrance snap crackle pop crack break scold snare trap pitfall ambush deception snarl growl gnarl grumble snatch grab seize grasp clutch jerk sneak slink skulk crawl steal sneer smile jeer taunt scoff deride snicker laugh ridicule giggle snide spiteful sarcastic cynical invidious snip cut slice shear scissor prune trim snitch swipe filch inform snob upstart fawner toady snoop pry investigate probe meddle snore wheeze bale zzz snort grunt snortle guffaw laugh snow flurry blizzard avalanche snug cozy comfortable compact neat snuggle cuddle nestle curl up hug soak wet drench permeate absorb soap cleanser detergent shampoo soar fly mount rise sail tower sob weep cry sigh moan lament sober grave quiet sedate staid serious social gregarious friendly communal society humanity mankind folk culture sod turf clod divot soft mellow whisper faintness tender low soften melt thaw relent dissolve diminish soil loam earth sod dirt sojourn reside visit stay vacation solace comfort consolation relief sole only one single unique exclusive solemn awesome impressive serious dignified solicit lobby urge ask request query solid concrete cube firm stable body solitary alone lone lonely single sole soluble fluid solvent dissolvable solve explain interpret answer resolve solvent responsible reliable soluble somber gloomy dark overcast dull sad some several one any a number of somebody one someone person individual something thing object anything matter part son male child boy descendant inheritor song lyric ballad poem music soon presently promptly quickly soothe calm quiet assuage mitigate sophomoric immature callow inane foolish sore painful tender sensitive sorrow bale grief mourn sympathize woe sorry rueful regretful pitiful deplorable sort class kind variety group category soul psyche breath mind essence mortal sound tone acoustics honorable true soup stock broth bouillon sour acetic tart curdled spoiled source begin cause font fountain parent sovereign prince ruler superior autocrat sow sprinkle seed scatter plant space extent area expanse spread capacity spade shovel spud delve excavate span measure stretch over extent bridge spank slap paddle punish chastise spar stall play for time argue bicker spare save refrain abstain exempt spark flash inspiration sparkle glisten twinkle glitter sparse scattered thin few meager scanty spasm throe convulsion seizure fit spat quarrel dispute slap smack spatter splash sprinkle soil spawn deposit law produce breed speak talk converse orate utter say speaker orator chairperson spear lance pike shaft javelin speciality originality feature trait particular species variety class sort category specific special distinct limited exact specify name mention identify indicate specimen example sample part unit specious plausible ostensible apparent speck blemish speckle spot particle mote spectacle sight parade show exhibition scene spectator observer onlooker speculate ponder contemplate meditate theorize speech expression talk communication speed haste hasten hurry accelerate speedy fast rapid swift quick nimble spell charm trance respite time stretch spend expend consume employ exhaust spent used up exhausted fatigued worn-out sphere orb globe ball range field spice season flavor odor taste spike ear nail pike prong spine spill overturn upset slop let slip spin twirl whirl rotate gyrate spindle axis axle shaft stem spine backbone ridge thorn spike spiral coiled winding helical spire steeple point pinnacle peak spirit essence breath temper mood energy spiritual immaterial fleshless celestial spit impale pierce stab sprinkle hiss spite malice ill-will grudge malignity splash splatter dash spill dabble spleen resentment wrath anger malice spite splendid gorgeous magnificent glorious splint strip brace splinter splinter shard sliver shaving fragment split rend cleave divide separate splurge extravagance waste indulge oneself spoil damage ruin impair plunder pillage spoke ray rung stave rundel spoken oral vocal verbal sponge blotter dryer soak sop swab absorb sponsor patron backer surety advertiser spontaneous instinctive automatic involuntary spoof jest joke banter hoax spool spindle bobbin reel spoon ladle dip dunce blockhead sporadic occasional irregular sport recreation athletics fun merriment spot place locality blotch smear blemish spotless clean immaculate stainless spouse mate consort husband wife spout tube pipe nozzle spurt sprain wrench strain twist sprawl spread extend slump slouch lounge spray spume varrage sprinkler sprig spread scatter strew cover unfold diffuse spree frolic escapade fling revel sprig branch shoot spray spring leap bound start bounce rise sprinkle scatter spread sow spray wet sprint run dash speed rush bolt sprite elf fairy nymph goblin sprout germinate shoot bud burgeon spry lively alert athletic nimble agile spur spine incentive goad stimulus spurn flout scout reject repel scorn spurt gush squirt spray burst spy secret agent scout informer squabble quarrel bicker altercate squad band patrol unit crew team squander waste lavish dissipate square tetragon quadrilateral rectangle squash crush mash flatten suppress squeak creak cry just make it pull through squeal yell cry yelp shriek squeeze press compress express stuff cram squint glance peering peek squirm twist thrash about wriggle squirt spray jet spatter upstart runt squirt emit spurt eject spit stab pierce puncture perforate stick stability balance durability perseverance stable immobile sound solid deep-rooted stack pile heap mound bundle staff walking stick cane scepter stage platform scaffold arena theater stagger reel sway falter totter stain color dye discolor blotch smear stake post peg pile wager bet stale rancid tasteless flat stall evade stand still bog down delay stamina hardiness force vigor vitality stamp impression symbol seal trademark stampede panic rout bolt dash flight stance foothold station posture stand tolerate endure support persist stand out jut prominent emerge standard prototype normal conventional grade standing repute status position staple chief principal stable regular star sun celestial body leading role stare gaze gape gawk stand out start begin commence set out originate startle start alarm frighten shock surprise starve hunger famish fast pine deny stash put away hide conceal state condition category mood plight stately impressive majestic regal statement affirmation bill bulletin proposal static immobile motionless inert passive station place position office rank stationary quiescent sedentary fixed permanent statue sculpture effigy image status position standing state statute law ordinance enactment stave penetrate puncture pierce fend off stay check halt stop restrain detain steady firm secure stable constant steal rob thieve pilfer filch palm stealing burglar heist piracy embezzlement stealth stalking secrecy skulking steam vapor mist fog gas evaporation steel plate armor temper toughen steep sheer precipitous soak saturate steer guide pilot control manage direct stem stalk derivation lineage step gait pace stride tread sterile barren unfruitful aseptic sterilize disinfect pasteurize ascepticize stern rigorous austere forbidding stew simmer steam worry fret fume stick stab puncture prick put thrust sticky adhesive mucilaginous tenacious stiff rigid inflexible firm strong stifle smother suffocate extinguish still silent quiet calm peaceful stillness hush quite calm lull tranquility stimulant excitant stimulus spur tonic stimulate excite rouse animate stir spur stimulus impetus incentive spur stimulant sting smart tingle irritate pain stingy penurious miserly scanty meager stink reek smell stench offensive odor stint restrain restrict limit scrimp stipend compensation wage pay salary stipulate specify demand insist upon require stir move budge circulate agitate stitch seam suture knit crotchet stock merchandise goods livestock stockpile reserve store hoard surplus stoic impassive unfeeling self-controlled stolid inexcitable impassive dull lethargic stomach abdomen belly paunch stone gem jewel mineral pebble rock stooge dupe tool servant henchman sucker stool hassock seat footrest stoop bend bow crouch submit stop close obstruct halt impede delay store accumulate hoard lode provisions storm spate blizzard outburst assault story tale yarn report account stout chubby fat obese plump thick stow put away conceal stash store cram straight direct true linear fair reliable straighten adjust align order compose strain stretch make taut strive exert strait narrow difficulty straits strand thread string fiber rope stranded aground stuck embarrassed penniless strange unusual odd unfamiliar queer stranger newcomer foreigner alien outsider strangle choke stifle suffocate suppress strap band bond strip tape rope stratagem artifice device gambit maneuver strategy method plan maneuvering artifice stratum layer plane tier level stray wander straggle roam rove deviate streak band stripe smear vein trait stream river brook course flow current street avenue boulevard alley passage strength vigor energy might force power strengthen brace encourage fortify reinforce strenuous hard uphill vigorous ardent stress pressure strain emphasis stretch extend lengthen spread expand strew scatter disperse disseminate strict exact precise rigid accurate stride step pace progress improvement strife contention emulation rivalry strike hit smite beat impress cancel string twine thread cord series line strip divest pull off deprive undress stripe line band streak belt class strive endeavor strain struggle contend stroke blow impact throb seizure stroll ramble saunter promenade walk strong sinewy powerful robust hardy hearty stronghold castle garrison fortress structure building edifice arrangement struggle strive strain endeavor contend stubble remnants stumps beard bristles stubborn perverse sturdy unreasonable stud boss jewel support projection student learner pupil apprentice studious scholarly thoughtful bookish study meditation research examination stuff cram pack jam fill pad wad stumble falter lurch trip flounder stump remnant stub snag hobble stun deaden daze stupefy astound stunt dwarf retard check trick feat stupefy deaden dull numb stun astound stupid slow dull obtuse tedious stupor lethargy apathy coma daze sturdy hardy robust durable stubborn style form manner method fashion stylish dressy nifty chick in fashion suave bland courteous gracious smooth subdue tame overcome master conquer subdued meek mellow tame subject topic theme matter citizen control subjugate conquer vanquish master subdue submerge drown sink plunge dive immerse submission obedience resignation humility submit comply refer relent stoop suggest subordinate below junior assistant helper under subsequent succeeding sequent later ensuing subside sink fall ebb lower abate subsidiary branch incidental supplementary subsidize aid support promote finance back subsidy bounty provision bonus tribute subsist exist live continue survive substance matter frame object thing body substitute alternate backup exchange makeshift subtle sly artful crafty wily cunning subtract deduct take away remove subversion overthrow defeat mutiny rebellion succeed follow come after displace supplant succeeding posterior subsequent next after success prosperity triumph conquest winner succession series train continuation suite succinct terse concise brief meaty succor help aid assist serve comfort such like similar of the same kind suck draw extract absorb sudden abrupt unexpected hasty quick suds foam lather bubbles sue prosecute beg solicit request court suffer endure undergo experience sustain sufficiency adequacy enough complete plenty sufficient abundance ample enough plenty suffix affix addition ending suffocate smother stifle choke strangle suggest hint propose submit imply suggestion advice clue hint implication suit petition appeal train outfit suitable appropriate apt compatible suitor lover wooer admirer swain sulk sullen pout mope gripe sullen sulky ill-tempered grim crabbed sultry hot oppressive humid muggy close sum amount lot value worth summer zenith acme high point summer time summit top maximum climax high summon call for send for rouse invoke sumptuous lavish luxurious splendid sun light star sol iluminator sunder break separate sever divide sunny warm bright cheerful cheery superb magnificent impressive excellent superficial shallow cursory slight slender superior advantage summit sovereign supersede replace displace supplant succeed supervise officiate preside oversee control supplant supersede succeeed replace supple limber flexible yielding compliant supply provide furnish give contribute support aid help backbone upkeep groundwork supporter ally fan advocate adherent suppose assume suspect conjecture sumarize supposition assumption hypothesis conjecture suppress quell repress restrain quash supreme highest utmost prime chief dominant sure certain positive dependable safe surf sea waves billows spray surface outside exterior cover rise up surge rise swell seethe sweep rush surmise guess suspect conjecture theory surmount rise above master pass beyond surname family name cognomen patronymic surpass exceed excel outdo eclipse surpassing above very excelling dominant surplus excess glut profit oversupply surprise unforeseen unexpected amaze astound surrender cession relinquishment submission surround encompass enclose besiege embrace survey view examine inspect appraise survive outlive outlast escape continue suspect mistrust surmise infer suppose suspend defer postpone stave off recess suspense anxiety apprehension indecision suspicion mistrust doubt misgiving sustain support endure maintain prolong swab mop applicator cleanse wipe swallow ingest gulp devour consume absorb swamp marsh bog quagmire immerse inundate swap exchange barter interchange swarm group crowd multitude horde colony swat slap clip slug sway swing influence control prejudice swear affirm depose vow testify sweat perspire run exude secrete drip sweep brush clean vacuum push drive sweet confection candy lush charming sweetheart darling lover beloved dear swell expand dilate bulge protrude swelling lump puff tumor welt swerve turn aside deviate shift sheer swift quick rapid fast speedy swim paddle stroke float swindle defraud hoax cheat trick victimize swing oscillate sway pivot turn swipe steal pilfer filch strike hit swirl whirl eddy twist switch change modify transpose swoop carry off pounce descend dive sword blade saber cutlass symbol token emblem mark badge symmetry proportion balance uniformity sympathize feel for sorrow condole feel sorry sympathy understanding accord compassion symphony harmony concert orchestra symptom sign indication token warning syndicate pool combine monopoly syndrome indication characteristics synod council congregation conclave synopsis condensation abridgment digest synthesis combination composite construct make system coordination organization routine tab tag strip label bill cost table board slab desk counter tablet slab stone memorial slate taboo tabu prohibition forbiddance tabulate chart graph list catalog tacit unspoken unexpressed silent taciturnity reticence reserve silence secrecy tack thumbtack change of course veer yaw tacky shabby cheep sleazy poor taste tact diplomacy finesse discretion tactful discreet gracious suave civil tactics strategy maneuvering policy method tag flap label tab tally tail appendage end tip extremity tailor dressmaker seamstress design make taint corrupt spoil poison tarnish stain take capture pirate plagiarize catch take away expunge subtract deduct minus take in absorb embrace incorporate initiate taking reception receiving appropriation tale story account recital report talent ability faculty flair aptitude gift talented artistic clever gifted capable talk conversation chatter chat gossip tall high lofty towering long tally count score check record tag tame domestic broken subdued meek gentle tamper meddle interfere taint alter tang savor flavor taste zest tangle snarl jumble complication mix tantalize tease tempt excite provoke balk tantrum fit outburst rage frenzy tap knock rap touch faucet spigot tape band strip ribbon measure taper narrow slacken diminish spire tar asphalt pitch resin blacken tardy overdue late slow sluggish target aim mark goal object tarnish taint dishonor sully defame tart acid sour sarcastic sharp task work job labor lesson assignment taste delicacy flair flavor palatable tasteless bland stale unsavory dull tasty savory appetizing palatable tatter rag shred tear taunt ridicule scoff jeer twit provoke taut tight stretched tense strained tax assessment levy duty tariff rate taxi jitney cab hackney tea broth pekoe souchong teach instruct educate tutor coach teacher minister tutor schoolmaster team crew side group pair tear rip lacerate tatter shred split tease plague annoy vex harass taunt mock technical scientific professional skilled technology knowledge information craft science tedious wearisome wearing boring monotonous teem swarm abound multiply pullulate teenager youth adolescent teen telegram message wire cable telegraph telegram morse cable signal wire telephone call dial get through to television video tv telefilm tell recount relate narrate inform teller bank clerk cashier temper nature disposition mood tone temperance moderation tolerance restraint temperature climate heat warmth condition tempest storm gale hurricane blizzard temple place of worship tabernacle synagogue tempo time beat rate pace rhythm temporal worldly mundane civil unsacred tempt entice cajole fascinate lure decoy temptation attraction enticement allurement tenant occupant occupier resident tend mind watch care for guard tendency aptness aptitude tend conduce lean tender gentle kind affectionate money tenor drift purport import meaning tense taut rigid intent excited tension strain pressure tensity anxiety tentative experimental provisional conditional tenuous ethereal flimsy fragile slim thin tenure holding occupancy habitation term word period time duration limit terminate finish shut end eliminate annul termination end outcome finish close terrace level plateau plane porch terrible terrifying dreadful awesome fearful terrific sensational wonderful fabulous terrify terrorize frighten alarm appall territory region district kingdom state terror fear dread fright alarm terrorism oppression tyranny anarchy terrorize terrify threat coerce intimidate terse brief concise pointed succinct test examination trial essay testify attest swear indicate show testimonial certificate reference voucher testy irritable cross ornery text composition matter topic theme texture quality surface tissue grain thankful grateful appreciative much obliged thanks gratitude acknowledgment appreciate thaw melt dissolve liquefy soften theater arena stage playhouse concert hall theme subject topic text thesis melody then soon next immediately consequently theory opinion principle postulate idea thesaurus treasury repository dictionary thesis proposition topic argument statement thick broad wide massive stout fat dense thicket bush clump grove wood shrubbery thieve poach steal loot rob filch thin slender lean narrow weak delicate thing affair matter deed act entity thirst dryness craving desire veil net mesh curtain screen vein blood vessel stripe deposit lode velocity speed swiftness acceleration rush velvet silk plush velour vend sell purvey issue publish venerable aged hoary respected revered venom bane poison virus toxin vent utter express let out expel emit venture dare risk speculate undertake verbal spoken oral unwritten literal verbatim literal unchanged word for word verdict judgment ruling finding decision verge edge brink rim margin eve verify confirm prove make certain establish veritable actual real authentic genuine vermin bug insect louse verse poetry stanza measure passage version rendition account translation vertex top apex head crown vertical plumb upright perpendicular erect vertigo dizziness giddiness vertiginous verve gusto vivacity dash fervor vigor very exceedingly decidedly surpassing vessel boat ship bowl jar pitcher vial vest endow furnish clothe authorize vestige trace remainder evidence relic veteran old man elder old-timer veto nullification no disapproval vex tease plague harass torment via through along on by way of viable fertile capable potential practical viaduct bridge underpass way aquaduct vial flask vessel test tube vibrant pulsing athrob resonant robust vibrate palpitate shake shudder throb vibration shaking thrill quiver throb vicarious secondhand indirect once removed vice viciousness wickedness sin crime vicinity neighborhood locality proximity vicious sinful wicked immoral wrong victim prey sufferer dupe gull sacrifice victimize cheat dupe swindle hoax fool gull victor champion winner conqueror victory conquest triumph success mastery vie rival emulate contend strive view sight panorama vista scene vigil watch surveillance wake vigilant alert wary watchful unsleeping vignette decoration ornament picture sketch vigor force might vim power strength vigorous dynamic fresh hardy robust vile base debased low mean repulsive villain blackguard rascal rogue badman vim zest energy vigor vindication justification reply defense vindictive vengeful spiteful bitter resentful vine climber runner stem shoot ivy vintage crop produce harvest period time violence vehemence intensity riot rumpus violent furious intense strong forceful violin fiddle string amati stradivarius virgin maiden celibate chaste pure new virtual practical implied implicit virtue goodness morality integrity virtuosity skill mastery proficiency technique virtuous chaste moral worthy good upright virus venom poison contagious visa endorsement validation stamp visage face semblance look aspect vise clamp gripper clinch visibility appearance exposure to view evidence visible apparent outward perceptible vision sight optics look glance view visionary idealistic utopian imaginary visit call interview appointment sojourn visor mask shield eyeshade brim vista view prospect scene landscape visualize picture envision imagine project vital essential indispensable necessary vitality life vigor energy vivacious lively animated gay spirited vivid striking telling picturesque vixen evildoer shrew scold female fox vocabulary words glossary dictionary language vocal articulate spoken verbal oral vocation profession work trade occupation vociferous loud noisy clamorous blatant vogue mode style fashion custom practice voice intonation utterance vociferation void empty vacuous blank unoccupied volatible changeable transient lively airy volley attack round burst salvo volume book contents capacity bulk mass voluntary willing willed unforced intentional volunteer enlister offerer donate offer vomit eject spew throw up disgorge voracious insatiable ravenous greedy gross voracity gluttony edacity rapacity greed vortex eddy whirlpool storm center vote poll ballot choice option election vouch guarantee warrant affirm declare vow swear take oath vouch affirm voyage cruise crossing excursion vulgar offensive bad taste ribaldry vulnerable open weak defenseless susceptible vulture predator scavenger condor wacky erratic odd demented wad lump filling plug stuffing waddle toddle shamble lurch waggle sway wade walk through traverse ford wag wave shake sway nod wage undertake carry on conduct make wager bet stake gamble hazard risk wages pay payment hire compensation wail lament cry moan bewail howl wait stay linger remain dally delay waive relinquish renounce give up forgo wake path trail vigil watch arouse stir walk ramble stroll promenade wander wall side partition bulkhead flange wallop thrash beat strike punch hit wallow tumble grovel roll toss revel wand rod mace scepter staff stick wander rove ramble stroll swerve deviate wanderer nomad vagabond adventurer voyager wandering errant odyssey roving drifting wane decrease lessen ebb diminish fade want need poverty deficiency absence wanton lewd loose immoral wild perverse ward watch guard defend protect fend wares goods products provisions warm hot tepid muggy fervid fervent warmth glow heat passion feeling emotion warning caution notice alarm admonition warp twist bend serve distort bias warrant certificate guarantee secure vouch wart growth blemish callous protuberance wary guarded watchful alert cautious wash clean deterge bathe wet soak waste dispersion ebb leakage loss expend watch look at scrutinize examine stare watchful alert vigilant observant watchtower beacon lighthouse lookout water moisture wetness lotion immersion waterproof leakproof impermeable hermetic watershed runoff reservoir catchment basin wave wag shake sway flutter motion waver vacillate fluctuate hesitate sway wax grease coat smooth polish way passage road method manner mode waylay accost detain attack surprise wayward perverse willful forward delinquent weak feeble infirm fragile delicate weaken attenuate faint impair undermine weakling sissy wimp puny coward crybaby wealth riches fortune affluence prosperity wean separate deprive alienate grow up weapon armament defense weaponry wear last endure use show display weariness tiredness exhaustion lethargy weary fatigue languid pall tire worn weave interlace twine loom spin fabricate web weaving texture mesh net scheme wedge shim block chock sprag quoin wee tiny little minute small weed root out remove eliminate pest weep cry lament wail sob blubber mourn weigh measure balance ponder consider weight burden pressure influence power weighty ponderous heavy burdensome wonder marvel bewilder astonish admiration wonderful miraculous marvelous amazing wont custom use habit routine woo court make love to seek pursue wood forest grove timber copse thicket wool fleece down knitted fluffy word expression utterance saying work job occupation calling trade worker laborer artisan operator yeoman working agency operative toiling laboring workout trial practice rehearsal works factory plant mill shop workshop seminar clinic office store shop world creation nature earth cosmos worldly terrestrial secular materialistic worm larva grub insect crawler worn used frayed shabby weary worry care anxiety fear apprehension worship adoration devotion homage service worst defeat conquer bad terrible worth merit value price cost estimation worthless useless vile miserable valueless worthy deserving virtuous good upright wound injury hurt cripple stab cut wrangle quarrel bicker squabble dispute wrap robe shawl cloak coat cover wrath anger ire fury rage wreath garland lei festoon wreck destruction ruin collision accident wrench twist wring yank pull extort wrest twist tear away snatch grab wretch sufferer beggar outcast rogue wretched beggarly worthless miserable wriggle wiggle shake squirm writhe shimmy wring wrench twist rack pain squeeze wrinkle crease crinkle fold pleat pucker writ process summons warrant write compile inscribe transcribe record writhe wriggle squirm twist contort writing handwriting rune calligraphy paper wrong injustice oppression corruption wry crooked twisted askew distorted x-ray roentgen ray radiation radiograph xanthic yellowish fulvous tawny xylod woody ligneous xylophone marimba vibraphone gigelire yacht sailboat pleasure boat sloop cruiser yammer complain wail shine whimper yearn yard enclosure court patio yarn tread fib tall story yaw drift deviate tack jibe yawn gape open wide split part year calendar year twelve months yearbook annual almanac journal diary yearn pine long hanker grieve mourn yearning wish yen want longing craving yeast leaven ferment froth foam yell shout cry scream shriek yellow fair blond cowardly jealous dense close thick compact solid density solidity consistency impermeability deny contradict negate refuse doubt depart go remove retire quit leave departure leaving parting outset start depend rely trust dangle hang rest dependable infallible reliable responsible sure depict delineate picture portray deplorable lamentable sad regrettable deport send away banish exile expel depose attest oust swear unseat deposit precipitate sediment pledge deprecate protest regret disfavor depress discourage lower reduce dispirit depression lowering debase reduce downcast deprive dispossess divest denude depth deepness concavity shaft well pit deputy agent representative delegate derange craze misplace confuse disorder derangement disorder insanity jumble confusion