==================== RESTART: C:\Users\n57g588\Desktop\A9.py =================== Welcome to the CSCI 107 word challenge! Try to guess the secret word with 6 or fewer errors. Good luck! ---------------------------------------------------- The word you are trying to guess has 7 letters. An * means that you haven't yet guessed that letter. Here is what is known: ******* Enter a letter: r Good job - that letter was not previously known! Here is what is known: r****** Enter a letter: a Good job - that letter was not previously known! Here is what is known: ra**a*a Enter a letter: t Good job - that letter was not previously known! Congratulations! You figured out the answer: rattata ==================== RESTART: C:\Users\n57g588\Desktop\A9.py =================== Welcome to the CSCI 107 word challenge! Try to guess the secret word with 6 or fewer errors. Good luck! ---------------------------------------------------- The word you are trying to guess has 7 letters. An * means that you haven't yet guessed that letter. Here is what is known: ******* Enter a letter: R Good job - that letter was not previously known! Here is what is known: r****** Enter a letter: r Sorry - that does not give you any new information. You have 5 errors left. Here is what is known: r****** Enter a letter: a Good job - that letter was not previously known! Here is what is known: ra**a*a Enter a letter: A Sorry - that does not give you any new information. You have 4 errors left. Here is what is known: ra**a*a Enter a letter: T Good job - that letter was not previously known! Congratulations! You figured out the answer: rattata ==================== RESTART: C:\Users\n57g588\Desktop\A9.py =================== Welcome to the CSCI 107 word challenge! Try to guess the secret word with 6 or fewer errors. Good luck! ---------------------------------------------------- The word you are trying to guess has 7 letters. An * means that you haven't yet guessed that letter. Here is what is known: ******* Enter a letter: z Sorry - that does not give you any new information. You have 5 errors left. Here is what is known: ******* Enter a letter: A Good job - that letter was not previously known! Here is what is known: *a**a*a Enter a letter: y Sorry - that does not give you any new information. You have 4 errors left. Here is what is known: *a**a*a Enter a letter: b Sorry - that does not give you any new information. You have 3 errors left. Here is what is known: *a**a*a Enter a letter: x Sorry - that does not give you any new information. You have 2 errors left. Here is what is known: *a**a*a Enter a letter: C Sorry - that does not give you any new information. You have 1 errors left. Here is what is known: *a**a*a Enter a letter: w Sorry - that does not give you any new information. You have 0 errors left. Sorry, you lost! The answer was rattata