Demonstration Schedule

Location: Ritterstraße 12, Zimmer 5-10 (Uni Gästehaus)

18.0614.00Sebastian Borchardt, Rob Parker
 15.30Austen Cameron, Peter Menzel
 16.15Tyson Joehler, Michael Prilop
19.0614.00 Lars-Peter Meyer, Ulrike Weber
 14.45 Mao Nie, Ziyu Du
 15.30 Chris Colson, Rolland Brunec
 16.15 Colette Hagert, Martin Weise
 17.00 Sandeep Reddy, Xiang Gao
 09.45 Anita Janassary, Chris Petrick
 10.30 Christin Baumberg, Stefan Bayer
 11.15 Kay Girmann, Michael Petrifke
 14.00 Orion Bukantis, Jenny Seeg
 14.45 Eduard Metzler, Sergei Vintgolc
 15.30 Sebastian Sander, Bernd Marks
 16.15 Rula Amar, Eduard Daoud

Simple Ticket Sales Site

General Requirements

Specific Requirements

Assume that an organization has contacted you to put together a ticket sales site for the month of July 2008. The organization is a small one and has only 10 seats in its event center. The organization wishes to hold events on Tuesdays at 7 p.m., Wednesdays at 7 p.m., Thursdays at 7 p.m., Fridays at 7 p.m., Saturdays at 2 p.m., Saturdays at 7 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m.

Of the 10 seats, 5 seats are standard and cost 10 euros each while the other 5 seats are premium and cost 20 euros each.

The site should be able to accommodate three types of users: browsers, registered users and the event coordinator. The events database and the account for the event coordinator can be set up however you like.


Registered Users

Event Coordinator (1 person)


Everyone must give a 30 minute demonstration of their system. A sign-up sheet for the demonstration will be brought to class on Friday, June 6th. Both programming partners should be present for the demonstration. The demonstration should be done on your computer so that you can ensure that the environment is set up correctly.

Material to Submit at your Demonstration

Produce a word-processed document that contains the following sections:


In order to receive a B+ (MSU students) or a 1.7 (Leipzig students), the following must be true:

In order to receive a higher grade, you must go above and beyond the requirements in a non-trivial manner (for example, allowing the event coordinator to add events, allowing events to occur outside of July 2008, providing a seating chart, incorporating fancy graphics, etc.). How you decide to do this is up to you. Have fun!

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Last modified: June 17, 2008.