Chapter 11: CGI/Perl Part I

pages 1 - 22

Webpages Can Be

Dynamic Technologies


A Script on Esus

Running the Script from the Command Line

Sending Data to a CGI Script

Parsing Data in a CGI Script

Sending Multiple Data

Monday Exercise

Submit the answers to the above questions via memory stick before lab ends.

Tuesday Exercise

I will give you the URL of an e-commerce site. Answer the following questions during lab today regarding this site. At the end of the lab, place your answers on the memory stick. 10 points.

  1. What type of markup language does the homepage use?
  2. Does the homepage validate? If not, mention the most common type of error.
  3. List the web programming technologies that the homepage uses.
  4. There is some glaring redundancy in the code that produces the homepage. Describe how this redundancy can be fixed.
  5. List the various form elements and their type that appear on the homepage.
  6. Explain at a high level where the moving image comes from.
  7. Describe in detail one interesting thing that you learned by studying the page.
  8. Where does the current weather information come from?
  9. Besides things alluded to in previous questions, describe one other way in which the page can be improved.
  10. What company designed the page? Describe one interesting thing about this company.