Lab 14: Course Evaluation



Congratulations! You have almost completed the CSCI 127, The Joy and Beauty of Data. To help us improve the course in the future, please take the time to respond to the CampusLabs CSCI 127 course evaluation that you received via e-mail. Thank you.

The Survey and Grading

Your only graded task today is to complete the course feedback survey. As a reminder, the instructor for this class is John Paxton and the undergraduate course assistants are Peter Gifford (8:00 a.m. lab), Madison Fichtner (10:00 a.m. lab), Eric Kempf (12:15 p.m. lab), Jessica Jorgenson (2:15 p.m. lab), Reese Pearsall (4:15 p.m. lab) and Cesar Cruz (6:15 p.m. lab).


If Time Remains