Thank you to all the members of the RoboCats who sacrifice their time and energy to contribute to this club! Each one of you helps create something special for this team to enjoy. Being a small team means that every team member has to wear multiple hats to keep this club running. Below are the members of this club who contributed to the club in any way over the past year.

Peter Buckley
Electrical Lead
David Jensen
Social Media Manager
Nathan O.
Electrical Team memberMECHANICAL TEAM

Mikael Savage
Mechanical Team Lead
Ethan Bandy
Anjali Gunning
Vice President
Carson Philips
Mechanical Team MemberSOFTWARE TEAM

Brendan Harrington
Software Lead
David Jensen
Competition Software Lead
Teddy Vander Wall
SecretaryJake Laughrey
Software Team MemberBUSINESS TEAM

Anjali Gunning
Business Lead
Teddy Vander Wall
Business Team Member