coffee beans
coffee with cream being added

Every year, we travel the globe to find the finest coffee available. We'll try hundreds of samples from any one country. Then, we select the most spectacular coffees to bring home to you. Our company's size is perfect for sourcing the best of each country's crop. We're able to bring in special coffees that might otherwise be out of the small roaster's reach or too limited in supply for the large roaster.

Each of our Levels is a finely tuned recipe, blended from beans carefully chosen for their nuances and flavor characteristics. To balance Level 3's pleasantly crisp acidity with its full-bodied physique, for example, we source the best beans that embody these traits, then blend them together prior to roasting. Crafting the blends at this green stage allows us to later achieve a roast that's consistent.

Coffee's all about blend names and regions. What do they mean? What do they taste like? That's why we're pretty proud of our new Levels—it's kind of a game changer. We developed a simple system of five distinct Levels, with flavor and boldness profiles that span the entire range of coffee enjoyment.

Level 1: Mild, light, crisp

Level 2: Bright lively, easy drinking

Level 3: Balanced, smooth, full-flavored

Level 4: Rich, elegant, complex

Level 5: Bold, dark, intense

Simple, right? Finding your perfect coffee should be a joy, not a test.

coffee beans