Read Me First

Read Me First

Hello, and welcome to the prerelease site of Biofilms: The hypertextbook, Version 2.  Whether you have arrived here by chance or invitation, there are a few things you should be aware of as you peruse this version of the hypertextbook.

Peruse the Help Pages

If this is your first look at the hypertextbook, you should review all of the help sections in the "help" dropdown menu above to learn how to use the hypertextbook and to get the most benefit from it.    Our suggestion is that you read this page first and then review the other pages.

Work in Progress

First, we need to let everyone know where we are in this work in progress.  Version 1 of Biofilms: The hypertextbook was a proof of concept version.  It is still quite usable and can be found at

At this point we are porting all of the content from that site to this one.  We are working now in chapter 2.  We have to finish that chapter before a public release is made.


You should expect some anomalies as you work your way through this version, because their are some.  You will see some stylistic things that need to be fixed, a few links that don't work, missing pictures, misspellings, and so forth.  The stylistic changes are easy, coming through straightforward stylesheet changes.  Missing items are the result of the ongoing process of porting content from the prototype to this version.  As you check back, you should experience regular progress in all of these areas.

What's New and Different

A number of technical changes have been incorporated in the new version of the hypertextbook.  These include:


We hope you enjoy the new version of the hypertextbook and encourage your use of it as it evolves. Please feel free to pass along comments to either or both of the editors:

Technical Oversight:

Content Oversight: