Binary Tree Animations


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Amir Michail

Amir Michail is a graduate student in the Computer Science Department at the University of Washington. This site, formed for a qualifying exam, teaches binary search tree algorithms through programming, proof, and animation. The user is able to implement a binary search tree algorithm in a visual manner. Opsis, a Java applet, is not an animation program. Opsis combines elements of programming, proof, and animation to aid in the learning experience.


Anders Ramsay

A simple Binary Tree animation. Includes functions such as insert, search, and delete. Contains a single animation of a binary tree being built. This animation is able to pause and reverse as well as asking periodic pop quizzes for the user to answer.


Susan Rodgers & JAWAA @ Duke University

Susan Rodgers is an Associate Professor of the Practice and Director of CSIP in the Computer Science Department at Duke University. Her research centers on visual and interactive tools used with theoretical computer science concepts. You can obtain the following tools from her page: JFLAP 3.0, FLAP, JAWAA, jeLLRap, LLparse & LRparse. As well as creating your own Xtango or Samba animations.



The Department of Computer Science located at the University of Helsinki has created a project which applies methods of algorithm animation to problem solving. Eliot runs on Linux workstations and Jeliot runs on the world wide web. Jeliot allows users to visualize objects from source code, and Jeliot automatically produces the animation. Some knowledge of Java is useful if you want to write your own algorithms to be animated, but basic C programming skills should also be proficient. How to prepare animations of simple algorithms using Microsoft Excel is being studied. In addition to animation, they are currently working on making tools for creating and managing concept maps in education and problem solving. Keep checking back for their newest updates.


University of Maryland - Baltimore County

Christopher Morris from the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Maryland in Baltimore County has compiled a list of numerous links dealing with algorithms. While this page is under construction, he currently has links to Algorithm Animations, Visualizations, etc.
Last Modified: July 18, 1999