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Animating Context Free Grammars

a component of

Animating the Theory of Computing

a major thrust of the

Webworks Laboratory


Context Free Grammar Animation

There are many sub projects in the thrust to animate the theory of computing.   One is the animation of various aspects of context free grammars:  grammar construction, parse tree construction, LL(1) and LR(1) parsing, grammar modification (e.g., to remove left recursion), and so forth.  Some of these projects are awarded to shorter-term members of the Webworks team.

The Craftswoman

Jessica Lambert has begun the process of animating context free grammars for her Master's degree.   The animator has already been used in sophomore-level courses, the junior theory course, and the senior compiler course.


The grammar animator has features for

providing instructions through an instructions link at the top of the animator.
animating parse tree construction for arbitrary context free grammars supplied by an instructor or by the user.
directing parsing in a leftmost, rightmost, or arbitrary fashion.
undoing and redoing rule applications.
pleasant, dynamic parse tree display.

Try the CFG Animator

Click here to try the context free grammar animator!  Be PATIENT as the applet loads.  Then try your parsing skills!