Provost's Distinguished Lecture

Dr. Clemente Izurieta delivered the Provost's Distinguished Lecture on Tuesday, September 12th.  The title of the talk is "Emerging Frontiers of Battle".  More information. [September 2023]

Best Paper Award

Congratulations to Dr. Ann Marie Reinhold, who received a Best Woman Paper Award for "A New Version, New Answer: Investigating Cybersecurity Static-Analysis Tool Findings" at the IEEE Cyber Security & Resilience 2023 Conference.  Co-authors are Travis Weber (2022 REU student), Colleen Lemak (2022 REU student), Dr. Derek Reimanis and Dr. Clemente Izurieta.  [August 2023]

Prostate Cancer Project

Dr. Brittany Fasy and Dr. John Sheppard are featured in this MSU news article that discusses how Topological Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence are used to help doctors better diagnose and treat prostate cancer.  [June 2023]

Bioinformatics Grant

Dr. Brendan Mumey and Dr. Lucy Williams were awarded a three-year $551K NSF grant entitled “Scaling Flow Decomposition to Multi‐Sample Multiassembly and Comparison”. The main goals of the project are to develop better ways to assemble and quantify DNA and RNA sequences with guarantees on computational efficiency and solution quality.  Congratulations! [June 2023]

International Graduate Excellence in Research Award

Congratulations to PhD student Giorgio Morales who received the Chunzi "Chris" Zhang Award for International Graduate Excellence in Research at MSU’s 100th Day of Student Recognition on May 5. The award recognizes an international graduate student whose research at MSU has furthered knowledge in their field and shown outstanding commitment to the pursuit of knowledge. Giorgio was nominated by Dr. John Sheppard based on his research developing new machine learning methods for crop quality prediction in precision agriculture. [May 2023]

2023 Gianforte School of Computing Student Awards

  • Outstanding Ph.D. Researcher: Amy Peerlinck
  • Outstanding Ph.D. Researcher, Honorable Mention: Apostolos Kalatzis
  • Outstanding M.S. Researcher: Jordan Dood
  • Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher: Emry Krems
  • Outstanding Teaching Assistant: Chris Corona
  • Outstanding Undergraduate Course Assistant: Ben Heinze
  • Student Selected Professor of the Year: Carson Gross

Biomedical Research Grant

Congratulation to Dr. Laura Stanley, who is a project co-leader on a $429K Murdoch Trust grant to expand biomedical research capabilities at MSU.  Dr. Stanley will spearhead efforts that capitalize on the potential for computer science to facilitate remote health applications, new digital health technologies and other health care improvements.  MSU News Item.  [April 2023]

REU Grant

Congratulations to professors Sean Yaw, Brendan Mumey and Binhai Zhu, who were awarded a three year $324K National Science Foundation REU site entitled Algorithms and Optimization for Sustainability and Biology. The 10 week summer program will expose undergraduate students to collaborative algorithm development and problem solving with specific topics in computational biology, geometry and optimization for applications of carbon capture technology.  More information. [March 2023]

Phi Kappa Phi Anna K. Fridley Award for Distinguished Teaching

Congratulations to Dr. Mary Ann Cummings, who received the 2023 Phi Kappa Phi Anna K. Fridley Award for Distinguished Teaching!  MSU News Article.  [January 2023].

Cybersecurity's Front Line

Featured in the Fall Issue of MSU's Mountains & Minds. [November 2022]

DHS Contract

Congratulations to Dr. Clem Izurieta, Dr. Derek Reimanis, Dr. Ann Marie Reinhold, and Dr. Bradley Whitaker (ECE) on successfully securing a 3-year Department of Homeland Security (DHS) award totaling $4.469M.  The team will work collaboratively with Washington State University, Idaho State University, and Rochester Institute of Technology to improve the quality of software systems using a novel hierarchical approach to Software Quality Assurance. MSU News Article.  [September 2022]

Best Paper Award

Congratulations to Jordan Schupbach (PhD student in statistics), Kyle Webster (recent MS graduate in CS), Elliott Pryor (recent BS graduate in CS), and Dr. John W. Sheppard for receiving the Oscar W. Sepp Best Paper Award at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2022, recently held in National Harbor, MD. The title of their paper is “Combining Dynamic Bayesian Networks and Continuous Time Bayesian Networks for Diagnostic and Prognostic Modeling." [September 2022]

New Faculty

A big welcome to new faculty members Neda Nazemi (Assistant Research/Teaching Professor), Reese Pearsall (Instructor), Ann Marie Reinhold (Assistant Professor) and Lucy Williams (Assistant Research/Teaching Professor). [August 2022]

Precision Agriculture Project

Bruce Maxwell, a professor in the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, collaborates with John Sheppard, professor in the Gianforte School of Computing, and their graduate students to study the use of precision agriculture for field management.  Mountains and Minds article. [June 2022]

RAF Software Factory Project

Computer Science students Greg Fulbright, Lenin Lewis and Josh Anderson worked with the Recreational Aviation Foundation (RAF) to improve the functionality of the RAF's Airfield Guide as a project through MSU's Software Factory.  More information.  [June 2022]

2022 Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering Awards

Congratulations to Dr. Brittany Fasy, who received the Excellence in Research Award! [May 2022]

2022 Gianforte School of Computing Student Awards

  • Outstanding Ph.D. Researcher: Peng Zou
  • Outstanding M.S. Researcher: Kyle Webster
  • Outstanding Teaching Assistant: Dalton Gomez
  • Outstanding Undergraduate Course Assistant: Patrick O'Connor
  • Student Selected Professor of the Year: Carson Gross

John Ruffato Business StartUp Challenge Winners

Congratulations to computer science majors Marcus Twichel (2022) and Bruce Clark (2021) who won the John Ruffato Business StartUp Challenge through their effective pitch of Morel Technology.  Morel Technology lets restaurants make mobile ordering apps to better compete against large companies in a rapidly changing industry.  MSU News Item. [April 2022]

Computational Biology Publications

Ph.D. student Lucia Williams, advised by Dr. Brendan Mumey, is a co-author on two papers accepted to the 26th International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2022), the most prestigious computational biology conference (acceptance rate under 20%).  The papers are “Fast, Flexible, and Exact Minimum Flow Decompositions via ILP” and “Safe and Complete Flow Decompositions for RNA Assembly”.  Congratulations! [February 2022]

Awards for Excellence

Two computer science seniors will be recognized as one of 40 outstanding seniors at the the MSU Alumni Association / Bozeman Chamber of Commerce Awards for Excellence on February 22nd.  Recipients excel academically, demonstrate leadership and engage in service.  Congratulations to Connie Bernard (inspirational mentor: Mary Ann Cummings) and Elliott Pryor (inspirational mentor: Sheppard).  MSU News Article. [January 2022]

NSF SBIR Phase II Grant

Dr. David MillmanDr. Mike Wittie, and GSoC M.S. graduate Taylor Heinecke received a two-year, $1M SBIR Phase II grant from the National Science Foundation for their startup BLOCKY, Inc. It is one of only 32 NSF SBIR Phase II grants ever awarded to a Montana company and only the 4th of this size. The grant will support work on decentralized feature stores to facilitate web3 applications for data trading and analytics. [January 2022]

Provost's Award for Graduate Research Mentoring

Congratulations to Dr. John Sheppard, who received the 2022 Provost's Award for Graduate Research Mentoring!  More information.  [January 2022].

2021 News